
en To have to do something / must   »   he ‫חייבים משהו‬

72 [seventy-two]

To have to do something / must

To have to do something / must

‫72 [שבעים ושתיים]‬

72 [shiv\'im ushtaym]

‫חייבים משהו‬

[xayavim mashehu]

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must ‫לה--ת --כר- /-ל-יו- חייב‬ ‫_____ מ____ / ל____ ח____ ‫-ה-ו- מ-כ-ח / ל-י-ת ח-י-‬ -------------------------- ‫להיות מוכרח / להיות חייב‬ 0
li-i-t-muk-ra-/--h--- x---v l_____ m_____________ x____ l-h-o- m-k-r-x-l-h-o- x-y-v --------------------------- lihiot mukhrax/lihiot xayav
I must post the letter. ‫א----ו-רח / ה--ש-וח-את המכת--‬ ‫___ מ____ / ה ל____ א_ ה______ ‫-נ- מ-כ-ח / ה ל-ל-ח א- ה-כ-ב-‬ ------------------------------- ‫אני מוכרח / ה לשלוח את המכתב.‬ 0
ani -u--r--/mu-h--xa--l-----a- ---h-mi---av. a__ m________________ l_______ e_ h_________ a-i m-k-r-x-m-k-r-x-h l-s-l-a- e- h-m-k-t-v- -------------------------------------------- ani mukhrax/mukhraxah lishloax et hamikhtav.
I must pay the hotel. ‫א-י-ח--- --ת-לש-ם-ל-ל---‬ ‫___ ח___ / ת ל___ ל______ ‫-נ- ח-י- / ת ל-ל- ל-ל-ן-‬ -------------------------- ‫אני חייב / ת לשלם למלון.‬ 0
an--x---v/-ay---- -e-hal-m l-m-l--. a__ x____________ l_______ l_______ a-i x-y-v-x-y-v-t l-s-a-e- l-m-l-n- ----------------------------------- ani xayav/xayevet leshalem lamalon.
You must get up early. ‫-ת - --מו-רח --ה ---ם מ-קד-.‬ ‫__ / ה מ____ / ה ל___ מ______ ‫-ת / ה מ-כ-ח / ה ל-ו- מ-ק-ם-‬ ------------------------------ ‫את / ה מוכרח / ה לקום מוקדם.‬ 0
a-ah-a---ukh-a-/m--hr---- l-q-- ----a-. a______ m________________ l____ m______ a-a-/-t m-k-r-x-m-k-r-x-h l-q-m m-q-a-. --------------------------------------- atah/at mukhrax/mukhraxah laqum muqdam.
You must work a lot. ‫א--/ - ח-יב --ת---בוד ----.‬ ‫__ / ה ח___ / ת ל____ ה_____ ‫-ת / ה ח-י- / ת ל-ב-ד ה-ב-.- ----------------------------- ‫את / ה חייב / ת לעבוד הרבה.‬ 0
atah-at-x--av-x-y--et--a'-v-- -a-beh. a______ x____________ l______ h______ a-a-/-t x-y-v-x-y-v-t l-'-v-d h-r-e-. ------------------------------------- atah/at xayav/xayevet la'avod harbeh.
You must be punctual. ‫---- ה ---ר--/ - -דיי--‬ ‫__ / ה מ____ / ה ל______ ‫-ת / ה מ-כ-ח / ה ל-י-ק-‬ ------------------------- ‫את / ה מוכרח / ה לדייק.‬ 0
a---/a------r--/mukh-a--h--ed-yeq. a______ m________________ l_______ a-a-/-t m-k-r-x-m-k-r-x-h l-d-y-q- ---------------------------------- atah/at mukhrax/mukhraxah ledayeq.
He must fuel / get petrol / get gas (am.). ‫--א מוכר---ת-לק-‬ ‫___ מ____ ל______ ‫-ו- מ-כ-ח ל-ד-ק-‬ ------------------ ‫הוא מוכרח לתדלק.‬ 0
h--mu-hra--l-t-dl--. h_ m______ l________ h- m-k-r-x l-t-d-e-. -------------------- hu mukhrax letadleq.
He must repair the car. ‫ה-א--י-ב --ק- -- ה---ני-.‬ ‫___ ח___ ל___ א_ ה________ ‫-ו- ח-י- ל-ק- א- ה-כ-נ-ת-‬ --------------------------- ‫הוא חייב לתקן את המכונית.‬ 0
