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NúmerosMost languages have number systems, and these can vary quite a bit. Scroll down to discover and learn interesting number systems from all around the world.

A maioria das línguas tem sistemas numéricos, e estes podem variar bastante. Role para baixo para descobrir e aprender sistemas numéricos interessantes de todo o mundo.

Clique em um número

number container
[واحد وثلاثون]‬

[trinta e um]

number container
[إثنان وثلاثون]‬

[trinta e dois]

number container
[ثلاثة وثلاثون]‬

[trinta e três]

number container
[أربعة وثلاثون]‬

[trinta e quatro]

number container
[خمسة وثلاثون]‬

[trinta e cinco]

number container
[ستة وثلاثون]‬

[trinta e seis]

number container
[سبعة وثلاثون]‬

[trinta e sete]

number container
[ثمانيةٍ وثلاثون]‬

[trinta e oito]

number container
[تسعة وثلاثون]‬

[trinta e nove]

number container
