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Learn Nynorsk easily and fast

Learn Nynorsk fast and easily with our language course ‘Nynorsk for beginners’.

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Learn Nynorsk - First words
Hi! Hei!
Hello! God dag!
How are you? Korleis går det?
Good bye! Vi sjåast!
See you soon! Ha det så lenge!

What is special about the Nynorsk language?

The Nynorsk language, one of the two written standards of the Norwegian language, holds a unique place in Norway’s cultural landscape. It was developed in the 19th century by Ivar Aasen, who aimed to create a written form that closely represented the spoken language of rural Norway, distinct from the more Danish-influenced Bokmål. Nynorsk is rooted in the various Norwegian dialects, reflecting the country’s diverse linguistic traditions. This connection to local dialects gives it a special place in the hearts of its speakers, embodying the rich regional variations across Norway.

Its vocabulary and grammar emphasize the preservation of traditional Norwegian linguistic features. Nynorsk supports the use of forms and structures that are more consistent with the natural spoken language in many parts of Norway, offering a linguistic bridge to the past. The language is a symbol of national identity and cultural heritage for its users. For many, writing in Nynorsk is a declaration of pride in their regional roots and a way to maintain a connection to their local history and traditions.

Despite being used by a minority of the population, Nynorsk enjoys official status alongside Bokmål. It is used in government, media, and literature, reflecting Norway’s commitment to linguistic diversity and equality. Educational policies in Norway ensure that students are exposed to both Nynorsk and Bokmål. This bilingual approach fosters an appreciation for the country’s linguistic diversity, encouraging mutual respect and understanding among its citizens.

Nynorsk’s literary contributions are significant, with a rich body of work that includes poetry, prose, and drama. These works celebrate the language’s beauty and flexibility, contributing to the Norwegian and Scandinavian cultural scenes. Efforts to promote and preserve Nynorsk include language courses, cultural programs, and support for Nynorsk media. These initiatives are crucial for keeping the language vibrant and relevant, ensuring that it continues to be a living expression of Norway’s cultural diversity.

Even Nynorsk beginners can learn Nynorsk efficiently with ‘50LANGUAGES’ through the practical sentences. First you will get to know the basic structures of the language. Sample dialogues help you to express yourself in the foreign language. Prior knowledge is not required.

Even advanced learners can repeat and consolidate what they have learned. You learn correct and frequently spoken sentences and you can use them immediately. You will be able to communicate in everyday situations. Use your lunch break or time in traffic to learn a few minutes of Nynorsk. You learn on the go as well as at home.