Jezikovni vodič

sl Dnevi tedna   »   en Days of the week

9 [devet]

Dnevi tedna

Dnevi tedna

9 [nine]

Days of the week

Izberite, kako želite videti prevod:   
slovenščina angleščina (UK) Igraj Več
ponedeljek M--day M_____ M-n-a- ------ Monday 0
torek T---d-y T______ T-e-d-y ------- Tuesday 0
sreda We-n----y W________ W-d-e-d-y --------- Wednesday 0
četrtek T--rs--y T_______ T-u-s-a- -------- Thursday 0
petek Fr-day F_____ F-i-a- ------ Friday 0
sobota Satu-d-y S_______ S-t-r-a- -------- Saturday 0
nedelja S-nday S_____ S-n-a- ------ Sunday 0
teden t-e -e-k t__ w___ t-e w-e- -------- the week 0
od ponedeljka do nedelje fr-----n-a---o S--day f___ M_____ t_ S_____ f-o- M-n-a- t- S-n-a- --------------------- from Monday to Sunday 0
Prvi dan je ponedeljek. The-f-r--------s M-nda-. T__ f____ d__ i_ M______ T-e f-r-t d-y i- M-n-a-. ------------------------ The first day is Monday. 0
Drugi dan je torek. T-e----on- day--s-Tu-s-ay. T__ s_____ d__ i_ T_______ T-e s-c-n- d-y i- T-e-d-y- -------------------------- The second day is Tuesday. 0
Tretji dan je sreda. T-e t--rd d-y--- W-d-es-ay. T__ t____ d__ i_ W_________ T-e t-i-d d-y i- W-d-e-d-y- --------------------------- The third day is Wednesday. 0
Četrti dan je četrtek. Th- -o-r-h -a--is -hu-s-ay. T__ f_____ d__ i_ T________ T-e f-u-t- d-y i- T-u-s-a-. --------------------------- The fourth day is Thursday. 0
Peti dan je petek. The-f-fth --- ----rida-. T__ f____ d__ i_ F______ T-e f-f-h d-y i- F-i-a-. ------------------------ The fifth day is Friday. 0
Šesti dan je sobota. T-----xt--day-is --tur--y. T__ s____ d__ i_ S________ T-e s-x-h d-y i- S-t-r-a-. -------------------------- The sixth day is Saturday. 0
Sedmi dan je nedelja. The s--e-t--day -s S-nd-y. T__ s______ d__ i_ S______ T-e s-v-n-h d-y i- S-n-a-. -------------------------- The seventh day is Sunday. 0
Teden ima sedem dni. T-e -e-k --s-se-e- -a-s. T__ w___ h__ s____ d____ T-e w-e- h-s s-v-n d-y-. ------------------------ The week has seven days. 0
Delamo samo pet dni. We-on----or- -o---i-e d--s. W_ o___ w___ f__ f___ d____ W- o-l- w-r- f-r f-v- d-y-. --------------------------- We only work for five days. 0


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