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88 [vuitanta-vuit]

Passat dels verbs modals 2

Passat dels verbs modals 2

88 [eighty-eight]

Past tense of modal verbs 2

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català anglès (US) Engegar Més
El meu fill no volia jugar amb nines. M- s-- -----o--wa-- ---p--y-w--- th- dol-. My son did not want to play with the doll. M- s-n d-d n-t w-n- t- p-a- w-t- t-e d-l-. ------------------------------------------ My son did not want to play with the doll. 0
La meva filla no volia jugar a futbol. M---a--hter-d----o--w--------lay fo--bal- /--occ-- (--.-. My daughter did not want to play football / soccer (am.). M- d-u-h-e- d-d n-t w-n- t- p-a- f-o-b-l- / s-c-e- (-m-)- --------------------------------------------------------- My daughter did not want to play football / soccer (am.). 0
La meva dona no va voler jugar amb mi als escacs. M--wi-- --- n-t-w-n- t--pl-y ---ss w--h --. My wife did not want to play chess with me. M- w-f- d-d n-t w-n- t- p-a- c-e-s w-t- m-. ------------------------------------------- My wife did not want to play chess with me. 0
Els meus fills no van voler fer una passejada. M- chi-d-e--d-d--ot wa-- to-g- -or --w-lk. My children did not want to go for a walk. M- c-i-d-e- d-d n-t w-n- t- g- f-r a w-l-. ------------------------------------------ My children did not want to go for a walk. 0
Ells no volien endreçar l’habitació. Th-y---- no- -a-- ---ti-y --e -o--. They did not want to tidy the room. T-e- d-d n-t w-n- t- t-d- t-e r-o-. ----------------------------------- They did not want to tidy the room. 0
Ells no volien anar al llit. They-d-d-n---w--- to-g-----b-d. They did not want to go to bed. T-e- d-d n-t w-n- t- g- t- b-d- ------------------------------- They did not want to go to bed. 0
Ell no podia menjar gelats. H- w-- not-----w---to-eat ic--cre--. He was not allowed to eat ice cream. H- w-s n-t a-l-w-d t- e-t i-e c-e-m- ------------------------------------ He was not allowed to eat ice cream. 0
Ell no podia menjar xocolata. H--wa--n-t a-lowed----e-t -h-c---t-. He was not allowed to eat chocolate. H- w-s n-t a-l-w-d t- e-t c-o-o-a-e- ------------------------------------ He was not allowed to eat chocolate. 0
Ell no podia menjar caramels. H- -as no---ll---- -o---t -weets. He was not allowed to eat sweets. H- w-s n-t a-l-w-d t- e-t s-e-t-. --------------------------------- He was not allowed to eat sweets. 0
Em podia desitjar alguna cosa. I ----a-low-- ---mak--- --sh. I was allowed to make a wish. I w-s a-l-w-d t- m-k- a w-s-. ----------------------------- I was allowed to make a wish. 0
Em vaig poder comprar un vestit. I-w-s -l-o--d--o--uy-m-se-f-- dr-s-. I was allowed to buy myself a dress. I w-s a-l-w-d t- b-y m-s-l- a d-e-s- ------------------------------------ I was allowed to buy myself a dress. 0
Vaig poder prendre un bombó de praliné. I--as-a--owed--- ---- - --oco---e. I was allowed to take a chocolate. I w-s a-l-w-d t- t-k- a c-o-o-a-e- ---------------------------------- I was allowed to take a chocolate. 0
Que podies fumar a l’avió? W--- ---------e--to -mo-e--n t-- -i-pla-e? Were you allowed to smoke in the airplane? W-r- y-u a-l-w-d t- s-o-e i- t-e a-r-l-n-? ------------------------------------------ Were you allowed to smoke in the airplane? 0
Que podies beure cervesa a l’hospital? We---y-- al---e- -o---in- -e-- -n--h- --spi-a-? Were you allowed to drink beer in the hospital? W-r- y-u a-l-w-d t- d-i-k b-e- i- t-e h-s-i-a-? ----------------------------------------------- Were you allowed to drink beer in the hospital? 0
Que podies portar el gos a l’hotel? W-r- you--l-ow-- ---t-k- --- --- i--- th- ho---? Were you allowed to take the dog into the hotel? W-r- y-u a-l-w-d t- t-k- t-e d-g i-t- t-e h-t-l- ------------------------------------------------ Were you allowed to take the dog into the hotel? 0
Durant les vacances, els nens podien estar a fora fins tard. Duri------ ho--days t-e---i-d----w--e-all-w-- to -emai----t--d--la--. During the holidays the children were allowed to remain outside late. D-r-n- t-e h-l-d-y- t-e c-i-d-e- w-r- a-l-w-d t- r-m-i- o-t-i-e l-t-. --------------------------------------------------------------------- During the holidays the children were allowed to remain outside late. 0
Podien jugar molt de temps al pati. T-e- ---- -llo-ed--o -lay in--he--a-------a-l-n- --m-. They were allowed to play in the yard for a long time. T-e- w-r- a-l-w-d t- p-a- i- t-e y-r- f-r a l-n- t-m-. ------------------------------------------------------ They were allowed to play in the yard for a long time. 0
Podien quedar-se desperts fins tard. T-ey--er- a-l--e- to----y up-l--e. They were allowed to stay up late. T-e- w-r- a-l-w-d t- s-a- u- l-t-. ---------------------------------- They were allowed to stay up late. 0

Consells contra l'oblit

Aprendre no sempre resulta senzill. Fins i tot quan ens diverteix pot resultar esgotador. Però ens alegrem quan aconseguim aprendre alguna cosa. Estem orgullosos dels nostres progressos. Desafortunadament, també és possible oblidar el que hem après. Això és un problema freqüent en el cas concret dels idiomes. La majoria de nosaltres aprèn un o diversos idiomes a l'escola. Moltes vegades, després del període escolar, aquest coneixement es perd. Poques vegades tenim ocasió de tornar a parlar les llengües apreses. En la nostra vida quotidiana ens manegem exclusivament amb el nostre idioma matern. La resta dels idiomes els utilitzem només a les vacances. Però si un saber no s'activa de forma regular, llavors s'oblida. El nostre cervell necessita entrenament. Podríem comparar-lo amb un múscul. Aquest múscul cal exercitar-lo, si no es debilita. Però hi ha mitjans per combatre l'oblit. El més important és aplicar regularment els coneixements apresos. Seguir uns ‘rituals’ fixos ens pot servir d'ajuda. Podem planificar un petit programa pels diferents dies de la setmana. Per exemple: llegir un llibre en la llengua en qüestió dilluns. Escoltar una emissora estrangera dimecres. Divendres escriure un diari en la llengua que no volem oblidar. Així es combina lectura, audició i escriptura. En conseqüència, els coneixements s'activen per diferents vies. Tots aquests exercicis no han de durar massa, amb mitja hora n'hi ha prou. Però sí que és important realitzar-los amb regularitat! Els estudis mostren que el que vam aprendre una vegada roman en el nostre cervell durant dècades. Es tracta simplement de treure-ho del calaix...