h-- xaya- ----q---et -----h----. h__ x____ l______ e_ h__________ h-i x-y-v l-t-q-n e- h-m-k-o-i-. -------------------------------- hwi xayav letaqen et hamekhonit.
He must wash the car. ‫-ו----י--לרח-ץ-א--המ-ו-ית.‬ ‫___ ח___ ל____ א_ ה________ ‫-ו- ח-י- ל-ח-ץ א- ה-כ-נ-ת-‬ ---------------------------- ‫הוא חייב לרחוץ את המכונית.‬ 0
h----a----l-rxo-s e--h-mek-o-it. h__ x____ l______ e_ h__________ h-i x-y-v l-r-o-s e- h-m-k-o-i-. -------------------------------- hwi xayav lirxots et hamekhonit.
She must shop. ‫ה---ח---ת--עש---קני-ת-‬ ‫___ ח____ ל____ ק______ ‫-י- ח-י-ת ל-ש-ת ק-י-ת-‬ ------------------------ ‫היא חייבת לעשות קניות.‬ 0
hi-x-yevet---'-ss-- -n--t. h_ x______ l_______ q_____ h- x-y-v-t l-'-s-o- q-i-t- -------------------------- hi xayevet la'assot qniot.
She must clean the apartment. ‫--א ח---ת----ות-א- ה-י-ה-‬ ‫___ ח____ ל____ א_ ה______ ‫-י- ח-י-ת ל-ק-ת א- ה-י-ה-‬ --------------------------- ‫היא חייבת לנקות את הדירה.‬ 0
hi-xay---t-l--a--t-e- ---ira-. h_ x______ l______ e_ h_______ h- x-y-v-t l-n-q-t e- h-d-r-h- ------------------------------ hi xayevet lenaqot et hadirah.
She must wash the clothes. ‫ה-א-----ת ל-שו- כ-יסה-‬ ‫___ ח____ ל____ כ______ ‫-י- ח-י-ת ל-ש-ת כ-י-ה-‬ ------------------------ ‫היא חייבת לעשות כביסה.‬ 0
hi xa-evet-la'-s-ot---i-a-. h_ x______ l_______ k______ h- x-y-v-t l-'-s-o- k-i-a-. --------------------------- hi xayevet la'assot kvisah.
We must go to school at once. ‫--חנו----בים לל---ל-י----פ--ע-ד-----‬ ‫_____ ח_____ ל___ ל___ ה___ ע__ מ____ ‫-נ-נ- ח-י-י- ל-כ- ל-י- ה-פ- ע-ד מ-ט-‬ -------------------------------------- ‫אנחנו חייבים ללכת לבית הספר עוד מעט.‬ 0
an---- xa--vim -al-kh---l-veyt-h-sefer--- m-'--. a_____ x______ l_______ l_____________ o_ m_____ a-a-n- x-y-v-m l-l-k-e- l-v-y---a-e-e- o- m-'-t- ------------------------------------------------ anaxnu xayavim lalekhet l'veyt-hasefer od me'at.
We must go to work at once. ‫--ח-ו חי--ים -ל-ת לעב-ד--עו- ----‬ ‫_____ ח_____ ל___ ל_____ ע__ מ____ ‫-נ-נ- ח-י-י- ל-כ- ל-ב-ד- ע-ד מ-ט-‬ ----------------------------------- ‫אנחנו חייבים ללכת לעבודה עוד מעט.‬ 0
a--x----aya-----al----- --'avo----od--e'at. a_____ x______ l_______ l________ o_ m_____ a-a-n- x-y-v-m l-l-k-e- l-'-v-d-h o- m-'-t- ------------------------------------------- anaxnu xayavim lalekhet la'avodah od me'at.
We must go to the doctor at once. ‫--ח-ו -ייב-ם לל----ר--א---ד--ע-.‬ ‫_____ ח_____ ל___ ל____ ע__ מ____ ‫-נ-נ- ח-י-י- ל-כ- ל-ו-א ע-ד מ-ט-‬ ---------------------------------- ‫אנחנו חייבים ללכת לרופא עוד מעט.‬ 0
ana-n- -a-av-m l--ek-et-larof--o- me'--. a_____ x______ l_______ l_____ o_ m_____ a-a-n- x-y-v-m l-l-k-e- l-r-f- o- m-'-t- ---------------------------------------- anaxnu xayavim lalekhet larofe od me'at.
You must wait for the bus. ‫-תם-- ן-מ-כ-חים-- ח-- ------ לא-טוב-ס.‬ ‫___ / ן מ______ / ח__ ל_____ ל_________ ‫-ת- / ן מ-כ-ח-ם / ח-ת ל-מ-י- ל-ו-ו-ו-.- ---------------------------------------- ‫אתם / ן מוכרחים / חות להמתין לאוטובוס.‬ 0
