
en To want something   »   he ‫לרצות משהו‬

71 [seventy-one]

To want something

To want something

‫71 [שבעים ואחת]‬

71 [shiv\'im w\'axat]

‫לרצות משהו‬

[lirtsot mashehu]

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What do you want to do? ‫מ- תרצו?‬ ‫__ ת_____ ‫-ה ת-צ-?- ---------- ‫מה תרצו?‬ 0
ma----r-s-? m__ t______ m-h t-r-s-? ----------- mah tirtsu?
Do you want to play football / soccer (am.)? ‫--צו--שח--כ-ו-גל?‬ ‫____ ל___ כ_______ ‫-ר-ו ל-ח- כ-ו-ג-?- ------------------- ‫תרצו לשחק כדורגל?‬ 0
t-rtsu-l---ax-q---d--ege-? t_____ l_______ k_________ t-r-s- l-s-a-e- k-d-r-g-l- -------------------------- tirtsu lessaxeq kaduregel?
Do you want to visit friends? ‫תר-ו -ב-- חברים?‬ ‫____ ל___ ח______ ‫-ר-ו ל-ק- ח-ר-ם-‬ ------------------ ‫תרצו לבקר חברים?‬ 0
t--t---leva--- --ve-i-? t_____ l______ x_______ t-r-s- l-v-q-r x-v-r-m- ----------------------- tirtsu levaqer xaverim?
to want ‫ל-צ--‬ ‫______ ‫-ר-ו-‬ ------- ‫לרצות‬ 0
lir-s-t l______ l-r-s-t ------- lirtsot
I don’t want to arrive late. ‫א-- לא-ר-צה ----ע-מא---.‬ ‫___ ל_ ר___ ל____ מ______ ‫-נ- ל- ר-צ- ל-ג-ע מ-ו-ר-‬ -------------------------- ‫אני לא רוצה להגיע מאוחר.‬ 0
ani-l---o----/--ts-- ----g-a ---uxa-. a__ l_ r____________ l______ m_______ a-i l- r-t-e-/-o-s-h l-h-g-a m-'-x-r- ------------------------------------- ani lo rotseh/rotsah lehagia me'uxar.
I don’t want to go there. ‫אנ- -א ---ה----ת -שם.‬ ‫___ ל_ ר___ ל___ ל____ ‫-נ- ל- ר-צ- ל-כ- ל-ם-‬ ----------------------- ‫אני לא רוצה ללכת לשם.‬ 0
a-i--o---t-e-/r--s-h--a---he---'----. a__ l_ r____________ l_______ l______ a-i l- r-t-e-/-o-s-h l-l-k-e- l-s-a-. ------------------------------------- ani lo rotseh/rotsah lalekhet l'sham.
I want to go home. ‫--- ר--ה ל--ת -בי-ה.‬ ‫___ ר___ ל___ ה______ ‫-נ- ר-צ- ל-כ- ה-י-ה-‬ ---------------------- ‫אני רוצה ללכת הביתה.‬ 0
a-i---t-eh/ro---h--ale-he- -abai-ah. a__ r____________ l_______ h________ a-i r-t-e-/-o-s-h l-l-k-e- h-b-i-a-. ------------------------------------ ani rotseh/rotsah lalekhet habaitah.
I want to stay at home. ‫אנ---וצה-להי-א- --י--‬ ‫___ ר___ ל_____ ב_____ ‫-נ- ר-צ- ל-י-א- ב-י-.- ----------------------- ‫אני רוצה להישאר בבית.‬ 0
an----t---/rotsa--l-----a'e--bab-y-. a__ r____________ l_________ b______ a-i r-t-e-/-o-s-h l-h-s-a-e- b-b-y-. ------------------------------------ ani rotseh/rotsah lehisha'er babayt.
I want to be alone. ‫-נ- ------הי-ת -ב--‬ ‫___ ר___ ל____ ל____ ‫-נ- ר-צ- ל-י-ת ל-ד-‬ --------------------- ‫אני רוצה להיות לבד.‬ 0
a-i ro--eh/--ts-h-li---t-le--d. a__ r____________ l_____ l_____ a-i r-t-e-/-o-s-h l-h-o- l-v-d- ------------------------------- ani rotseh/rotsah lihiot levad.
Do you want to stay here? ‫-ת / ה -----ל--שאר -א-?‬ ‫__ / ה ר___ ל_____ כ____ ‫-ת / ה ר-צ- ל-י-א- כ-ן-‬ ------------------------- ‫את / ה רוצה להישאר כאן?‬ 0
at---a---ot--h/---sa- -e---ha'er --'-? a______ r____________ l_________ k____ a-a-/-t r-t-e-/-o-s-h l-h-s-a-e- k-'-? -------------------------------------- atah/at rotseh/rotsah lehisha'er ka'n?
Do you want to eat here? ‫-ת - --רו----אכול ---?‬ ‫__ / ה ר___ ל____ כ____ ‫-ת / ה ר-צ- ל-כ-ל כ-ן-‬ ------------------------ ‫את / ה רוצה לאכול כאן?‬ 0
a--h-at rotseh/rotsa- l-'-kho- k-'-? a______ r____________ l_______ k____ a-a-/-t r-t-e-/-o-s-h l-'-k-o- k-'-? ------------------------------------ atah/at rotseh/rotsah le'ekhol ka'n?
Do you want to sleep here? ‫א- /-- -וצה-לי--ן ----‬ ‫__ / ה ר___ ל____ כ____ ‫-ת / ה ר-צ- ל-ש-ן כ-ן-‬ ------------------------ ‫את / ה רוצה לישון כאן?‬ 0
a---/-t -o---h-ro-sah --------a--? a______ r____________ l_____ k____ a-a-/-t r-t-e-/-o-s-h l-s-o- k-'-? ---------------------------------- atah/at rotseh/rotsah lishon ka'n?
Do you want to leave tomorrow? ‫א- /---ר-צה-לע--- ---?‬ ‫__ / ה ר___ ל____ מ____ ‫-ת / ה ר-צ- ל-ז-ב מ-ר-‬ ------------------------ ‫את / ה רוצה לעזוב מחר?‬ 0
