
en Working   »   lt Darbai

55 [fifty-five]



55 [penkiasdešimt penki]


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What do you do for a living? Ką--j--- -----te /---ki- ---ų -ro-esija? Ką (jūs) dirbate / kokia jūsų profesija? K- (-ū-) d-r-a-e / k-k-a j-s- p-o-e-i-a- ---------------------------------------- Ką (jūs) dirbate / kokia jūsų profesija? 0
My husband is a doctor. Man--v--as-gydytoja-. Mano vyras gydytojas. M-n- v-r-s g-d-t-j-s- --------------------- Mano vyras gydytojas. 0
I work as a nurse part-time. (A-- ----- p--- -i---- -ed--ino- sese-i-i. (Aš) dirbu pusę dienos medicinos seserimi. (-š- d-r-u p-s- d-e-o- m-d-c-n-s s-s-r-m-. ------------------------------------------ (Aš) dirbu pusę dienos medicinos seserimi. 0
We will soon receive our pension. N-t-ukus -m-s---a-si---pen-ij-. Netrukus (mes) gausime pensiją. N-t-u-u- (-e-) g-u-i-e p-n-i-ą- ------------------------------- Netrukus (mes) gausime pensiją. 0
But taxes are high. Be-----es-i---d--eli. Bet mokesčiai dideli. B-t m-k-s-i-i d-d-l-. --------------------- Bet mokesčiai dideli. 0
And health insurance is expensive. S------os--r-udi--s t--p pat---d-li-. Sveikatos draudimas taip pat didelis. S-e-k-t-s d-a-d-m-s t-i- p-t d-d-l-s- ------------------------------------- Sveikatos draudimas taip pat didelis. 0
What would you like to become some day? Ko--ą--rof--i-- (t-) n--- -in----? Kokią profesiją (tu) nori rinktis? K-k-ą p-o-e-i-ą (-u- n-r- r-n-t-s- ---------------------------------- Kokią profesiją (tu) nori rinktis? 0
I would like to become an engineer. (-š)-n-rė-ia- b-t----žin--ri-s. (Aš) norėčiau būti inžinierius. (-š- n-r-č-a- b-t- i-ž-n-e-i-s- ------------------------------- (Aš) norėčiau būti inžinierius. 0
I want to go to college. (A-)--ori--s---i---t--u-iv-r--t--e. (Aš) noriu studijuoti universitete. (-š- n-r-u s-u-i-u-t- u-i-e-s-t-t-. ----------------------------------- (Aš) noriu studijuoti universitete. 0
I am an intern. Aš--e--) p--kti--n---. Aš (esu) praktikantas. A- (-s-) p-a-t-k-n-a-. ---------------------- Aš (esu) praktikantas. 0
I do not earn much. (--)-uždi--u -ed---. (Aš) uždirbu nedaug. (-š- u-d-r-u n-d-u-. -------------------- (Aš) uždirbu nedaug. 0
I am doing an internship abroad. (-š)--tlieku-pr-k---- -žs-----e. (Aš) atlieku praktiką užsienyje. (-š- a-l-e-u p-a-t-k- u-s-e-y-e- -------------------------------- (Aš) atlieku praktiką užsienyje. 0
That is my boss. T------o vir-i--n----/ --f--. Tai mano viršininkas / šefas. T-i m-n- v-r-i-i-k-s / š-f-s- ----------------------------- Tai mano viršininkas / šefas. 0
I have nice colleagues. Aš-tu------l--iu---e-dr----b-us. Aš turiu malonius bendradarbius. A- t-r-u m-l-n-u- b-n-r-d-r-i-s- -------------------------------- Aš turiu malonius bendradarbius. 0
We always go to the cafeteria at noon. P-r ---t-----es) v-s-ome- e--ame į --lg-klą. Per pietus (mes) visuomet einame į valgyklą. P-r p-e-u- (-e-) v-s-o-e- e-n-m- į v-l-y-l-. -------------------------------------------- Per pietus (mes) visuomet einame į valgyklą. 0
I am looking for a job. (--- ieškau--arb-. (Aš) ieškau darbo. (-š- i-š-a- d-r-o- ------------------ (Aš) ieškau darbo. 0
I have already been unemployed for a year. (------u m-t-i-es- ----r---. (Aš) jau metai esu bedarbis. (-š- j-u m-t-i e-u b-d-r-i-. ---------------------------- (Aš) jau metai esu bedarbis. 0
There are too many unemployed people in this country. Ši-j--š-l------r-- p-r -au--b---rbi-. Šioje šalyje (yra) per daug bedarbių. Š-o-e š-l-j- (-r-) p-r d-u- b-d-r-i-. ------------------------------------- Šioje šalyje (yra) per daug bedarbių. 0

Memory needs speech

Most people remember their first day of school. However, they no longer recall that which came before. We have almost no memory of our first years of life. But why is that? Why can't we remember the experiences we had as a baby? The reason lies in our development. Speech and memory develop at about the same time. And in order to remember something, a person needs speech. That is, he must have words for that which he experiences. Scientists have conducted various tests with children. In doing so, they made an interesting discovery. As soon as children learn to speak, they forget everything that came before. The beginning of speech is therefore also the beginning of memory. Children learn a great deal in the first three years of their lives. They experience new things every day. They also have many important experiences at this age. Despite this, it all disappears. Psychologists refer to this phenomenon as infantile amnesia. Only the things that children can name remain. The autobiographical memory retains personal experiences. It functions like a journal. Everything that is important in our life is recorded in it. In this way, the autobiographical memory forms our identity. But its development is dependent upon the learning of the native language. And we can only activate our memory through our speech. The things that we learn as a baby are not really gone, of course. They are stored somewhere in our brain. We just can't access them anymore… – that's a shame, isn't it?