© geargodz - Fotolia | woman wearing typical thai dress pay respect
© geargodz - Fotolia | woman wearing typical thai dress pay respect

Leer het alfabet Alphabets are essential to learn if you want to read and write in the language you are learning. They provide useful information on the sounds of letters in languages and help you sound more natural when you speak.

Leer online vreemde alfabetten lezen en spreken. Er zijn meer dan 40 alfabetten beschikbaar.

Alfabetten zijn essentieel om te leren als u wilt lezen en schrijven in de taal die u aan het leren bent. Ze bieden nuttige informatie over de klanken van letters in talen en helpen u natuurlijker te klinken als u spreekt. Scroll naar beneden en kies uit meer dan 40 alfabetten om nu te beginnen met leren.

nl - Alphabet Image nl - Alphabet Image nl - Alphabet Image
ก ไก่ - ko kai - [k],[k̚]
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ข ไข่ - kho khai - [kʰ],[k̚]
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ฃ ขวด - kho khuat - [kʰ],[k̚]
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ค ควาย - kho khwai - [kʰ],[k̚]
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ฅ คน - kho khon - [kʰ],[k̚]
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ฆ ระฆัง - kho ra-khang - [kʰ],[k̚]
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ง งู - ngo ngu - [ŋ],[ŋ]
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จ จาน - cho chan - [tɕ],[t̚]
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ฉ ฉิ่ง - cho ching - [tɕʰ]
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ช ช้าง - cho chang - [tɕʰ],[t̚]
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ซ โซ่ - so so - [s],[t̚]
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ฌ เฌอ - cho choe - [tɕʰ]
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ญ หญิง - yo ying - [j],[n]
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ฎ ชฎา - do cha-da - [d],[t̚]
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ฏ ปฏัก - to pa-tak - [t],[t̚]
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ฐ ฐาน - tho than - [tʰ],[t̚]
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ฑ มณโฑ - tho montho - [tʰ],[t̚]
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ฒ ผู้เฒ่า - tho phu-thao - [tʰ],[t̚]
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ณ เณร - no nen - [n],[n]
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ด เด็ก - do dek - [d],[t̚]
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ต เต่า - to tao - [t],[t̚]
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ถ ถุง - tho thung - [tʰ],[t̚]
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ท ทหาร - tho thahan - [tʰ],[t̚]
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ธ ธง - tho thong - [tʰ],[t̚]
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น หนู - no nu - [n],[n]
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บ ใบไม้ - bo baimai - [b],[p̚]
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ป ปลา - po pla - [p],[p̚]
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ผ ผึ้ง - pho phueng - [pʰ]
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ฝ ฝา - fo fa - [f]
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พ พาน - pho phan - [pʰ],[p̚]
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ฟ ฟัน - fo fan - [f],[p̚]
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ภ สำเภา - pho sam-phao - [pʰ],[p̚]
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ม ม้า - mo ma - [m],[m]
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ย ยักษ์ - yo yak - [j],[j]
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ร เรือ - ro ruea - [r],[n]
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ล ลิง - lo ling - [l],[n]
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ว แหวน - wo waen - [w],[w]
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ศ ศาลา - so sala - [s],[t̚]
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ษ ฤๅษี - so rue-si - [s],[t̚]
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ส เสือ - so suea - [s],[t̚]
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ห หีบ - ho hip - [h]
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ฬ จุฬา - lo chu-la - [l],[n]
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อ อ่าง - o ang - [ʔ]
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ฮ นกฮูก - ho nok-huk - [h]