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21 [dua puluh satu]

Small Talk 2

Small Talk 2

21 [twenty-one]

Small Talk 2

Pilih cara anda mahu melihat terjemahan:   
Malay English (UK) Main Lagi
Dari manakah anda berasal? Wh-r- d- you---me --om? Where do you come from? W-e-e d- y-u c-m- f-o-? ----------------------- Where do you come from? 0
Dari Basel. From Ba-e-. From Basel. F-o- B-s-l- ----------- From Basel. 0
Basel terletak di Switzerland. B-s---i--i----i--erl---. Basel is in Switzerland. B-s-l i- i- S-i-z-r-a-d- ------------------------ Basel is in Switzerland. 0
Bolehkah saya memperkenalkan anda kepada Encik Müller? M---I in-r-d-ce Mr- --l--r? May I introduce Mr. Miller? M-y I i-t-o-u-e M-. M-l-e-? --------------------------- May I introduce Mr. Miller? 0
Dia orang asing. H---s---f-rei--e-. He is a foreigner. H- i- a f-r-i-n-r- ------------------ He is a foreigner. 0
Dia bercakap beberapa bahasa. He---eaks s-v--a-----gua-e-. He speaks several languages. H- s-e-k- s-v-r-l l-n-u-g-s- ---------------------------- He speaks several languages. 0
Adakah anda ke sini buat kali pertama? A-e y-u he-- -or-th--f--s--t-m-? Are you here for the first time? A-e y-u h-r- f-r t-e f-r-t t-m-? -------------------------------- Are you here for the first time? 0
Tidak, saya berada di sini tahun lepas. No--I -as --r- --c-----t y---. No, I was here once last year. N-, I w-s h-r- o-c- l-s- y-a-. ------------------------------ No, I was here once last year. 0
Tetapi hanya untuk seminggu. Only f-r---w-------o-gh. Only for a week, though. O-l- f-r a w-e-, t-o-g-. ------------------------ Only for a week, though. 0
Adakah anda suka berada di sini? How do-you ---e ---he--? How do you like it here? H-w d- y-u l-k- i- h-r-? ------------------------ How do you like it here? 0
Sangat bagus. Orangnya baik. A----.--he-pe---- are n---. A lot. The people are nice. A l-t- T-e p-o-l- a-e n-c-. --------------------------- A lot. The people are nice. 0
Dan saya juga suka landskap tempat ini. A---- ---- th---c------ to-. And I like the scenery, too. A-d I l-k- t-e s-e-e-y- t-o- ---------------------------- And I like the scenery, too. 0
Apakah pekerjaan anda? W-a- -- ------r-fe-si-n? What is your profession? W-a- i- y-u- p-o-e-s-o-? ------------------------ What is your profession? 0
Saya penterjemah. I-am --t----lat-r. I am a translator. I a- a t-a-s-a-o-. ------------------ I am a translator. 0
Saya menterjemah buku. I-tr--s-a-e --ok-. I translate books. I t-a-s-a-e b-o-s- ------------------ I translate books. 0
Adakah anda di sini seorang diri? Are --- al-n- -e-e? Are you alone here? A-e y-u a-o-e h-r-? ------------------- Are you alone here? 0
Tidak, isteri/suami saya juga ada di sini. No, m- w-f--- -- ---b-nd is----o -er-. No, my wife / my husband is also here. N-, m- w-f- / m- h-s-a-d i- a-s- h-r-. -------------------------------------- No, my wife / my husband is also here. 0
Dan itu dua orang anak saya. A-d--h----ar------wo-ch---ren. And those are my two children. A-d t-o-e a-e m- t-o c-i-d-e-. ------------------------------ And those are my two children. 0


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