
em Adjectives 1   »   be Прыметнікі 1

78 [seventy-eight]

Adjectives 1

Adjectives 1

78 [семдзесят восем]

78 [semdzesyat vosem]

Прыметнікі 1

[Prymetnіkі 1]

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English (US) Belarusian Play More
an old lady ст-рая жан-ы-а старая жанчына с-а-а- ж-н-ы-а -------------- старая жанчына 0
st-r--a zh--chyna staraya zhanchyna s-a-a-a z-a-c-y-a ----------------- staraya zhanchyna
a fat lady т-ўстая----чы-а тоўстая жанчына т-ў-т-я ж-н-ы-а --------------- тоўстая жанчына 0
toust--a-zh-----na toustaya zhanchyna t-u-t-y- z-a-c-y-a ------------------ toustaya zhanchyna
a curious lady ц-к-ўн----а--ы-а цікаўная жанчына ц-к-ў-а- ж-н-ы-а ---------------- цікаўная жанчына 0
tsіk--na-a-----chyna tsіkaunaya zhanchyna t-і-a-n-y- z-a-c-y-a -------------------- tsіkaunaya zhanchyna
a new car н-в- аў--м----ь новы аўтамабіль н-в- а-т-м-б-л- --------------- новы аўтамабіль 0
nov- a---mab-l’ novy autamabіl’ n-v- a-t-m-b-l- --------------- novy autamabіl’
a fast car х--к- ----мабіль хуткі аўтамабіль х-т-і а-т-м-б-л- ---------------- хуткі аўтамабіль 0
khut-- a-ta--b-l’ khutkі autamabіl’ k-u-k- a-t-m-b-l- ----------------- khutkі autamabіl’
a comfortable car уту---ы-----м-б--ь утульны аўтамабіль у-у-ь-ы а-т-м-б-л- ------------------ утульны аўтамабіль 0
u--l--- -utam----’ utul’ny autamabіl’ u-u-’-y a-t-m-b-l- ------------------ utul’ny autamabіl’
a blue dress сіня- -у---ка сіняя сукенка с-н-я с-к-н-а ------------- сіняя сукенка 0
s---a---suk--ka sіnyaya sukenka s-n-a-a s-k-n-a --------------- sіnyaya sukenka
a red dress чыр-оная с--е--а чырвоная сукенка ч-р-о-а- с-к-н-а ---------------- чырвоная сукенка 0
c-yrvo-a-a-s-ke--a chyrvonaya sukenka c-y-v-n-y- s-k-n-a ------------------ chyrvonaya sukenka
a green dress зял-ная-су-енка зялёная сукенка з-л-н-я с-к-н-а --------------- зялёная сукенка 0
zya-e-a-a ---en-a zyalenaya sukenka z-a-e-a-a s-k-n-a ----------------- zyalenaya sukenka
a black bag чорная ---ка чорная сумка ч-р-а- с-м-а ------------ чорная сумка 0
chor-a-a--um-a chornaya sumka c-o-n-y- s-m-a -------------- chornaya sumka
a brown bag ка--чн--а--су--а карычневая сумка к-р-ч-е-а- с-м-а ---------------- карычневая сумка 0
k----h-ev--a-----a karychnevaya sumka k-r-c-n-v-y- s-m-a ------------------ karychnevaya sumka
a white bag б-л-я --мка белая сумка б-л-я с-м-а ----------- белая сумка 0
b---y---u-ka belaya sumka b-l-y- s-m-a ------------ belaya sumka
nice people п-ы-м--я л--зі прыемныя людзі п-ы-м-ы- л-д-і -------------- прыемныя людзі 0
pry---y-a-ly-d-і pryemnyya lyudzі p-y-m-y-a l-u-z- ---------------- pryemnyya lyudzі
polite people ветлівы------і ветлівыя людзі в-т-і-ы- л-д-і -------------- ветлівыя людзі 0
ve-lіvy-a-l---zі vetlіvyya lyudzі v-t-і-y-a l-u-z- ---------------- vetlіvyya lyudzі
interesting people ц--авы--людзі цікавыя людзі ц-к-в-я л-д-і ------------- цікавыя людзі 0
tsіka--y--l---zі tsіkavyya lyudzі t-і-a-y-a l-u-z- ---------------- tsіkavyya lyudzі
loving children м-лыя дз--і мілыя дзеці м-л-я д-е-і ----------- мілыя дзеці 0
mі--ya--zetsі mіlyya dzetsі m-l-y- d-e-s- ------------- mіlyya dzetsі
cheeky children н---бн---д--ці нахабныя дзеці н-х-б-ы- д-е-і -------------- нахабныя дзеці 0
na--ab--ya --e-sі nakhabnyya dzetsі n-k-a-n-y- d-e-s- ----------------- nakhabnyya dzetsі
well behaved children д---ы- ---ці добрыя дзеці д-б-ы- д-е-і ------------ добрыя дзеці 0
dobry-- dzetsі dobryya dzetsі d-b-y-a d-e-s- -------------- dobryya dzetsі

Computers can reconstruct heard words

It has long been a dream of man to be able to read minds. Everyone would like to know what another is thinking at a given time. This dream has still not come true. Even with modern technology, we can't read minds. What others think remains a secret. But we can recognize what others hear! This has been proven by a scientific experiment. Researchers succeeded in reconstructing heard words. For this purpose, they analyzed the brain waves of test subjects. When we hear something, our brain becomes active. It has to process the heard language. A certain activity pattern emerges in the process. This pattern can be recorded with electrodes. And this recording can be processed further too! It can be converted into a sound pattern with a computer. The heard word can be identified this way. This principle works with all words. Every word that we hear produces a particular signal. This signal is always connected with the sound of the word. So it "only" needs to be translated into an acoustic signal. For if you know the sound pattern, you'll know the word. The test subjects heard real words and fake words in the experiment. Thus, part of the words did not exist. Despite this, these words could be reconstructed too. The recognized words can be expressed by a computer. It is also possible to have them just appear on a monitor. Now, researchers hope they will soon understand language signals better. So the dream of mind reading continues...