
em Imperative 2   »   uk Наказовий спосіб 2

90 [ninety]

Imperative 2

Imperative 2

90 [дев’яносто]

90 [devʺyanosto]

Наказовий спосіб 2

[Nakazovyy̆ sposib 2]

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Shave! Пог--ис-! Поголися! П-г-л-с-! --------- Поголися! 0
P--oly-ya! Poholysya! P-h-l-s-a- ---------- Poholysya!
Wash yourself! П-мий--! Помийся! П-м-й-я- -------- Помийся! 0
P---y̆-y-! Pomyy-sya! P-m-y-s-a- ---------- Pomyy̆sya!
Comb your hair! Пр-------! Причешися! П-и-е-и-я- ---------- Причешися! 0
P-y-he--y-y-! Prycheshysya! P-y-h-s-y-y-! ------------- Prycheshysya!
Call! З-те--фон-й!-За--леф-ну-т-! Зателефонуй! Зателефонуйте! З-т-л-ф-н-й- З-т-л-ф-н-й-е- --------------------------- Зателефонуй! Зателефонуйте! 0
Za-ele----y-- --t-le---uy-te! Zatelefonuy-! Zatelefonuy-te! Z-t-l-f-n-y-! Z-t-l-f-n-y-t-! ----------------------------- Zatelefonuy̆! Zatelefonuy̆te!
Begin! По-и-а------и-----! Починай! Починайте! П-ч-н-й- П-ч-н-й-е- ------------------- Починай! Починайте! 0
P----n-y̆- --chy--y-te! Pochynay-! Pochynay-te! P-c-y-a-̆- P-c-y-a-̆-e- ----------------------- Pochynay̆! Pochynay̆te!
Stop! П--пини- -р--и-іт-! Припини! Припиніть! П-и-и-и- П-и-и-і-ь- ------------------- Припини! Припиніть! 0
Pr-py-y!-P---y--tʹ! Prypyny! Prypynitʹ! P-y-y-y- P-y-y-i-ʹ- ------------------- Prypyny! Prypynitʹ!
Leave it! Обл-ш --- О-лиш-- це! Облиш це! Облиште це! О-л-ш ц-! О-л-ш-е ц-! --------------------- Облиш це! Облиште це! 0
Ob-ysh-t--- ---ysht-----! Oblysh tse! Oblyshte tse! O-l-s- t-e- O-l-s-t- t-e- ------------------------- Oblysh tse! Oblyshte tse!
Say it! С--жи-ц-- --а--ть-це! Скажи це! Скажіть це! С-а-и ц-! С-а-і-ь ц-! --------------------- Скажи це! Скажіть це! 0
S--zh- ts-! --azh-tʹ-t-e! Skazhy tse! Skazhitʹ tse! S-a-h- t-e- S-a-h-t- t-e- ------------------------- Skazhy tse! Skazhitʹ tse!
Buy it! К--- -е- К-пі-ь -е! Купи це! Купіть це! К-п- ц-! К-п-т- ц-! ------------------- Купи це! Купіть це! 0
K-----se!--u-itʹ-ts-! Kupy tse! Kupitʹ tse! K-p- t-e- K-p-t- t-e- --------------------- Kupy tse! Kupitʹ tse!
Never be dishonest! Ніколи-не б-д---е--с-и-! Ніколи не будь нечесним! Н-к-л- н- б-д- н-ч-с-и-! ------------------------ Ніколи не будь нечесним! 0
Ni---- n- -udʹ-----e--ym! Nikoly ne budʹ nechesnym! N-k-l- n- b-d- n-c-e-n-m- ------------------------- Nikoly ne budʹ nechesnym!
Never be naughty! Н--оли не будь--у-вали-! Ніколи не будь зухвалим! Н-к-л- н- б-д- з-х-а-и-! ------------------------ Ніколи не будь зухвалим! 0
N-k-ly-ne-budʹ-zukh-aly-! Nikoly ne budʹ zukhvalym! N-k-l- n- b-d- z-k-v-l-m- ------------------------- Nikoly ne budʹ zukhvalym!
Never be impolite! Н--ол------у-- -е--іч---и-! Ніколи не будь неввічливим! Н-к-л- н- б-д- н-в-і-л-в-м- --------------------------- Ніколи не будь неввічливим! 0
N-k-l- n- --d--n-v--ch-y---! Nikoly ne budʹ nevvichlyvym! N-k-l- n- b-d- n-v-i-h-y-y-! ---------------------------- Nikoly ne budʹ nevvichlyvym!
Always be honest! Завж-и---д- ч---им! Завжди будь чесним! З-в-д- б-д- ч-с-и-! ------------------- Завжди будь чесним! 0
