© toshket - Fotolia | A man rests his hand on the water of the dead sea in Israel
© toshket - Fotolia | A man rests his hand on the water of the dead sea in Israel

ፊደላት ተማሃሩ Alphabets are essential to learn if you want to read and write in the language you are learning. They provide useful information on the sounds of letters in languages and help you sound more natural when you speak.

ናይ ወጻኢ ፊደላት ብኢንተርነት ተማሃሩ። ልዕሊ 40 ፊደላት ኣለዉ።

በቲ እትመሃሮ ቋንቋ ከተንብብን ክትጽሕፍን እንተደሊኻ ፊደላት ክትመሃሮም ኣገዳሲ እዩ። ብዛዕባ ድምጺ ፊደላት ብቋንቋታት ጠቓሚ ሓበሬታ ይህቡን ክትዛረብ ከለኻ ዝያዳ ተፈጥሮኣዊ ድምጺ ክትረክብ ይሕግዙኻን። ንታሕቲ ስክሮል ብምግባር ካብ ልዕሊ 40 ፊደላት ምረጽ ሕጂ ክትመሃር ክትጅምር።

ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
' - Aleph
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
b/v - Beth
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
g - Gimel
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
d - Daleth
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
h - He
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
v - Waw
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
z - Zajin
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
ẖ - Chet
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
t - Tet
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
y - Jod
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
k/kh - Kaph
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
l - Lamed
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
m - Mem
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
n - Nun
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
s - Samech
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
' - Ajin
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
p/f - Pe
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
ts - Tzade
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
k - Qoph
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
r - Resch
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
s/sh - Sin, Schin
ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image ti - Alphabet Image
t - Taw