Jezikovni vodič

sl Taksi   »   en In the taxi

38 [osemintrideset]



38 [thirty-eight]

In the taxi

Izberite, kako želite videti prevod:   
slovenščina angleščina (UK) Igraj Več
Prosim, pokličite taksi. Plea-- -all a --xi. P_____ c___ a t____ P-e-s- c-l- a t-x-. ------------------- Please call a taxi. 0
Koliko stane prevoz do železniške postaje? W--t -oe--it c-s--t- go to---e ----i-n? W___ d___ i_ c___ t_ g_ t_ t__ s_______ W-a- d-e- i- c-s- t- g- t- t-e s-a-i-n- --------------------------------------- What does it cost to go to the station? 0
Koliko stane prevoz do letališča? Wha--do----t---st--- go to th- -ir--rt? W___ d___ i_ c___ t_ g_ t_ t__ a_______ W-a- d-e- i- c-s- t- g- t- t-e a-r-o-t- --------------------------------------- What does it cost to go to the airport? 0
Prosim naravnost. P---se--o-s-raig-t-ahead. P_____ g_ s_______ a_____ P-e-s- g- s-r-i-h- a-e-d- ------------------------- Please go straight ahead. 0
Prosim tukaj na desno. P--a-e-tu-n r-g-t h-r-. P_____ t___ r____ h____ P-e-s- t-r- r-g-t h-r-. ----------------------- Please turn right here. 0
Prosim tam na vogalu na levo. P--a-- tur----f-----the----ner. P_____ t___ l___ a_ t__ c______ P-e-s- t-r- l-f- a- t-e c-r-e-. ------------------------------- Please turn left at the corner. 0
Mudi se mi. I’m-i- --hur--. I__ i_ a h_____ I-m i- a h-r-y- --------------- I’m in a hurry. 0
Imam čas. I ha---t---. I h___ t____ I h-v- t-m-. ------------ I have time. 0
Prosim, peljite počasneje. P-ea-- d-------ow--. P_____ d____ s______ P-e-s- d-i-e s-o-l-. -------------------- Please drive slowly. 0
Tukaj se, prosim, ustavite. Pleas---t-- -e--. P_____ s___ h____ P-e-s- s-o- h-r-. ----------------- Please stop here. 0
Počakajte, prosim, trenutek. P--a-e -a-t-a m-m-nt. P_____ w___ a m______ P-e-s- w-i- a m-m-n-. --------------------- Please wait a moment. 0
Takoj bom nazaj. I-ll--e--ac- imm-di----y. I___ b_ b___ i___________ I-l- b- b-c- i-m-d-a-e-y- ------------------------- I’ll be back immediately. 0
Dajte mi, prosim, potrdilo o plačilu. Pleas- -iv--me --r-c--pt. P_____ g___ m_ a r_______ P-e-s- g-v- m- a r-c-i-t- ------------------------- Please give me a receipt. 0
Nimam drobiža. I----- n- -h---e. I h___ n_ c______ I h-v- n- c-a-g-. ----------------- I have no change. 0
V redu, ostanek je za vas. T-at-i----ay- p--ase-keep th- change. T___ i_ o____ p_____ k___ t__ c______ T-a- i- o-a-, p-e-s- k-e- t-e c-a-g-. ------------------------------------- That is okay, please keep the change. 0
Peljite me na ta naslov. D-i-e me t- -hi--a-d--ss. D____ m_ t_ t___ a_______ D-i-e m- t- t-i- a-d-e-s- ------------------------- Drive me to this address. 0
Peljite me do mojega hotela. D-iv---e--o-m----t-l. D____ m_ t_ m_ h_____ D-i-e m- t- m- h-t-l- --------------------- Drive me to my hotel. 0
Peljite me na obalo. Drive-me -o-t-- --a-h. D____ m_ t_ t__ b_____ D-i-e m- t- t-e b-a-h- ---------------------- Drive me to the beach. 0


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