Размоўнік In the first stages of learning a new language, phrasebooks are an excellent tool that can help you quickly master basic conversation skills.

Партугальская (BR) для пачаткоўцаў

Беларуская » Партугальская (BR) - Моўны Аўдыёкурс

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На першых этапах вывучэння новай мовы размоўнік з’яўляецца выдатным інструментам, які можа дапамагчы вам хутка авалодаць базавымі навыкамі размовы. Націсніце на тэму ніжэй, каб пачаць вывучаць значныя фразы, якія вы можаце выкарыстоўваць адразу!

Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken
Places, Where Portuguese BR is spoken

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