መጽሓፍ ሓረጋት።

ti ገለ ምፍቃድ   »   en to be allowed to

73 [ሰብዓንሰለስተን]

ገለ ምፍቃድ

ገለ ምፍቃድ

73 [seventy-three]

to be allowed to

ነቲ ትርጉም ብኸመይ ክትሪኦ ከም እትደሊ ምረጽ፤   
ትግሪኛ እንግሊዝኛ (UK) ተፃወት ቡዙሕ
መኪና ንኽትዝውር ይፍቐደልካ ድዩ? A-- --- -l--a-y--l---e---o d-i-e? Are you already allowed to drive? A-e y-u a-r-a-y a-l-w-d t- d-i-e- --------------------------------- Are you already allowed to drive? 0
ኣልኮል ክትሰቲ ይፍቐደካ ድዩ? A-e --u--lre--- -llowed-to-d--n---l-oh-l? Are you already allowed to drink alcohol? A-e y-u a-r-a-y a-l-w-d t- d-i-k a-c-h-l- ----------------------------------------- Are you already allowed to drink alcohol? 0
በይንኻ ኣብ ወጻኢ ሃገር ክትዝር ይፍቐደካ ድዩ? A-- yo- -lready-al-owe- -- --a-e----roa--a-o-e? Are you already allowed to travel abroad alone? A-e y-u a-r-a-y a-l-w-d t- t-a-e- a-r-a- a-o-e- ----------------------------------------------- Are you already allowed to travel abroad alone? 0
ምፍቓድ ma--/-to-b--allowed may / to be allowed m-y / t- b- a-l-w-d ------------------- may / to be allowed 0
ኣብዚ ክነትክኽ ይፍቐድና ዲዩ? M-y we --oke-h--e? May we smoke here? M-y w- s-o-e h-r-? ------------------ May we smoke here? 0
ኣብዚ ምትኻኽ ይፍቐድ I- -moki-----l---d-h-r-? Is smoking allowed here? I- s-o-i-g a-l-w-d h-r-? ------------------------ Is smoking allowed here? 0
ብክረዲት ካርድ ክትከፍል ይፍቐድ ዲዩ? M-y -n---ay -- --e--- --r-? May one pay by credit card? M-y o-e p-y b- c-e-i- c-r-? --------------------------- May one pay by credit card? 0
ብባንክ ምኽፋል ይፍቐድ ዲዩ? M----n--pa--b--c---u- --che-- -am-)? May one pay by cheque / check (am.)? M-y o-e p-y b- c-e-u- / c-e-k (-m-)- ------------------------------------ May one pay by cheque / check (am.)? 0
ብጥረ-ገንዘብ ምኽፋልጥራይ ዲዩ ትፍቐድ ? M-- one--nl- p-y -n -a--? May one only pay in cash? M-y o-e o-l- p-y i- c-s-? ------------------------- May one only pay in cash? 0
ሓጻር ክድውል እፍቐድ ዲዩ? May - -------ke-a ca--? May I just make a call? M-y I j-s- m-k- a c-l-? ----------------------- May I just make a call? 0
ኣሕጽር ኣቢለ ክሓትት እፍቐድ ዲዩ? Ma------st -s--s--e--i--? May I just ask something? M-y I j-s- a-k s-m-t-i-g- ------------------------- May I just ask something? 0
ኣሕጽር ኣቢለ ክዛረብ እፍቐድ ዲዩ? M-y-I just--ay--o----i--? May I just say something? M-y I j-s- s-y s-m-t-i-g- ------------------------- May I just say something? 0
ኣብ ፓርክ ምድቃስ ኣይፍቐዶን እዩ። H---- n-----l-wed t- sl--- ----he-pa-k. He is not allowed to sleep in the park. H- i- n-t a-l-w-d t- s-e-p i- t-e p-r-. --------------------------------------- He is not allowed to sleep in the park. 0
ኣብ መኪና ክድቕስ ኣይፍቐዶን እዩ። He-is ----allo-e--to ----p i- the-ca-. He is not allowed to sleep in the car. H- i- n-t a-l-w-d t- s-e-p i- t-e c-r- -------------------------------------- He is not allowed to sleep in the car. 0
ኣብ መደብር -ባቡር ክድቕስ ኣይፍቐዶን እዩ። H--is no- ---o-ed -o--lee- a---he t--in-----i-n. He is not allowed to sleep at the train station. H- i- n-t a-l-w-d t- s-e-p a- t-e t-a-n s-a-i-n- ------------------------------------------------ He is not allowed to sleep at the train station. 0
ኮፍ ከነብል ይፍቐድ ዲዩ ? May-----a-- --s--t? May we take a seat? M-y w- t-k- a s-a-? ------------------- May we take a seat? 0
ናይ ምግቢ-ካርተ ክንርኢ ይፍቐድ ዲዩ? Ma--w- h--- --e---n-? May we have the menu? M-y w- h-v- t-e m-n-? --------------------- May we have the menu? 0
ፈላሊና ክንከፍል ይፍቐድ ዲዩ? May-----a- sepa--t--y? May we pay separately? M-y w- p-y s-p-r-t-l-? ---------------------- May we pay separately? 0


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