at--/at-- ----ra-im/m-k---xot-leha--in l--t-b-s. a________ m__________________ l_______ l________ a-e-/-t-n m-k-r-x-m-m-k-r-x-t l-h-m-i- l-o-o-u-. ------------------------------------------------ atem/aten mukhraxim/mukhraxot lehamtin l'otobus.
You must wait for the train. ‫-תם /-- חייב-- - -ת--ה-תין---כ-ת-‬ ‫___ / ן ח_____ / ו_ ל_____ ל______ ‫-ת- / ן ח-י-י- / ו- ל-מ-י- ל-כ-ת-‬ ----------------------------------- ‫אתם / ן חייבים / ות להמתין לרכבת.‬ 0
at-m/ate--xay---m/x-ya-------a-tin l-r----et. a________ x______________ l_______ l_________ a-e-/-t-n x-y-v-m-x-y-v-t l-h-m-i- l-r-k-v-t- --------------------------------------------- atem/aten xayavim/xayavot lehamtin larakevet.
You must wait for the taxi. ‫א-- /-- ח-יבי----ו- -ה-ת-ן ------.‬ ‫___ / ן ח_____ / ו_ ל_____ ל_______ ‫-ת- / ן ח-י-י- / ו- ל-מ-י- ל-ו-י-.- ------------------------------------ ‫אתם / ן חייבים / ות להמתין למונית.‬ 0
a--m/a------y--im/-aya--t --h-m------m-n-t. a________ x______________ l_______ l_______ a-e-/-t-n x-y-v-m-x-y-v-t l-h-m-i- l-m-n-t- ------------------------------------------- atem/aten xayavim/xayavot lehamtin lamonit.

Why are there so many different languages?

Today there are more than 6,000 different languages worldwide. This is why we need interpreters and translators. A very long time ago, everyone still spoke the same language. That changed, however, when people began to migrate. They left their African homeland and moved around the world. This spatial separation lead to a linguistic separation as well. Because each people developed its own form of communication. Many different languages evolved from the common proto-language. But man never remained in one place for very long. So the languages became increasingly separated from each other. Somewhere along the line, a common root could no longer be recognized. Furthermore, no people lived in isolation for thousands of years. There was always contact with other peoples. This changed the languages. They took on elements from foreign languages or they merged. Because of this, the progression of the languages never stopped. Therefore, migrations and contact with new peoples explain the multitude of languages. Why languages are so different is another question, however. Every evolution follows certain rules. So there must be a reason for languages being the way they are. Scientists have been interested in these reasons for years. They would like to know why languages develop differently. In order to research that, one must trace the history of languages. Then one can identify what changed when. It is still unknown what influences the development of languages. Cultural factors appear to be more important than biological factors. That is to say, the history of different peoples shaped their languages. Obviously, languages tell us more than we know…