© Marcomayer | Dreamstime.com
© Marcomayer | Dreamstime.com

تعلم الأبجدية Alphabets are essential to learn if you want to read and write in the language you are learning. They provide useful information on the sounds of letters in languages and help you sound more natural when you speak.

تعلم قراءة ولفظ الأبجديات الأجنبية عبر الإنترنت. يتوفر أكثر من 40 أبجدية.

الحروف الهجائية ضرورية للتعلم خصوصاً إذا كنت تريد تعلم القراءة والكتابة باللغة التي تتعلمها. إنها توفر معلومات مفيدة عن أصوات الحروف في اللغات وتساعدك على أن تبدو أكثر طبيعية عندما تتحدث. قم بالتمرير لأسفل واختر من بين أكثر من 40 حرفاً أبجدياً لبدء التعلم الآن.

ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/a/, /ə/ - a
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/b/, /p/ - be
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/k/, /s/ - ce
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/s/ - ce trencada
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/d/, /t/ - de
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/e/, /ɛ/, /ə/ - e
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/f/ - efa
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/g/, /ʤ/, /ʒ/ - ge
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
∅ - hac
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/i/, /j/ - i
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/ʤ/, /ʒ/ - jota
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/k/ - ke
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/l/ - ela
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/m/ - ema
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/n/ - ena
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/o/, /ɔ/, /u/ - o
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/p/ - pe
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/k/ - cu
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/r/, /ɾ/ - erre
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/s/, /z/ - esse
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/t/ - te
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/u/, /w/ - u
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/b/ - ve baixa
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/w/ - ve doble
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/ʃ/, /ks/ - ics or xeix
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
∅ - i grega
ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image ar - Alphabet Image
/z/ - zeta