Z-vzh---bud- --es-ym! Zavzhdy budʹ chesnym! Z-v-h-y b-d- c-e-n-m- --------------------- Zavzhdy budʹ chesnym!
Always be nice! Завж---б--- --б-язн-м! Завжди будь люб’язним! З-в-д- б-д- л-б-я-н-м- ---------------------- Завжди будь люб’язним! 0
Z-v-------d- -yu-ʺ-a--ym! Zavzhdy budʹ lyubʺyaznym! Z-v-h-y b-d- l-u-ʺ-a-n-m- ------------------------- Zavzhdy budʹ lyubʺyaznym!
Always be polite! З-вж---бу-ь-вв-чливи-! Завжди будь ввічливим! З-в-д- б-д- в-і-л-в-м- ---------------------- Завжди будь ввічливим! 0
Z-vzh-y--u-------h---ym! Zavzhdy budʹ vvichlyvym! Z-v-h-y b-d- v-i-h-y-y-! ------------------------ Zavzhdy budʹ vvichlyvym!
Hope you arrive home safely! Ща----о- ---о-и! Щасливої дороги! Щ-с-и-о- д-р-г-! ---------------- Щасливої дороги! 0
S-c---l-v-ï--o--hy! Shchaslyvoi- dorohy! S-c-a-l-v-i- d-r-h-! -------------------- Shchaslyvoï dorohy!
Take care of yourself! В--ж---- д-б-- ------е! Вважайте добре на себе! В-а-а-т- д-б-е н- с-б-! ----------------------- Вважайте добре на себе! 0
V-azhay------b-- n--sebe! Vvazhay-te dobre na sebe! V-a-h-y-t- d-b-e n- s-b-! ------------------------- Vvazhay̆te dobre na sebe!
Do visit us again soon! Прихо--т--д- нас-с-ор- зн-ву! Приходьте до нас скоро знову! П-и-о-ь-е д- н-с с-о-о з-о-у- ----------------------------- Приходьте до нас скоро знову! 0
Pr---o-ʹt- -- --s-s-or- zno--! Prykhodʹte do nas skoro znovu! P-y-h-d-t- d- n-s s-o-o z-o-u- ------------------------------ Prykhodʹte do nas skoro znovu!

Babies can learn grammar rules

Children grow up very quickly. And they also learn very quickly! It has yet to be researched how children learn. Learning processes take place automatically. Children don't notice when they are learning. Nevertheless, every day they are capable of more. This also becomes clear with language. Babies can only cry in the first few months. With a few months they can say short words. Then sentences are created from those words. Eventually the children speak their native language. Unfortunately, that doesn't work in the case of adults. They need books or other material in order to learn. Only this way can they learn grammar rules, for example. Babies, however, learn grammar as early as four months old! Researchers taught German babies foreign grammar rules. In order to do this, they played Italian sentences aloud to them. These sentences contained certain syntactical structures. The babies listened to the correct sentences for about fifteen minutes. Afterwards, sentences were played for the babies again. This time, however, a few of the sentences were incorrect. While the babies listened to the sentences, their brainwaves were measured. This way the researchers could identify how the brain reacted to sentences. And the babies showed different levels of activity with the sentences! Although they had just learned them, they registered the mistakes. Naturally, babies do not understand why some sentences are wrong. They orient themselves toward phonetic patterns. But that is enough to learn a language – at least for babies…