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49 [forty-nine]



49 [сорок дев’ять]

49 [sorok devʺyatʹ]



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English (US) Ukrainian Play More
Do you exercise? Ти -а-має--я-----т-м? Ти займаєшся спортом? Т- з-й-а-ш-я с-о-т-м- --------------------- Ти займаєшся спортом? 0
Ty---------sh--- s-or-o-? Ty zay-mayeshsya sportom? T- z-y-m-y-s-s-a s-o-t-m- ------------------------- Ty zay̆mayeshsya sportom?
Yes, I need some exercise. Т--, я п---н---/---ви-н---у-ат-с-. Так, я повинен / повинна рухатися. Т-к- я п-в-н-н / п-в-н-а р-х-т-с-. ---------------------------------- Так, я повинен / повинна рухатися. 0
Ta-,--a-p--y-en /----yn-a-r-kha-y-y-. Tak, ya povynen / povynna rukhatysya. T-k- y- p-v-n-n / p-v-n-a r-k-a-y-y-. ------------------------------------- Tak, ya povynen / povynna rukhatysya.
I am a member of a sports club. Я--оджу д--с--р----о-о клу-у. Я ходжу до спортивного клубу. Я х-д-у д- с-о-т-в-о-о к-у-у- ----------------------------- Я ходжу до спортивного клубу. 0
YA kh-dz-u do --o-t--n-h----u--. YA khodzhu do sportyvnoho klubu. Y- k-o-z-u d- s-o-t-v-o-o k-u-u- -------------------------------- YA khodzhu do sportyvnoho klubu.
We play football / soccer (am.). М- г------у -у--ол. Ми граємо у футбол. М- г-а-м- у ф-т-о-. ------------------- Ми граємо у футбол. 0
M- -ra---- u f--b--. My hrayemo u futbol. M- h-a-e-o u f-t-o-. -------------------- My hrayemo u futbol.
We swim sometimes. Іно---м- --а-аємо. Іноді ми плаваємо. І-о-і м- п-а-а-м-. ------------------ Іноді ми плаваємо. 0
Ino-i-----lava-e-o. Inodi my plavayemo. I-o-i m- p-a-a-e-o- ------------------- Inodi my plavayemo.
Or we cycle. Аб- ми--а----о-ь--- --лоси-е-ах. Або ми катаємось на велосипедах. А-о м- к-т-є-о-ь н- в-л-с-п-д-х- -------------------------------- Або ми катаємось на велосипедах. 0
A-o -y-----yemos---a ve---y--d---. Abo my katayemosʹ na velosypedakh. A-o m- k-t-y-m-s- n- v-l-s-p-d-k-. ---------------------------------- Abo my katayemosʹ na velosypedakh.
There is a football / soccer (am.) stadium in our city. У наш----міст--є --тбольн-й с--діон. У нашому місті є футбольний стадіон. У н-ш-м- м-с-і є ф-т-о-ь-и- с-а-і-н- ------------------------------------ У нашому місті є футбольний стадіон. 0
U nas-omu---st---e----b-lʹnyy̆ ---d-o-. U nashomu misti ye futbolʹnyy- stadion. U n-s-o-u m-s-i y- f-t-o-ʹ-y-̆ s-a-i-n- --------------------------------------- U nashomu misti ye futbolʹnyy̆ stadion.
There is also a swimming pool with a sauna. Є---ко---а-----і сауна. Є також басейн і сауна. Є т-к-ж б-с-й- і с-у-а- ----------------------- Є також басейн і сауна. 0
Y- -ak----b---y-n - -au--. YE takozh basey-n i sauna. Y- t-k-z- b-s-y-n i s-u-a- -------------------------- YE takozh basey̆n i sauna.
And there is a golf course. І-є--і-це для--о---у. І є місце для гольфу. І є м-с-е д-я г-л-ф-. --------------------- І є місце для гольфу. 0
I -- m--ts--d--- -ol-fu. I ye mistse dlya holʹfu. I y- m-s-s- d-y- h-l-f-. ------------------------ I ye mistse dlya holʹfu.
What is on TV? Що--д-----т---баченн-? Що йде на телебаченні? Щ- й-е н- т-л-б-ч-н-і- ---------------------- Що йде на телебаченні? 0
Sh-h- ------- -e-eba-h-nn-? Shcho y-de na telebachenni? S-c-o y-d- n- t-l-b-c-e-n-? --------------------------- Shcho y̆de na telebachenni?
There is a football / soccer (am.) match on now. Саме --е-футболь--й--атч. Саме йде футбольний матч. С-м- й-е ф-т-о-ь-и- м-т-. ------------------------- Саме йде футбольний матч. 0
Same--̆d--fut---ʹn--- ma-ch. Same y-de futbolʹnyy- match. S-m- y-d- f-t-o-ʹ-y-̆ m-t-h- ---------------------------- Same y̆de futbolʹnyy̆ match.
The German team is playing against the English one. Ні-е--к---ома-д- --ає про-- ан----с-к-ї. Німецька команда грає проти англійської. Н-м-ц-к- к-м-н-а г-а- п-о-и а-г-і-с-к-ї- ---------------------------------------- Німецька команда грає проти англійської. 0
Ni-et-ʹ-a --m---- h---e---ot-----l-y̆-ʹ---̈. Nimetsʹka komanda hraye proty anhliy-sʹkoi-. N-m-t-ʹ-a k-m-n-a h-a-e p-o-y a-h-i-̆-ʹ-o-̈- -------------------------------------------- Nimetsʹka komanda hraye proty anhliy̆sʹkoï.
Who is winning? Х----игра-? Хто виграє? Х-о в-г-а-? ----------- Хто виграє? 0
Kht- v----y-? Khto vyhraye? K-t- v-h-a-e- ------------- Khto vyhraye?
I have no idea. Я-----наю. Я не знаю. Я н- з-а-. ---------- Я не знаю. 0
YA-ne----y-. YA ne znayu. Y- n- z-a-u- ------------ YA ne znayu.
It is currently a tie. Пок- -- ні-ия. Поки що нічия. П-к- щ- н-ч-я- -------------- Поки що нічия. 0
Po-y sh----nich--a. Poky shcho nichyya. P-k- s-c-o n-c-y-a- ------------------- Poky shcho nichyya.
The referee is from Belgium. А-бітр---Бель-і-. Арбітр з Бельгії. А-б-т- з Б-л-г-ї- ----------------- Арбітр з Бельгії. 0
Arb-tr - --lʹ----. Arbitr z Belʹhii-. A-b-t- z B-l-h-i-. ------------------ Arbitr z Belʹhiï.
Now there is a penalty. З--аз б--е-пе--л--і. Зараз буде пенальті. З-р-з б-д- п-н-л-т-. -------------------- Зараз буде пенальті. 0
Z-r-- -u----ena--ti. Zaraz bude penalʹti. Z-r-z b-d- p-n-l-t-. -------------------- Zaraz bude penalʹti.
Goal! One – zero! Г-л! О---- -у--! Гол! Один: нуль! Г-л- О-и-: н-л-! ---------------- Гол! Один: нуль! 0
H-----d-n:----ʹ! Hol! Odyn: nulʹ! H-l- O-y-: n-l-! ---------------- Hol! Odyn: nulʹ!