a--h-a- r--s----ot--h -a--z--------? a______ r____________ l______ m_____ a-a-/-t r-t-e-/-o-s-h l-'-z-v m-x-r- ------------------------------------ atah/at rotseh/rotsah la'azov maxar?
Do you want to stay till tomorrow? ‫---/-- רוצה -הי-א--ע----ר?‬ ‫__ / ה ר___ ל_____ ע_ מ____ ‫-ת / ה ר-צ- ל-י-א- ע- מ-ר-‬ ---------------------------- ‫את / ה רוצה להישאר עד מחר?‬ 0
a-ah-a---ots--/r-tsa- lehis--'-- ----axar? a______ r____________ l_________ a_ m_____ a-a-/-t r-t-e-/-o-s-h l-h-s-a-e- a- m-x-r- ------------------------------------------ atah/at rotseh/rotsah lehisha'er ad maxar?
Do you want to pay the bill only tomorrow? ‫א- /-ה רו-ה --לם-א--החש--- -ח-?‬ ‫__ / ה ר___ ל___ א_ ה_____ מ____ ‫-ת / ה ר-צ- ל-ל- א- ה-ש-ו- מ-ר-‬ --------------------------------- ‫את / ה רוצה לשלם את החשבון מחר?‬ 0
ata---- ro-seh-----a--------e--e- -a-ash-----ax--? a______ r____________ l_______ e_ h________ m_____ a-a-/-t r-t-e-/-o-s-h l-s-a-e- e- h-x-s-b-n m-x-r- -------------------------------------------------- atah/at rotseh/rotsah leshalem et haxashbon maxar?
Do you want to go to the disco? ‫-תם---צי--לל-- ל----וט--‬ ‫___ ר____ ל___ ל_________ ‫-ת- ר-צ-ם ל-כ- ל-י-ק-ט-?- -------------------------- ‫אתם רוצים ללכת לדיסקוטק?‬ 0
a-----otsi- lal---e- l'disq--e-? a___ r_____ l_______ l__________ a-e- r-t-i- l-l-k-e- l-d-s-o-e-? -------------------------------- atem rotsim lalekhet l'disqoteq?
Do you want to go to the cinema? ‫-ת--רו--ם--ל-- -ק-לנ-ע?‬ ‫___ ר____ ל___ ל________ ‫-ת- ר-צ-ם ל-כ- ל-ו-נ-ע-‬ ------------------------- ‫אתם רוצים ללכת לקולנוע?‬ 0
atem -o--i------k-e- la-o----a? a___ r_____ l_______ l_________ a-e- r-t-i- l-l-k-e- l-q-l-o-a- ------------------------------- atem rotsim lalekhet laqolno'a?
Do you want to go to a café? ‫----רו--- --כת----- ה--ה?‬ ‫___ ר____ ל___ ל___ ה_____ ‫-ת- ר-צ-ם ל-כ- ל-י- ה-פ-?- --------------------------- ‫אתם רוצים ללכת לבית הקפה?‬ 0
a--m--o-s---lalekh-t-l--e-t-ha-afe-? a___ r_____ l_______ l______________ a-e- r-t-i- l-l-k-e- l-b-y---a-a-e-? ------------------------------------ atem rotsim lalekhet l'beyt-haqafeh?

Indonesia, the land of many languages

The Republic of Indonesia is one of the largest countries on Earth. About 240 million people live in the insular state. These people belong to many different ethnic groups. It is estimated that there are almost 500 ethnic groups in Indonesia. These groups have many different cultural traditions. And they also speak many different languages! About 250 languages are spoken in Indonesia. There are many dialects on top of that. Indonesia's languages are typically classified under the ethnic groups. For example, there is the Javanese or Balinese language. This multitude of languages naturally leads to problems. They hinder an efficient economy and administration. Therefore, a national language was implemented in Indonesia. Since their independence in 1945, Bahasa Indonesia is the official language. It is taught alongside the native language in all schools. Despite this, not all inhabitants of Indonesia speak this language. Only about 70% of Indonesians are proficient in Bahasa Indonesia. Bahasa Indonesia is the native language of ‘only’ 20 million people. Thus, the many regional languages are still of great importance. Indonesian is especially interesting for language lovers. Because there are many advantages to learning Indonesian. The language is considered to be relatively easy. The grammar rules can be learned quickly. You can rely on the spelling for pronunciation. The orthography isn't difficult either. Many Indonesian words come from other languages. And: Indonesian will soon be one of the most important languages… These are enough reasons to start learning, right?