መጽሓፍ ሓረጋት።

ti ኣብ ሆተል - ጥርዓናት   »   en In the hotel – Complaints

28 [ዕስራንሸሞንተን]

ኣብ ሆተል - ጥርዓናት

ኣብ ሆተል - ጥርዓናት

28 [twenty-eight]

In the hotel – Complaints

ነቲ ትርጉም ብኸመይ ክትሪኦ ከም እትደሊ ምረጽ፤   
ትግሪኛ እንግሊዝኛ (UK) ተፃወት ቡዙሕ
እቲ ሻወር ኣይሰርሕን እዩ። T-e shower----’- w---i-g. The shower isn’t working. T-e s-o-e- i-n-t w-r-i-g- ------------------------- The shower isn’t working. 0
ውዑይ ማይ ኣይመጽእን እዩ። Th-r- -- no-w-rm -at-r. There is no warm water. T-e-e i- n- w-r- w-t-r- ----------------------- There is no warm water. 0
ከተዐርይዎ ትኽእል ዶ? C-n-you --t-it-r-pair--? Can you get it repaired? C-n y-u g-t i- r-p-i-e-? ------------------------ Can you get it repaired? 0
ኣብ ክፍሊ ተለፎን የለን። Th-r---s----te-e--one-in---e ---m. There is no telephone in the room. T-e-e i- n- t-l-p-o-e i- t-e r-o-. ---------------------------------- There is no telephone in the room. 0
ኣብ ክፍሊ ተለቪዦን የለን። T-e-e ----o T- ---the--oom. There is no TV in the room. T-e-e i- n- T- i- t-e r-o-. --------------------------- There is no TV in the room. 0
እቲ ክፍሊ ባልኮን የብሉን። T-e-r-----a--n- b-lcon-. The room has no balcony. T-e r-o- h-s n- b-l-o-y- ------------------------ The room has no balcony. 0
እዚ ክፍሊ ኣዝዩ ዓው ዝበለ እዩ። Th- -o---i- too---i--. The room is too noisy. T-e r-o- i- t-o n-i-y- ---------------------- The room is too noisy. 0
እዚ ክፍሊ ኣዝዩ ንእሽቶ እዩ። The ro-- -- to--sm--l. The room is too small. T-e r-o- i- t-o s-a-l- ---------------------- The room is too small. 0
እዚ ክፍሊ ኣዝዩ ጸልሚቱ እዩ። T-e ---m-is to- dar-. The room is too dark. T-e r-o- i- t-o d-r-. --------------------- The room is too dark. 0
እቲ መውዓዪ ኣይሰርሕን እዩ። T-- h-a----is-’t--or-i-g. The heater isn’t working. T-e h-a-e- i-n-t w-r-i-g- ------------------------- The heater isn’t working. 0
እቲ ናይ ኣየር -ክንዲሽን ኣይሰርሕን እዩ። The ai---o-dit-on-ng -s-’t--ork---. The air-conditioning isn’t working. T-e a-r-c-n-i-i-n-n- i-n-t w-r-i-g- ----------------------------------- The air-conditioning isn’t working. 0
እቲ ተለቪዦን ተበላሽዩ ኢዩ ። T-- T- i-n-t--o--i-g. The TV isn’t working. T-e T- i-n-t w-r-i-g- --------------------- The TV isn’t working. 0
ኣዚ ንዓይ ደስ ኣይበለንን ። I -on-t-l-k--th-t. I don’t like that. I d-n-t l-k- t-a-. ------------------ I don’t like that. 0
ኣዝዩ ከቢሩኒ ። Th-----t-----pe--i-e. That’s too expensive. T-a-’- t-o e-p-n-i-e- --------------------- That’s too expensive. 0
ገለ ዝሓሰረ ኣለኩም ዶ? D--y-- --v-----t--n- chea-e-? Do you have anything cheaper? D- y-u h-v- a-y-h-n- c-e-p-r- ----------------------------- Do you have anything cheaper? 0
ሆስተል ኣብዚ ቀረባኣሎ ዶ? Is ---r--a---uth host-l n-a---? Is there a youth hostel nearby? I- t-e-e a y-u-h h-s-e- n-a-b-? ------------------------------- Is there a youth hostel nearby? 0
ሞተል ኣብዚ ቀረባ ኣሎ ዶ? Is-the---a bo-r-ing-h-u-e-/-a b---------e---a-- -----y? Is there a boarding house / a bed and breakfast nearby? I- t-e-e a b-a-d-n- h-u-e / a b-d a-d b-e-k-a-t n-a-b-? ------------------------------------------------------- Is there a boarding house / a bed and breakfast nearby? 0
ኣብዚ ቀረባ ቤት-መግቢ ኣሎ ዶ? Is th--- a r-s----a-------by? Is there a restaurant nearby? I- t-e-e a r-s-a-r-n- n-a-b-? ----------------------------- Is there a restaurant nearby? 0


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