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© Pgaborphotos | Dreamstime.com

ፊደላት ተማሃሩ Alphabets are essential to learn if you want to read and write in the language you are learning. They provide useful information on the sounds of letters in languages and help you sound more natural when you speak.

ናይ ወጻኢ ፊደላት ብኢንተርነት ተማሃሩ። ልዕሊ 40 ፊደላት ኣለዉ።

በቲ እትመሃሮ ቋንቋ ከተንብብን ክትጽሕፍን እንተደሊኻ ፊደላት ክትመሃሮም ኣገዳሲ እዩ። ብዛዕባ ድምጺ ፊደላት ብቋንቋታት ጠቓሚ ሓበሬታ ይህቡን ክትዛረብ ከለኻ ዝያዳ ተፈጥሮኣዊ ድምጺ ክትረክብ ይሕግዙኻን። ንታሕቲ ስክሮል ብምግባር ካብ ልዕሊ 40 ፊደላት ምረጽ ሕጂ ክትመሃር ክትጅምር።

ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
a - /ɒ/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
á - /aː/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
bé - /b/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
cé - /ts/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
csé - /tʃ/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
dé - /d/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
dzé - /dz/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
dzsé - /dʒ/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
e - /ɛ/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
é - /eː/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
ef - /f/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
gé - /ɡ/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
gyé - /ɟ/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
há - /h/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
i - /i/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
í - /iː/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
jé - /j/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
ká - /k/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
el - /l/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
elly - /j/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
em - /m/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
en - /n/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
eny - /ɲ/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
o - /o/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
ó - /oː/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
ö - /ø/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
ő - /øː/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
pé - /p/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
kú -
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
er - /r/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
es - /ʃ/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
esz - /s/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
té - /t/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
tyé - /c/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
u - /u/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
ú - /uː/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
ü - /y/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
ű - /yː/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
vé - /v/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
dupla vé - /v/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
iksz -
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
ipszilon - /i/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
zé - /z/
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
zsé - /ʒ/