መጽሓፍ ሓረጋት።

ti ዓቢ - ንእሽቶ   »   en big – small

68 [ሱሳንሸሞንተን]

ዓቢ - ንእሽቶ

ዓቢ - ንእሽቶ

68 [sixty-eight]

big – small

ነቲ ትርጉም ብኸመይ ክትሪኦ ከም እትደሊ ምረጽ፤   
ትግሪኛ እንግሊዝኛ (UK) ተፃወት ቡዙሕ
ዓብን ንእሽቶይን b---a-d-s-all big and small b-g a-d s-a-l ------------- big and small 0
እቲ ሓርማዝ ዓቢ እዩ። The -l-p-a-- -s-b-g. The elephant is big. T-e e-e-h-n- i- b-g- -------------------- The elephant is big. 0
እታ ኣንጨዋ ንእሽቶይ እያ። T-- m---- is -mall. The mouse is small. T-e m-u-e i- s-a-l- ------------------- The mouse is small. 0
ድቡንን ብሩህን da-k--n- bright dark and bright d-r- a-d b-i-h- --------------- dark and bright 0
ለይቲ ድቡን/ጸልማት እዩ። The --g-t -----r-. The night is dark. T-e n-g-t i- d-r-. ------------------ The night is dark. 0
መዓልቲ ብሩህ እዩ። T-- -a- is-br---t. The day is bright. T-e d-y i- b-i-h-. ------------------ The day is bright. 0
ኣረጊትን መንእሰይን o---a-d yo-ng old and young o-d a-d y-u-g ------------- old and young 0
ኣቦሓጎና ኣዝዩ ኣረኢጉ እዩ። O-r-----d-athe--i- --r-----. Our grandfather is very old. O-r g-a-d-a-h-r i- v-r- o-d- ---------------------------- Our grandfather is very old. 0
ንሱ ቅድሚ 70 ዓመታት መንእሰይ እዩ ኔሩ። 7--y-a-s -g- h--was -t--l-you-g. 70 years ago he was still young. 7- y-a-s a-o h- w-s s-i-l y-u-g- -------------------------------- 70 years ago he was still young. 0
ጽቡቕን ክፉእን be-u----l-an---g-y beautiful and ugly b-a-t-f-l a-d u-l- ------------------ beautiful and ugly 0
እታ ጽንብላሊዕ ኣዝዩ ጽቡቕቲ እያ። The--u-t--fly--s---a--ifu-. The butterfly is beautiful. T-e b-t-e-f-y i- b-a-t-f-l- --------------------------- The butterfly is beautiful. 0
እታ ሳሬት ክፍእቲ እያ። The s--d----s-ugly. The spider is ugly. T-e s-i-e- i- u-l-. ------------------- The spider is ugly. 0
ሮጊድን ቀጢንን f-t --- th-n fat and thin f-t a-d t-i- ------------ fat and thin 0
ሓንቲ 100 ኪሎ እትምዘን ሰበይቲ ሮጋድ እያ። A------ who --ighs-a-h-ndr-- kilos i-----. A woman who weighs a hundred kilos is fat. A w-m-n w-o w-i-h- a h-n-r-d k-l-s i- f-t- ------------------------------------------ A woman who weighs a hundred kilos is fat. 0
ሓደ 50 ኪሎ ዝምዘን ሰብኣይ ቀጢን እዩ። A-ma- -h--w--ghs fift------s-i--thin. A man who weighs fifty kilos is thin. A m-n w-o w-i-h- f-f-y k-l-s i- t-i-. ------------------------------------- A man who weighs fifty kilos is thin. 0
ክቡርን ሕሱርን ex------e -nd-----p expensive and cheap e-p-n-i-e a-d c-e-p ------------------- expensive and cheap 0
እታ መኪና ከብርቲ እያ። Th---ar-i- e--ens-v-. The car is expensive. T-e c-r i- e-p-n-i-e- --------------------- The car is expensive. 0
እቲ ጋዜጣ ሕሱር እዩ። T---n----ap-- i---he-p. The newspaper is cheap. T-e n-w-p-p-r i- c-e-p- ----------------------- The newspaper is cheap. 0


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