© Zanskar | Dreamstime.com
© Zanskar | Dreamstime.com

Naučite abecedu Alphabets are essential to learn if you want to read and write in the language you are learning. They provide useful information on the sounds of letters in languages and help you sound more natural when you speak.

Naučite strana pisma online. Dostupno je više od 40 abeceda.

Abecede su neophodne za učenje ako želite da čitate i pišete na jeziku koji učite. Oni pružaju korisne informacije o zvucima slova u jezicima i pomažu Vam da zvučite prirodnije kada govorite. Pomaknite se prema dolje i birajte između preko 40 abeceda da biste sada počeli učiti.

bs - Alphabet Image bs - Alphabet Image bs - Alphabet Image
ʾalef - ā - [ɒ]
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be - b - [b]
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pe - p - [p]
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te - t - [t]
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s̱e - s̱ - [s]
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jim - j - [d͡ʒ]
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che - č - [t͡ʃ]
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ḥe(-ye jimi) - ḥ - [h]
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khe - x - [x]
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dāl - d - [d]
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ẕāl - ẕ - [z]
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re - r - [ɾ]
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ze - z - [z]
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že - ž - [ʒ]
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sin - s - [s]
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šin - š - [ʃ]
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ṣād - ṣ - [s]
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z̤ād - z̤ - [z]
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ṭā - ṭ - [t]
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ẓā - ẓ - [z]
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ʿeyn - ʿ - [ʔ]
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ġeyn - ġ - [ɣ] / [ɢ]
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fe - f - [f]
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qāf - q - [ɢ] / [ɣ] / [q]
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kāf - k - [k]
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gāf - g - [ɡ]
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lām - l - [l]
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mim - m - [m]
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nun - n - [n]
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vāv - v / ū / ow - [v] / [uː] / [o] / [ow] / [oː] (in Dari)
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he(-ye do-češm) - h - [h]
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ye - y / ī / á - [j] / [i] / [ɒː] / [eː] (in Dari)