Only strong words survive!

Rarely used words change more often than words that are used often. That could be due to the laws of evolution. Common genes change less in the course of time. They are more stable in their form. And apparently the same is true for words! English verbs were evaluated for a study. In it, current forms of the verbs were compared to old forms. In English, the ten most common verbs are irregular. Most other verbs are regular. But in the Middle Ages, most verbs were still irregular. So irregular verbs that were rarely used became regular verbs. In 300 years, English will have hardly any remaining irregular verbs. Other studies also show that languages are selected like genes. Researchers compared common words from different languages. In the process they chose similar words that mean the same thing. An example of this are the words: water, Wasser, vatten . These words have the same root and therefore closely resemble one another. Since they are essential words, they are used frequently in all languages. In this way, they are able to maintain their form – and remain similar today. Less essential words change much faster. Rather, they are replaced by other words. Rarely used words differentiate themselves in this way in different languages. Why rarely used words change remains unclear. It's possible that they are often used incorrectly or are mispronounced. This is due to the fact that speakers aren't familiar with them. But it could be that essential words must always be the same. Because only then can they be understood correctly. And words are there to be understood…
Did you know?
Ukrainian is counted among the East Slavic languages. It is closely related to Russian and Belarusian. More than 40 million people speak Ukrainian. It is the third most-spoken Slavic language after Russian and Polish. Ukrainian developed around the end of the 18th century out of the vernacular. A distinct written language emerged at that time, and with it came literature. Today there are a number of dialects that are divided into three main groups. Vocabulary, syntax, and articulation are evocative of other Slavic languages. That is because the Slavic languages started differentiating themselves relatively late. Due to the geographical situation of Ukraine, there are many Polish and Russian influences. The grammar contains seven cases. Ukrainian adjectives define relationships to people or things very clearly. A speaker is able to demonstrate his attitude or mindset depending on which form of a word he chooses. Another hallmark of Ukrainian is its highly melodic sound. If you like languages that sound melodious, you should learn Ukrainian!