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ms Around the house   »   en Around the house

17 [tujuh belas]

Around the house

Around the house

17 [seventeen]

Around the house

Pilih cara anda mahu melihat terjemahan:   
Malay English (UK) Main Lagi
Ini rumah kami. O-r h-use--s h-r-. Our house is here. O-r h-u-e i- h-r-. ------------------ Our house is here. 0
Di atas ialah bumbung. T-----o- is -n to-. The roof is on top. T-e r-o- i- o- t-p- ------------------- The roof is on top. 0
Di bawah ialah ruang bawah tanah. T---base---t i-----ow. The basement is below. T-e b-s-m-n- i- b-l-w- ---------------------- The basement is below. 0
Terdapat taman di belakang rumah. Th--e -s-a-ga-d-n-----nd t-e ---se. There is a garden behind the house. T-e-e i- a g-r-e- b-h-n- t-e h-u-e- ----------------------------------- There is a garden behind the house. 0
Tiada jalan di hadapan rumah. Ther---s-no --r-e--in --o----f-the-hou-e. There is no street in front of the house. T-e-e i- n- s-r-e- i- f-o-t o- t-e h-u-e- ----------------------------------------- There is no street in front of the house. 0
Terdapat pokok di sebelah rumah. The-- -re ------ne-- t---he---u--. There are trees next to the house. T-e-e a-e t-e-s n-x- t- t-e h-u-e- ---------------------------------- There are trees next to the house. 0
Ini apartmen saya. M---p----e---is he-e. My apartment is here. M- a-a-t-e-t i- h-r-. --------------------- My apartment is here. 0
Ini dapur dan bilik air. T-e-kit-----and --th-o-m are-he-e. The kitchen and bathroom are here. T-e k-t-h-n a-d b-t-r-o- a-e h-r-. ---------------------------------- The kitchen and bathroom are here. 0
Terdapat ruang tamu dan bilik tidur. The -ivin--r--- a----e--oo---r- -he-e. The living room and bedroom are there. T-e l-v-n- r-o- a-d b-d-o-m a-e t-e-e- -------------------------------------- The living room and bedroom are there. 0
Pintu depan ditutup. T-- -ront---or -- -lo---. The front door is closed. T-e f-o-t d-o- i- c-o-e-. ------------------------- The front door is closed. 0
Tetapi tingkap terbuka. Bu- t----i-dows-a-e ----. But the windows are open. B-t t-e w-n-o-s a-e o-e-. ------------------------- But the windows are open. 0
Hari ini panas. I- i- ho- --d--. It is hot today. I- i- h-t t-d-y- ---------------- It is hot today. 0
Kami masuk ke ruang tamu. W- --- --i---t- -he--i-in---oo-. We are going to the living room. W- a-e g-i-g t- t-e l-v-n- r-o-. -------------------------------- We are going to the living room. 0
Terdapat sofa dan kerusi tangan. T--r- i- a--ofa-a-d a--------i------e. There is a sofa and an armchair there. T-e-e i- a s-f- a-d a- a-m-h-i- t-e-e- -------------------------------------- There is a sofa and an armchair there. 0
Sila duduk! Pl-as-, s-t -o--! Please, sit down! P-e-s-, s-t d-w-! ----------------- Please, sit down! 0
Di situ komputer saya. M---omput-- is--h--e. My computer is there. M- c-m-u-e- i- t-e-e- --------------------- My computer is there. 0
Di situ radio saya. My-ster---is------. My stereo is there. M- s-e-e- i- t-e-e- ------------------- My stereo is there. 0
TV itu serba baharu. Th---- s-- is-b--n- new. The TV set is brand new. T-e T- s-t i- b-a-d n-w- ------------------------ The TV set is brand new. 0


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