Buku frasa

ms Parts of the body   »   en Parts of the body

58 [lima puluh lapan]

Parts of the body

Parts of the body

58 [fifty-eight]

Parts of the body

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Malay English (UK) Main Lagi
Saya melukis seorang lelaki. I--m---a-in----man. I am drawing a man. I a- d-a-i-g a m-n- ------------------- I am drawing a man. 0
Mula-mula kepala. F-r-- th- h-ad. First the head. F-r-t t-e h-a-. --------------- First the head. 0
Lelaki itu memakai topi. T-e-ma--is--e-ri-- - h--. The man is wearing a hat. T-e m-n i- w-a-i-g a h-t- ------------------------- The man is wearing a hat. 0
Anda tidak boleh melihat rambutnya. O-- -a-not-see -----a-r. One cannot see the hair. O-e c-n-o- s-e t-e h-i-. ------------------------ One cannot see the hair. 0
Anda juga tidak boleh melihat telinganya. O-e ca-n-t -e--t-e---r- -i-her. One cannot see the ears either. O-e c-n-o- s-e t-e e-r- e-t-e-. ------------------------------- One cannot see the ears either. 0
Bahagian belakang pun tidak boleh dilihat. On- ----o--see -i---a-- ei-h-r. One cannot see his back either. O-e c-n-o- s-e h-s b-c- e-t-e-. ------------------------------- One cannot see his back either. 0
Saya melukis mata dan mulut. I--m --aw-n- --e-e--- and t-e-mout-. I am drawing the eyes and the mouth. I a- d-a-i-g t-e e-e- a-d t-e m-u-h- ------------------------------------ I am drawing the eyes and the mouth. 0
Lelaki itu menari dan ketawa. The ma- -- d-n-i-----d---ug-i--. The man is dancing and laughing. T-e m-n i- d-n-i-g a-d l-u-h-n-. -------------------------------- The man is dancing and laughing. 0
Lelaki itu mempunyai hidung yang panjang. The-m---ha- --lo-g no--. The man has a long nose. T-e m-n h-s a l-n- n-s-. ------------------------ The man has a long nose. 0
Dia membawa kayu di tangannya. He-is--ar--i-g a----- ---h-s--an-s. He is carrying a cane in his hands. H- i- c-r-y-n- a c-n- i- h-s h-n-s- ----------------------------------- He is carrying a cane in his hands. 0
Dia juga memakai selendang di lehernya. H--is -lso-w-a-----a-s---f-a-ou-d --- -ec-. He is also wearing a scarf around his neck. H- i- a-s- w-a-i-g a s-a-f a-o-n- h-s n-c-. ------------------------------------------- He is also wearing a scarf around his neck. 0
Sekarang musim sejuk dan cuaca sejuk. I--is wi-t----nd -t i- c--d. It is winter and it is cold. I- i- w-n-e- a-d i- i- c-l-. ---------------------------- It is winter and it is cold. 0
Lengannya kuat. T---ar-s -re a--leti-. The arms are athletic. T-e a-m- a-e a-h-e-i-. ---------------------- The arms are athletic. 0
Kakinya juga kuat. T-e -e-- -r--a--- a-----ic. The legs are also athletic. T-e l-g- a-e a-s- a-h-e-i-. --------------------------- The legs are also athletic. 0
Lelaki itu diperbuat daripada salji. T-e-m-- is -ad- -f ---w. The man is made of snow. T-e m-n i- m-d- o- s-o-. ------------------------ The man is made of snow. 0
Dia tidak memakai seluar dan tidak memakai jaket. H--is ---t--r --a-in- p-nts--o- --coa-. He is neither wearing pants nor a coat. H- i- n-i-h-r w-a-i-g p-n-s n-r a c-a-. --------------------------------------- He is neither wearing pants nor a coat. 0
Tetapi lelaki itu tidak menggigil. B-- --e-ma--is --- fr-----g. But the man is not freezing. B-t t-e m-n i- n-t f-e-z-n-. ---------------------------- But the man is not freezing. 0
Lelaki itu orang-orang salji. He ---- -now---. He is a snowman. H- i- a s-o-m-n- ---------------- He is a snowman. 0


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