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Globalization doesn't stop at languages. This is evident in the increase in ‘internationalisms’. Internationalisms are words that exist in multiple languages. The words can thereby have meanings that are the same or similar. The pronunciation is often the same. The spelling of the words is usually very similar as well. The spreading of internationalisms is interesting. They do not pay any attention to boundaries. Nor to geographic boundaries. And especially not to linguistic boundaries. There are words that are understood on every continent. The word hotel is a good example of this. It exists almost everywhere in the world. Many internationalisms come from science. Technical terms also spread quickly and worldwide. Old internationalisms are derived from a common root. They have evolved from the same word. However, most internationalisms are usually borrowed. That is to say, words are simply incorporated into other languages. Cultural circles play an important role in the adoption. Every civilization has its own traditions. That is why not all new concepts catch on everywhere. Cultural norms decide which ideas will be adopted. Some things are only found in certain parts of the world. Other things spread very quickly around the world. But only when they spread do their names also spread. That's exactly what makes internationalisms so exciting! When we discover languages, we always discover cultures too.