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ms Adjectives 3   »   em Adjectives 3

80 [lapan puluh]

Adjectives 3

Adjectives 3

80 [eighty]

Adjectives 3

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Malay English (US) Main Lagi
Dia mempunyai seekor anjing. S-e-has a -og. She has a dog. S-e h-s a d-g- -------------- She has a dog. 0
Anjing itu besar. The -o---- bi-. The dog is big. T-e d-g i- b-g- --------------- The dog is big. 0
Dia mempunyai seekor anjing yang besar. S-e --s - --g --g. She has a big dog. S-e h-s a b-g d-g- ------------------ She has a big dog. 0
Dia mempunyai sebuah rumah. S-e -a- a-house. She has a house. S-e h-s a h-u-e- ---------------- She has a house. 0
Rumah itu kecil. T-e-h---e-i-----l-. The house is small. T-e h-u-e i- s-a-l- ------------------- The house is small. 0
Dia mempunyai sebuah rumah yang kecil. Sh- has-a------ hous-. She has a small house. S-e h-s a s-a-l h-u-e- ---------------------- She has a small house. 0
Dia tinggal di sebuah hotel. H- -- st-y--g -n-- --tel. He is staying in a hotel. H- i- s-a-i-g i- a h-t-l- ------------------------- He is staying in a hotel. 0
Hotel itu murah. The --t-- is--hea-. The hotel is cheap. T-e h-t-l i- c-e-p- ------------------- The hotel is cheap. 0
Dia tinggal di hotel yang murah. He-is -ta-in- ---- c-e-p ho--l. He is staying in a cheap hotel. H- i- s-a-i-g i- a c-e-p h-t-l- ------------------------------- He is staying in a cheap hotel. 0
Dia mempunyai kereta. He--a- --c--. He has a car. H- h-s a c-r- ------------- He has a car. 0
Kereta itu mahal. T-e -ar--s-ex------e. The car is expensive. T-e c-r i- e-p-n-i-e- --------------------- The car is expensive. 0
Dia mempunyai kereta yang mahal. H--h-- ------en--v- --r. He has an expensive car. H- h-s a- e-p-n-i-e c-r- ------------------------ He has an expensive car. 0
Dia sedang membaca novel. He-read- a no--l. He reads a novel. H- r-a-s a n-v-l- ----------------- He reads a novel. 0
Novel itu membosankan. The n---- i--bor--g. The novel is boring. T-e n-v-l i- b-r-n-. -------------------- The novel is boring. 0
Dia sedang membaca novel yang membosankan. H- i- re---ng - bo--n- nov--. He is reading a boring novel. H- i- r-a-i-g a b-r-n- n-v-l- ----------------------------- He is reading a boring novel. 0
Dia sedang menonton filem. S---is--a-c-i-g a --v--. She is watching a movie. S-e i- w-t-h-n- a m-v-e- ------------------------ She is watching a movie. 0
Filem itu mengujakan. Th--movi--is--xciti-g. The movie is exciting. T-e m-v-e i- e-c-t-n-. ---------------------- The movie is exciting. 0
Dia sedang menonton filem yang mengujakan. S---is-wat-h-----n ---itin------e. She is watching an exciting movie. S-e i- w-t-h-n- a- e-c-t-n- m-v-e- ---------------------------------- She is watching an exciting movie. 0


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