መጽሓፍ ሓረጋት።

ti ገለ ምኽንያት ምሃብ 2   »   em Giving reasons 2

76 [ሰብዓንሽዱሽተን]

ገለ ምኽንያት ምሃብ 2

ገለ ምኽንያት ምሃብ 2

76 [seventy-six]

Giving reasons 2

ነቲ ትርጉም ብኸመይ ክትሪኦ ከም እትደሊ ምረጽ፤   
ትግሪኛ ትግርኛ (US) ተፃወት ቡዙሕ
ስለምንታይ ኢኻ ዘይመጻእካ? Why--i-n-t y----om-? W__ d_____ y__ c____ W-y d-d-’- y-u c-m-? -------------------- Why didn’t you come? 0
ሓሚመ ኔረ። I --s -l-. I w__ i___ I w-s i-l- ---------- I was ill. 0
ሓሚመ ስለዝነበርኩ እየ ዘይመጻእኩ። I di---t co-e -ecau-e I wa- i--. I d_____ c___ b______ I w__ i___ I d-d-’- c-m- b-c-u-e I w-s i-l- -------------------------------- I didn’t come because I was ill. 0
ስለምንታይ ኢያ ንሳ ዘይመጸት? Why ---n-t-s-e com-? W__ d_____ s__ c____ W-y d-d-’- s-e c-m-? -------------------- Why didn’t she come? 0
ደኺማ ኔራ። She---- tir--. S__ w__ t_____ S-e w-s t-r-d- -------------- She was tired. 0
ደኺማ ስለዝነበረት ኣይመጸትን ። She-di--’--c--e-b-caus------wa- ti-ed. S__ d_____ c___ b______ s__ w__ t_____ S-e d-d-’- c-m- b-c-u-e s-e w-s t-r-d- -------------------------------------- She didn’t come because she was tired. 0
ንሱ ስለምንታይ ኣይመጸን። W----i-n-t h--com-? W__ d_____ h_ c____ W-y d-d-’- h- c-m-? ------------------- Why didn’t he come? 0
ድልየት ኣይነበሮን። He --s--- i-te-e-t--. H_ w_____ i__________ H- w-s-’- i-t-r-s-e-. --------------------- He wasn’t interested. 0
ንሱ ኣይመጸን መኽንያቱ ድልየት ስለዘይነበሮ። He di-n-t c--e -e--use he w--n’t-i-t-re---d. H_ d_____ c___ b______ h_ w_____ i__________ H- d-d-’- c-m- b-c-u-e h- w-s-’- i-t-r-s-e-. -------------------------------------------- He didn’t come because he wasn’t interested. 0
ንስኻትኩም ስለምንታይ ዘይመጻኹም? Why -idn-t you--o-e? W__ d_____ y__ c____ W-y d-d-’- y-u c-m-? -------------------- Why didn’t you come? 0
መኪና ተባላሽያትና ። Ou----r--s-d-m-g-d. O__ c__ i_ d_______ O-r c-r i- d-m-g-d- ------------------- Our car is damaged. 0
መኪናና ስለዝተበላሸወት ኢና ዝይመጻእና ። W---i---t c-me -e-au-e -u----- -s --m---d. W_ d_____ c___ b______ o__ c__ i_ d_______ W- d-d-’- c-m- b-c-u-e o-r c-r i- d-m-g-d- ------------------------------------------ We didn’t come because our car is damaged. 0
እቶም ሰባት ስለምንታይ ኢዮም ዘይመጽኡ? Why-d-dn’---h- peo--- c--e? W__ d_____ t__ p_____ c____ W-y d-d-’- t-e p-o-l- c-m-? --------------------------- Why didn’t the people come? 0
ባቡር ገዲፋቶም ከይዳ። Th--------d t-e -r---. T___ m_____ t__ t_____ T-e- m-s-e- t-e t-a-n- ---------------------- They missed the train. 0
ባቡር ገዲፋቶም ሰለ ዝኸደት እዮም ዘይመጹ ። T--- d---’t-co-- bec---e-they m-ssed-t-e-t----. T___ d_____ c___ b______ t___ m_____ t__ t_____ T-e- d-d-’- c-m- b-c-u-e t-e- m-s-e- t-e t-a-n- ----------------------------------------------- They didn’t come because they missed the train. 0
ስለምንታይ ኢኻ ዘይመጻእካ? W-- ----’- yo--c-m-? W__ d_____ y__ c____ W-y d-d-’- y-u c-m-? -------------------- Why didn’t you come? 0
ኣይተፍቐደለይን ኔሩ። I was--o- a-l-w-----. I w__ n__ a______ t__ I w-s n-t a-l-w-d t-. --------------------- I was not allowed to. 0
ፍቓድ ስለዘይነበረኒ ኢየ ዘይመጻእኩ፣። I di-n-t come-be-a--e I-w-s-n-t--l-o-----o. I d_____ c___ b______ I w__ n__ a______ t__ I d-d-’- c-m- b-c-u-e I w-s n-t a-l-w-d t-. ------------------------------------------- I didn’t come because I was not allowed to. 0


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