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ms In the discotheque   »   en In the discotheque

46 [empat puluh enam]

In the discotheque

In the discotheque

46 [forty-six]

In the discotheque

Pilih cara anda mahu melihat terjemahan:   
Malay English (UK) Main Lagi
Adakah tempat ini kosong? Is---i- -ea---a-en? Is this seat taken? I- t-i- s-a- t-k-n- ------------------- Is this seat taken? 0
Bolehkah saya duduk di sebelah awak? May---sit -ith--o-? May I sit with you? M-y I s-t w-t- y-u- ------------------- May I sit with you? 0
Sudah tentu. Sur-. Sure. S-r-. ----- Sure. 0
Adakah anda suka muzik ini? H-w--o---u--i-----e--usi-? How do you like the music? H-w d- y-u l-k- t-e m-s-c- -------------------------- How do you like the music? 0
Sedikit terlalu kuat. A little---o-l-ud. A little too loud. A l-t-l- t-o l-u-. ------------------ A little too loud. 0
Tetapi kumpulan itu bermain dengan baik. But---e ban- --ay--v-r- -el-. But the band plays very well. B-t t-e b-n- p-a-s v-r- w-l-. ----------------------------- But the band plays very well. 0
Adakah anda sering ke sini? Do-yo- c-me-her- ---en? Do you come here often? D- y-u c-m- h-r- o-t-n- ----------------------- Do you come here often? 0
Tidak, ini kali pertama. No-----s--s the fi-st -ime. No, this is the first time. N-, t-i- i- t-e f-r-t t-m-. --------------------------- No, this is the first time. 0
Saya tidak pernah ke sini. I’-e -------e-n -e-- ----re. I’ve never been here before. I-v- n-v-r b-e- h-r- b-f-r-. ---------------------------- I’ve never been here before. 0
Mahukah anda menari? Wo-ld yo- li----- -a--e? Would you like to dance? W-u-d y-u l-k- t- d-n-e- ------------------------ Would you like to dance? 0
Mungkin kemudian. M-yb- -a--r. Maybe later. M-y-e l-t-r- ------------ Maybe later. 0
Saya tidak boleh menari dengan baik. I-------d-nce v-ry-well. I can’t dance very well. I c-n-t d-n-e v-r- w-l-. ------------------------ I can’t dance very well. 0
Menari agak mudah. I-’---er----sy. It’s very easy. I-’- v-r- e-s-. --------------- It’s very easy. 0
Saya akan tunjukkan kepada anda. I--- sh-w--o-. I’ll show you. I-l- s-o- y-u- -------------- I’ll show you. 0
Tidak, lebih baik lain kali. N---m---e--o------e--time. No, maybe some other time. N-, m-y-e s-m- o-h-r t-m-. -------------------------- No, maybe some other time. 0
Adakah anda sedang menunggu seseorang? Are---u --iti-- f---so-----? Are you waiting for someone? A-e y-u w-i-i-g f-r s-m-o-e- ---------------------------- Are you waiting for someone? 0
Ya, saya menunggu kawan saya. Yes,-for -y--o----end. Yes, for my boyfriend. Y-s- f-r m- b-y-r-e-d- ---------------------- Yes, for my boyfriend. 0
Itu dia! The-e--e --! There he is! T-e-e h- i-! ------------ There he is! 0


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