የሐረጉ መጽሐፍ

am የሰውነት ክፍሎች   »   em Parts of the body

58 [ሃምሣ ስምንት]

የሰውነት ክፍሎች

የሰውነት ክፍሎች

58 [fifty-eight]

Parts of the body

ትርጉሙን እንዴት ማየት እንደሚፈልጉ ይምረጡ፡-   
አማርኛ እንግሊዝኛ (US) ይጫወቱ ተጨማሪ
እኔ ሰው እየሳልኩኝ ነው። I -m ---wi-- a---n. I a- d------ a m--- I a- d-a-i-g a m-n- ------------------- I am drawing a man. 0
መጀመሪያ ጭንቅላት F-rs- the--ead. F---- t-- h---- F-r-t t-e h-a-. --------------- First the head. 0
ሰውየው ኮፍያ አድርጋል። T-e m-- is-wea-----a ---. T-- m-- i- w------ a h--- T-e m-n i- w-a-i-g a h-t- ------------------------- The man is wearing a hat. 0
ፀጉሩ አይታይም። O---c---o- --e---e -air. O-- c----- s-- t-- h---- O-e c-n-o- s-e t-e h-i-. ------------------------ One cannot see the hair. 0
ጆሮውም አይታይም። On- -a---t------h----rs-eith-r. O-- c----- s-- t-- e--- e------ O-e c-n-o- s-e t-e e-r- e-t-e-. ------------------------------- One cannot see the ears either. 0
ጆርባውም አይታይም። O-e-canno- -----i-----k -i-her. O-- c----- s-- h-- b--- e------ O-e c-n-o- s-e h-s b-c- e-t-e-. ------------------------------- One cannot see his back either. 0
አይኖቹን እና አፉን እየሳልኩኝ ነው። I--m --a---g-th- -y----nd---- mo-t-. I a- d------ t-- e--- a-- t-- m----- I a- d-a-i-g t-e e-e- a-d t-e m-u-h- ------------------------------------ I am drawing the eyes and the mouth. 0
ሰውየው እየደነሰና እየሳቀ ነው። T-- m----s ---ci---a-d-la-gh-n-. T-- m-- i- d------ a-- l-------- T-e m-n i- d-n-i-g a-d l-u-h-n-. -------------------------------- The man is dancing and laughing. 0
ሰውየው ረጅም አፍንጫ አለው። Th--m-- -as-- lon---ose. T-- m-- h-- a l--- n---- T-e m-n h-s a l-n- n-s-. ------------------------ The man has a long nose. 0
እሱ በእጆቹ ቆርቆሮ ይዟል። He-----a--yi-- a---ne-in-his-han--. H- i- c------- a c--- i- h-- h----- H- i- c-r-y-n- a c-n- i- h-s h-n-s- ----------------------------------- He is carrying a cane in his hands. 0
አንገቱ ላይ ሻርብ አድርጋል። H- is also w-a-ing-a -ca-f arou---h-- -e-k. H- i- a--- w------ a s---- a----- h-- n---- H- i- a-s- w-a-i-g a s-a-f a-o-n- h-s n-c-. ------------------------------------------- He is also wearing a scarf around his neck. 0
ክረምትና ቀዝቃዛ ነው። It-is w--ter --d -t ---co-d. I- i- w----- a-- i- i- c---- I- i- w-n-e- a-d i- i- c-l-. ---------------------------- It is winter and it is cold. 0
እጆቹ ጠንካራ ናቸው። T----rm---re at-leti-. T-- a--- a-- a-------- T-e a-m- a-e a-h-e-i-. ---------------------- The arms are athletic. 0
እግሮቹም ጠንካራ ናቸው። T----e-s-a-- a-so ath--t--. T-- l--- a-- a--- a-------- T-e l-g- a-e a-s- a-h-e-i-. --------------------------- The legs are also athletic. 0
ሰውየው ከበረዶ የተሰራ ነው። T-e-man--s--ade -f-snow. T-- m-- i- m--- o- s---- T-e m-n i- m-d- o- s-o-. ------------------------ The man is made of snow. 0
ሰውየው ሱሪም ኮትም አለበሰም። He -s----t--- w--ri-- p-n-- --- a-c---. H- i- n------ w------ p---- n-- a c---- H- i- n-i-h-r w-a-i-g p-n-s n-r a c-a-. --------------------------------------- He is neither wearing pants nor a coat. 0
ግን ሰውየው አልበረደውም። B-- t-e--an is n-t----e----. B-- t-- m-- i- n-- f-------- B-t t-e m-n i- n-t f-e-z-n-. ---------------------------- But the man is not freezing. 0
እሱ የበረዶ ሰው ነው። He -s a sn-wman. H- i- a s------- H- i- a s-o-m-n- ---------------- He is a snowman. 0


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