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49 [четириесет и девет]



49 [forty-nine]


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македонски англиски (US) Пушти Повеќе
Се занимаваш ли со спорт? Do --u -xercise? Do you exercise? D- y-u e-e-c-s-? ---------------- Do you exercise? 0
Да, морам да се движам. Ye-, ----ed-som- e---c-s-. Yes, I need some exercise. Y-s- I n-e- s-m- e-e-c-s-. -------------------------- Yes, I need some exercise. 0
Јас одам во еден спортски клуб. I--m - --m-er----- spor----lub. I am a member of a sports club. I a- a m-m-e- o- a s-o-t- c-u-. ------------------------------- I am a member of a sports club. 0
Ние играме фудбал. W- -l-y-----ball ---o-cer--am-). We play football / soccer (am.). W- p-a- f-o-b-l- / s-c-e- (-m-)- -------------------------------- We play football / soccer (am.). 0
Понекогаш пливаме. W- -wi- --me-imes. We swim sometimes. W- s-i- s-m-t-m-s- ------------------ We swim sometimes. 0
Или возиме велосипед. O--w--cy-l-. Or we cycle. O- w- c-c-e- ------------ Or we cycle. 0
Во нашиот град има еден фудбалски стадион. T---- is a-fo--ba-- - --c--- (---- ----i-m--n -u-----y. There is a football / soccer (am.) stadium in our city. T-e-e i- a f-o-b-l- / s-c-e- (-m-) s-a-i-m i- o-r c-t-. ------------------------------------------------------- There is a football / soccer (am.) stadium in our city. 0
Исто така има и еден базен со сауна. Th-re is -l-- a-s-i-m-n--po-- with - sa-n-. There is also a swimming pool with a sauna. T-e-e i- a-s- a s-i-m-n- p-o- w-t- a s-u-a- ------------------------------------------- There is also a swimming pool with a sauna. 0
Има и едно игралиште за голф. And---er--i--a ---f cou-s-. And there is a golf course. A-d t-e-e i- a g-l- c-u-s-. --------------------------- And there is a golf course. 0
Што има на телевизија? W----is o- T-? What is on TV? W-a- i- o- T-? -------------- What is on TV? 0
Во моментов има фудбалски натпревар. The-- is-a fo-tbal----s----r--am---m-tch----no-. There is a football / soccer (am.) match on now. T-e-e i- a f-o-b-l- / s-c-e- (-m-) m-t-h o- n-w- ------------------------------------------------ There is a football / soccer (am.) match on now. 0
Германскиот тим игра против англискиот. The-G-rman ---- -s--l------a--i-s- t-- E---is- --e. The German team is playing against the English one. T-e G-r-a- t-a- i- p-a-i-g a-a-n-t t-e E-g-i-h o-e- --------------------------------------------------- The German team is playing against the English one. 0
Кој победува? W-- -s-w-n-ing? Who is winning? W-o i- w-n-i-g- --------------- Who is winning? 0
Немам појма. I --ve -o -de-. I have no idea. I h-v- n- i-e-. --------------- I have no idea. 0
Во моментов е нерешено. It i- cu-r-n--y-a-t-e. It is currently a tie. I- i- c-r-e-t-y a t-e- ---------------------- It is currently a tie. 0
Фудбалскиот судија е од Белгија. The---fer-e is --om B-lgi--. The referee is from Belgium. T-e r-f-r-e i- f-o- B-l-i-m- ---------------------------- The referee is from Belgium. 0
Сега има пенал. N-w-t-e-- is a -en-l--. Now there is a penalty. N-w t-e-e i- a p-n-l-y- ----------------------- Now there is a penalty. 0
Гол! Еден спрема нула! G---! -n- - ---o! Goal! One – zero! G-a-! O-e – z-r-! ----------------- Goal! One – zero! 0


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