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13 [አስራ ሶስት]



13 [thirteen]


ትርጉሙን እንዴት ማየት እንደሚፈልጉ ይምረጡ፡-   
አማርኛ እንግሊዝኛ (US) ይጫወቱ ተጨማሪ
ማርታ ምን ትሰራለች? W-at-do-s Ma-th- d-? W--- d--- M----- d-- W-a- d-e- M-r-h- d-? -------------------- What does Martha do? 0
ማርታ ቢሮ ውስጥ ትሰራለች። Sh- wo-----t an-o--ic-. S-- w---- a- a- o------ S-e w-r-s a- a- o-f-c-. ----------------------- She works at an office. 0
እሷ ኮምፒተር ላይ የምትሰራው። S-e--or-s o- --e----p----. S-- w---- o- t-- c-------- S-e w-r-s o- t-e c-m-u-e-. -------------------------- She works on the computer. 0
ማርታ የት ነች? W-e-e -- --rtha? W---- i- M------ W-e-e i- M-r-h-? ---------------- Where is Martha? 0
ፊልም ቤት። A---he c-nema. A- t-- c------ A- t-e c-n-m-. -------------- At the cinema. 0
እሷ ፊልም እያየች ነው። S-e is-wat-h-ng a-----. S-- i- w------- a f---- S-e i- w-t-h-n- a f-l-. ----------------------- She is watching a film. 0
ፒተር ምን ይሰራል? Wh---d--s ----r -o? W--- d--- P---- d-- W-a- d-e- P-t-r d-? ------------------- What does Peter do? 0
እሱ የዩንቨርስቲ ተማሪ ነው። H--s-u-ie- at-t-e ---v--si--. H- s------ a- t-- u---------- H- s-u-i-s a- t-e u-i-e-s-t-. ----------------------------- He studies at the university. 0
እሱ ቋንቋ ያጠናል። H- -t-die- lang-a-es. H- s------ l--------- H- s-u-i-s l-n-u-g-s- --------------------- He studies languages. 0
ፒተር የት ነው? W--r- ---P-ter? W---- i- P----- W-e-e i- P-t-r- --------------- Where is Peter? 0
ካፌ ውስጥ። At-t-e--a--. A- t-- c---- A- t-e c-f-. ------------ At the café. 0
እሱ ቡና እየጠጣ ነው። H--is ----king--offee. H- i- d------- c------ H- i- d-i-k-n- c-f-e-. ---------------------- He is drinking coffee. 0
የት መሄድ ይፈልጋሉ? W-e-e do th-y-like -o--o? W---- d- t--- l--- t- g-- W-e-e d- t-e- l-k- t- g-? ------------------------- Where do they like to go? 0
ወደ ሙዚቃ ዝግጅት። To a-co-c---. T- a c------- T- a c-n-e-t- ------------- To a concert. 0
እነሱ ሙዚቃ ማዳመጥ ይወዳሉ። T-ey l-k- t- l--t-- -o mu-i-. T--- l--- t- l----- t- m----- T-e- l-k- t- l-s-e- t- m-s-c- ----------------------------- They like to listen to music. 0
የት መሄድ አይፈልጉም? W-ere d--they-----l-ke -o go? W---- d- t--- n-- l--- t- g-- W-e-e d- t-e- n-t l-k- t- g-? ----------------------------- Where do they not like to go? 0
ወደ ዳንስ ቤት። T- th- -i-co. T- t-- d----- T- t-e d-s-o- ------------- To the disco. 0
እነሱ መደነስ አይወዱም። T-e--do -o- ---e -o-----e. T--- d- n-- l--- t- d----- T-e- d- n-t l-k- t- d-n-e- -------------------------- They do not like to dance. 0


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