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Learn Hungarian for free

Learn Hungarian fast and easily with our language course ‘Hungarian for beginners’.

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Learn Hungarian - First words
Hi! Szia!
Hello! Jó napot!
How are you? Hogy vagy?
Good bye! Viszontlátásra!
See you soon! Nemsokára találkozunk! / A közeli viszontlátásra!

What is special about the Hungarian language?

The Hungarian language, with its origins shrouded in mystery, stands out in Europe. Belonging to the Finno-Ugric language family, it shares little resemblance to the Indo-European languages surrounding it. This isolation adds to its uniqueness. Hungarian grammar is known for its complexity and flexibility. The language uses extensive case systems, allowing for nuanced expressions of location, direction, and relationships among objects. This system is both a challenge and a charm for learners. Hungarian for beginners is one of over 50 free language packs that you can get from us. ‘50LANGUAGES’ is the effective way to learn Hungarian online and for free. Our teaching materials for the Hungarian course are available both online and as iPhone and Android apps.

Agglutination is a defining feature of Hungarian, where words are formed by adding prefixes and suffixes. This process can create long, compound words that convey specific meanings in a concise way. It exemplifies the language’s creativity. Vowel harmony plays a significant role in Hungarian, affecting how vowels within a word harmonize to create a pleasing sound. This phonological rule influences word formation and suffixation, adding to the language’s cohesiveness. With this course you can learn Hungarian independently - without a teacher and without a language school! The lessons are clearly structured and will help you achieve your goals.

The Hungarian vocabulary is a tapestry of history, with layers of words borrowed from Slavic, German, Turkish, and other languages. Yet, it has maintained its core Finno-Ugric roots, reflecting centuries of cultural exchanges. Pronunciation in Hungarian is largely phonetic, making it somewhat easier for learners to pronounce words as they are written. This characteristic, however, is balanced by the language’s complex grammar and unique vocabulary. Learn Hungarian fast with 100 Hungarian language lessons organized by topic. The MP3 audio files for the lessons were spoken by native Hungarian speakers. They help you improve your pronunciation.

Hungarian’s use of definite and indefinite conjugations is unusual, affecting verbs based on the specificity of their objects. This aspect of grammar enriches the language, allowing for precision in communication. Learning Hungarian opens up a world of rich cultural and historical heritage. It provides insights into the nation’s past and present, offering a unique perspective on the Central European region. Engaging with Hungarian is not just about mastering a language but connecting with a deep cultural legacy.

Even Hungarian beginners can learn Hungarian efficiently with ‘50LANGUAGES’ through the practical sentences. First you will get to know the basic structures of the language. Sample dialogues help you to express yourself in the foreign language. Prior knowledge is not required.

Even advanced learners can repeat and consolidate what they have learned. You learn correct and frequently spoken sentences and you can use them immediately. You will be able to communicate in everyday situations. Use your lunch break or time in traffic to learn a few minutes of Hungarian. You learn on the go as well as at home.