
en Running errands   »   da På indkøb

51 [fifty-one]

Running errands

Running errands

51 [enoghalvtreds]

På indkøb

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I want to go to the library. Jeg---l -å -i-li--ek--. J__ v__ p_ b___________ J-g v-l p- b-b-i-t-k-t- ----------------------- Jeg vil på biblioteket. 0
I want to go to the bookstore. J-g-----i-b-gh----en. J__ v__ i b__________ J-g v-l i b-g-a-d-e-. --------------------- Jeg vil i boghandlen. 0
I want to go to the newspaper stand. J---vil-i-----ken. J__ v__ i k_______ J-g v-l i k-o-k-n- ------------------ Jeg vil i kiosken. 0
I want to borrow a book. J-- vil -å-e -n--o-. J__ v__ l___ e_ b___ J-g v-l l-n- e- b-g- -------------------- Jeg vil låne en bog. 0
I want to buy a book. J-g v-- kø-- -----g. J__ v__ k___ e_ b___ J-g v-l k-b- e- b-g- -------------------- Jeg vil købe en bog. 0
I want to buy a newspaper. J-- v-- -øbe-en-a--s. J__ v__ k___ e_ a____ J-g v-l k-b- e- a-i-. --------------------- Jeg vil købe en avis. 0
I want to go to the library to borrow a book. J-g---l p--bib-iot--e----r a------ en b--. J__ v__ p_ b__________ f__ a_ l___ e_ b___ J-g v-l p- b-b-i-t-k-t f-r a- l-n- e- b-g- ------------------------------------------ Jeg vil på biblioteket for at låne en bog. 0
I want to go to the bookstore to buy a book. Jeg---l i -o-ha-d-en--o--at ----------g. J__ v__ i b_________ f__ a_ k___ e_ b___ J-g v-l i b-g-a-d-e- f-r a- k-b- e- b-g- ---------------------------------------- Jeg vil i boghandlen for at købe en bog. 0
I want to go to the kiosk / newspaper stand to buy a newspaper. J-- ----i--i-s-e---o- at-køb---- --is. J__ v__ i k______ f__ a_ k___ e_ a____ J-g v-l i k-o-k-n f-r a- k-b- e- a-i-. -------------------------------------- Jeg vil i kiosken for at købe en avis. 0
I want to go to the optician. J-g vi- t-- o--ik--en. J__ v__ t__ o_________ J-g v-l t-l o-t-k-r-n- ---------------------- Jeg vil til optikeren. 0
I want to go to the supermarket. Je- vil-- su-e-m--ked-t. J__ v__ i s_____________ J-g v-l i s-p-r-a-k-d-t- ------------------------ Jeg vil i supermarkedet. 0
I want to go to the bakery. J-----l-t-l ----r--. J__ v__ t__ b_______ J-g v-l t-l b-g-r-n- -------------------- Jeg vil til bageren. 0
I want to buy some glasses. Jeg vi- -øbe-e--par bri-l--. J__ v__ k___ e_ p__ b_______ J-g v-l k-b- e- p-r b-i-l-r- ---------------------------- Jeg vil købe et par briller. 0
I want to buy fruit and vegetables. Jeg-vi- -øbe----g---g---ø-tsa-e-. J__ v__ k___ f____ o_ g__________ J-g v-l k-b- f-u-t o- g-ø-t-a-e-. --------------------------------- Jeg vil købe frugt og grøntsager. 0
I want to buy rolls and bread. J---vi----b- r-------ke--og ---d. J__ v__ k___ r__________ o_ b____ J-g v-l k-b- r-n-s-y-k-r o- b-ø-. --------------------------------- Jeg vil købe rundstykker og brød. 0
I want to go to the optician to buy glasses. Jeg -i--ti--op-ike-e- for a--kø-e--t par b------. J__ v__ t__ o________ f__ a_ k___ e_ p__ b_______ J-g v-l t-l o-t-k-r-n f-r a- k-b- e- p-r b-i-l-r- ------------------------------------------------- Jeg vil til optikeren for at købe et par briller. 0
I want to go to the supermarket to buy fruit and vegetables. Jeg --- --s-perm--------f-- -t --b- -r-g--og gr-nt--ge-. J__ v__ i s____________ f__ a_ k___ f____ o_ g__________ J-g v-l i s-p-r-a-k-d-t f-r a- k-b- f-u-t o- g-ø-t-a-e-. -------------------------------------------------------- Jeg vil i supermarkedet for at købe frugt og grøntsager. 0
I want to go to the baker to buy rolls and bread. J-g--i- --l --ge--- fo- a--kø-e r-n-s-y--er o---r-d. J__ v__ t__ b______ f__ a_ k___ r__________ o_ b____ J-g v-l t-l b-g-r-n f-r a- k-b- r-n-s-y-k-r o- b-ø-. ---------------------------------------------------- Jeg vil til bageren for at købe rundstykker og brød. 0

Minority languages in Europe

Many different languages are spoken in Europe. Most of them are Indo-European languages. In addition to the large national languages, there are also many smaller languages. They are minority languages. Minority languages are different from official languages. But they aren't dialects. They aren't the languages of immigrants either. Minority languages are always ethnically driven. Meaning, they are the languages of particular ethnic groups. There are minority languages in almost every country of Europe. That amounts to about 40 languages in the European Union. Some minority languages are only spoken in one country. Among them for example is Sorbian in Germany. Romani, on the other hand, has speakers in many European countries. Minority languages have a special status. Because they are only spoken by a relatively small group. These groups cannot afford to build their own schools. It is also difficult for them to publish their own literature. As a result, many minority languages are threatened by extinction. The European Union wants to protect minority languages. Because every language is an important part of a culture or identity. Some nations do not have a commonwealth and only exist as a minority. Various programs and projects are meant to promote their languages. It is hoped that the culture of smaller ethnic groups will be preserved as well. Nevertheless, some minority languages will disappear soon. Among them is Livonian, spoken in a province of Latvia. Only 20 people remain as native speakers of Livonian. This makes Livonian the smallest language in Europe.
Did you know?
Urdu is counted among the Indo-Iranian languages. It is spoken in Pakistan and a few Indian states. Urdu is the native language of about 60 million people. It is the national language in Pakistan. It is also recognized as one of the 22 official languages in India. Urdu is very closely related to Hindi. Both languages are basically just two sociolects of Hindustani. Hindustani emerged from different languages in northern India starting in the 13th century. Today Urdu and Hindi are considered two independent languages. Speakers of these languages can communicate with each other easily though. The semiotic system is what clearly differentiates the two. Urdu is written with a version of the Persian-Arabic alphabet, while Hindi is not. Urdu is very prominent as a literary language. It is also often used in large film productions. Learn Urdu - it is the key to the culture of South Asia!