© Gabriele Maltinti - Fotolia | welcome to florida
© Gabriele Maltinti - Fotolia | welcome to florida

Pelajari alfabet Alphabets are essential to learn if you want to read and write in the language you are learning. They provide useful information on the sounds of letters in languages and help you sound more natural when you speak.

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Abjad sangat penting untuk dipelajari jika Anda ingin membaca dan menulis dalam bahasa yang Anda pelajari. Mereka memberikan informasi yang berguna tentang bunyi huruf dalam bahasa dan membantu Anda terdengar lebih alami saat berbicara. Gulir ke bawah dan pilih dari lebih dari 40 huruf untuk mulai belajar sekarang.

id - Alphabet Image id - Alphabet Image id - Alphabet Image
a - /eɪ/
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bee - /biː/
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cee - /siː/
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dee - /diː/
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e - /iː/
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ef (eff as a verb) - /ɛf/
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gee - /dʒiː/
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aitch - /eɪtʃ/ - haitch - /heɪtʃ/
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i - /aɪ/
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jay - /dʒeɪ/ - jy - /dʒaɪ/
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kay - /keɪ/
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el or ell - /ɛl/
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em - /ɛm/
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en - /ɛn/
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o - /oʊ/
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pee - /piː/
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cue - /kjuː/
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ar - /ɑr/
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ess (es-) - /ɛs/
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tee - /tiː/
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u - /juː/
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vee - /viː/
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double-u - /ˈdʌbəl.juː/
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ex - /ɛks/
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wy or wye - /waɪ/
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zed - /zɛd/ - zee - /ziː/