Vestmik In the first stages of learning a new language, phrasebooks are an excellent tool that can help you quickly master basic conversation skills.

inglise (US) algajatele

eesti » inglise (US) - Keelekursus helifailidega

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Uue keele õppimise esimestel etappidel on vestmikud suurepärane tööriist, mis aitab teil kiiresti omandada põhilised vestlusoskused. Klõpsake alloleval teemal, et hakata õppima tähenduslikke fraase, mida saate kohe kasutada!

Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken
Places, Where English US is spoken

Õppige inglise (US)i kiiresti ja lihtsalt saidi MP3-keelekursustega! inglise (US) võõrkeelena sisaldab 100 lihtsat õppetundi. Kõik dialoogid ja laused salvestavad emakeelena kõnelejad. Grammatika eelteadmisi pole vaja. Õppima saab kohe alustada! Vastuste nägemiseks klõpsake lihtsalt lausetel. - eesti » inglise (US) algajatele OSTKE RAAMAT! Hankige selle kursuse õpik Amazonist.

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