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sl Na pošti (Na poštnem uradu)   »   em At the post office

59 [devetinpetdeset]

Na pošti (Na poštnem uradu)

Na pošti (Na poštnem uradu)

59 [fifty-nine]

At the post office

Izberite, kako želite videti prevod:   
slovenščina angleščina (US) Igraj Več
Kje je najbližja pošta? Wh-r- -- -h- near--t p--t o-fice? Where is the nearest post office? W-e-e i- t-e n-a-e-t p-s- o-f-c-? --------------------------------- Where is the nearest post office? 0
Je daleč do najbližje pošte? I----e--ost --fi-e--a--f-om --r-? Is the post office far from here? I- t-e p-s- o-f-c- f-r f-o- h-r-? --------------------------------- Is the post office far from here? 0
Kje je najbližji poštni nabiralnik? Wh-re is-the ne--e-- -ail----? Where is the nearest mail box? W-e-e i- t-e n-a-e-t m-i- b-x- ------------------------------ Where is the nearest mail box? 0
Potrebujem dve znamki. I --ed-- c-u-l- -f-----ps. I need a couple of stamps. I n-e- a c-u-l- o- s-a-p-. -------------------------- I need a couple of stamps. 0
Za razglednico in za pismo. For-a---r----d-a-let-e-. For a card and a letter. F-r a c-r- a-d a l-t-e-. ------------------------ For a card and a letter. 0
Koliko znaša poštnina v Ameriko? Ho- ---h i--t------tag----------c-? How much is the postage to America? H-w m-c- i- t-e p-s-a-e t- A-e-i-a- ----------------------------------- How much is the postage to America? 0
Kako težak je paket? H---he-vy is t-- -acka--? How heavy is the package? H-w h-a-y i- t-e p-c-a-e- ------------------------- How heavy is the package? 0
Lahko to pošljem letalsko? Ca--I -e-- -- b--a-r-m---? Can I send it by air mail? C-n I s-n- i- b- a-r m-i-? -------------------------- Can I send it by air mail? 0
Koliko časa traja, da prispe? Ho--l-n--w-l-----tak--t- -----he-e? How long will it take to get there? H-w l-n- w-l- i- t-k- t- g-t t-e-e- ----------------------------------- How long will it take to get there? 0
Kje lahko telefoniram? Wher--c-- - -ak- --c-l-? Where can I make a call? W-e-e c-n I m-k- a c-l-? ------------------------ Where can I make a call? 0
Kje je najbližja telefonska celica? W--re ---t-e--e-r-s--t-le----e---ot-? Where is the nearest telephone booth? W-e-e i- t-e n-a-e-t t-l-p-o-e b-o-h- ------------------------------------- Where is the nearest telephone booth? 0
Ali imate telefonsko kartico? Do-yo- h-ve-ca-ling-c-rd-? Do you have calling cards? D- y-u h-v- c-l-i-g c-r-s- -------------------------- Do you have calling cards? 0
Ali imate telefonski imenik? D- y-- ha-- --t-le--on- d--e--ory? Do you have a telephone directory? D- y-u h-v- a t-l-p-o-e d-r-c-o-y- ---------------------------------- Do you have a telephone directory? 0
Ali poznate številko za Avstrijo? Do -----now-t-e -r-- code--o--Aus--ia? Do you know the area code for Austria? D- y-u k-o- t-e a-e- c-d- f-r A-s-r-a- -------------------------------------- Do you know the area code for Austria? 0
Samo trenutek, da pogledam. O-e-m--e----------o-- -t--p. One moment, I’ll look it up. O-e m-m-n-, I-l- l-o- i- u-. ---------------------------- One moment, I’ll look it up. 0
Linija je vedno zasedena. The--i-e i--al---s ---y. The line is always busy. T-e l-n- i- a-w-y- b-s-. ------------------------ The line is always busy. 0
Kakšno številko ste zavrteli? W---h n------d-d --- d-al? Which number did you dial? W-i-h n-m-e- d-d y-u d-a-? -------------------------- Which number did you dial? 0
Najprej morate zavrteti nič! Y-u have ---di-l ---er- ---s-! You have to dial a zero first! Y-u h-v- t- d-a- a z-r- f-r-t- ------------------------------ You have to dial a zero first! 0


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