
en Conjunctions   »   hu Kötőszavak 4

97 [ninety-seven]



97 [kilencvenhét]

Kötőszavak 4

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He fell asleep although the TV was on. E-alu-t----b-- - -----íz---b-----t--apcs----. E_______ h____ a t________ b_ v___ k_________ E-a-u-t- h-b-r a t-l-v-z-ó b- v-l- k-p-s-l-a- --------------------------------------------- Elaludt, habár a televízió be volt kapcsolva. 0
He stayed a while although it was late. Mé---a-a-t-----á- m-r -éső--olt. M__ m______ h____ m__ k___ v____ M-g m-r-d-, h-b-r m-r k-s- v-l-. -------------------------------- Még maradt, habár már késő volt. 0
He didn’t come although we had made an appointment. N-------, -abá--megb--z-l-ük. N__ j____ h____ m____________ N-m j-t-, h-b-r m-g-e-z-l-ü-. ----------------------------- Nem jött, habár megbeszéltük. 0
The TV was on. Nevertheless, he fell asleep. A -e-evíz-- b--v-l--k-p--ol--.-E-n-k---lenér---lalu--. A t________ b_ v___ k_________ E____ e_______ e_______ A t-l-v-z-ó b- v-l- k-p-s-l-a- E-n-k e-l-n-r- e-a-u-t- ------------------------------------------------------ A televízió be volt kapcsolva. Ennek ellenére elaludt. 0
It was already late. Nevertheless, he stayed a while. M-r késő v--------ek--l--nér---ara-t---g. M__ k___ v____ E____ e_______ m_____ m___ M-r k-s- v-l-. E-n-k e-l-n-r- m-r-d- m-g- ----------------------------------------- Már késő volt. Ennek ellenére maradt még. 0
We had made an appointment. Nevertheless, he didn’t come. M----sz--tük- En-----lle-é-e --- -ö---el. M____________ E____ e_______ n__ j___ e__ M-g-e-z-l-ü-. E-n-k e-l-n-r- n-m j-t- e-. ----------------------------------------- Megbeszéltük. Ennek ellenére nem jött el. 0
Although he has no license, he drives the car. Ám-á--n--c---o--s------a---u-ót -ez-t. Á____ n____ j____________ a____ v_____ Á-b-r n-n-s j-g-s-t-á-y-, a-t-t v-z-t- -------------------------------------- Ámbár nincs jogosítványa, autót vezet. 0
Although the road is slippery, he drives so fast. Ho-----j-g-s-a--ú---g-o--an-v---t. H_____ j____ a_ ú__ g______ v_____ H-l-t- j-g-s a- ú-, g-o-s-n v-z-t- ---------------------------------- Holott jeges az út, gyorsan vezet. 0
Although he is drunk, he rides his bicycle. H--o-- b- van rúg-a,-ke----á---i-. H_____ b_ v__ r_____ k____________ H-l-t- b- v-n r-g-a- k-r-k-á-o-i-. ---------------------------------- Holott be van rúgva, kerékpározik. 0
Despite having no licence / license (am.), he drives the car. Ni-cs j---s--vá-ya- -n-e--e-le---- ---et---tó-. N____ j____________ E____ e_______ v____ a_____ N-n-s j-g-s-t-á-y-. E-n-k e-l-n-r- v-z-t a-t-t- ----------------------------------------------- Nincs jogosítványa. Ennek ellenére vezet autót. 0
Despite the road being slippery, he drives fast. A- ú----ge-- --n-k-e---nére i-ye---y-rs-- -e-e-. A_ ú_ j_____ E____ e_______ i____ g______ v_____ A- ú- j-g-s- E-n-k e-l-n-r- i-y-n g-o-s-n v-z-t- ------------------------------------------------ Az út jeges. Ennek ellenére ilyen gyorsan vezet. 0
Despite being drunk, he rides the bike. Be---- rúg--- E-nek --len-r--k---kp---z-k. B_ v__ r_____ E____ e_______ k____________ B- v-n r-g-a- E-n-k e-l-n-r- k-r-k-á-o-i-. ------------------------------------------ Be van rúgva. Ennek ellenére kerékpározik. 0
Although she went to college, she can’t find a job. Ne--t------ag---k-á---s----ó---he- eg-et-m-n ta-ult. N__ t____ m______ á______ j_______ e________ t______ N-m t-l-l m-g-n-k á-l-s-, j-l-e-e- e-y-t-m-n t-n-l-. ---------------------------------------------------- Nem talál magának állást, jóllehet egyetemen tanult. 0
Although she is in pain, she doesn’t go to the doctor. Ne-----y -- -rvos---,-noha -------ai va----. N__ m___ a_ o________ n___ f________ v______ N-m m-g- a- o-v-s-o-, n-h- f-j-a-m-i v-n-a-. -------------------------------------------- Nem megy az orvoshoz, noha fájdalmai vannak. 0
Although she has no money, she buys a car. Vás-rol -g--a----- --ha ni--s------. V______ e__ a_____ n___ n____ p_____ V-s-r-l e-y a-t-t- n-h- n-n-s p-n-e- ------------------------------------ Vásárol egy autót, noha nincs pénze. 0
She went to college. Nevertheless, she can’t find a job. E-ye--m-n t-----. E--e- -l-en-r--n-m--al-l---l--t. E________ t______ E____ e_______ n__ t____ á______ E-y-t-m-n t-n-l-. E-n-k e-l-n-r- n-m t-l-l á-l-s-. -------------------------------------------------- Egyetemen tanult. Ennek ellenére nem talál állást. 0
She is in pain. Nevertheless, she doesn’t go to the doctor. F-jd-l----v--n--- ---ek---l-n----n-- --g--e- ---os-oz. F________ v______ E____ e_______ n__ m___ e_ o________ F-j-a-m-i v-n-a-. E-n-k e-l-n-r- n-m m-g- e- o-v-s-o-. ------------------------------------------------------ Fájdalmai vannak. Ennek ellenére nem megy el orvoshoz. 0
She has no money. Nevertheless, she buys a car. Ni-c- pé---- Enn-k----e-ér--v---ro---g-----ót. N____ p_____ E____ e_______ v______ e__ a_____ N-n-s p-n-e- E-n-k e-l-n-r- v-s-r-l e-y a-t-t- ---------------------------------------------- Nincs pénze. Ennek ellenére vásárol egy autót. 0

Young people learn differently than older people

Children learn language relatively quickly. It typically takes longer for adults. But children don't learn better than adults. They just learn differently. When learning languages, the brain has to accomplish quite a lot. It has to learn multiple things simultaneously. When a person is learning a language, it's not enough to just think about it. He must also learn how to say the new words. For that, the speech organs must learn new movements. The brain must also learn to react to new situations. It is a challenge to communicate in a foreign language. Adults learn languages differently in every period of life, however. With 20 or 30 years of age, people still have a learning routine. School or studying isn't that far in the past. Therefore, the brain is well trained. As a result it can learn foreign languages at a very high level. People between the ages of 40 and 50 have already learned a lot. Their brain profits from this experience. It can combine new content with old knowledge well. At this age it learns best the things with which it is already familiar. That is, for example, languages that are similar to languages learned earlier in life. With 60 or 70 years of age, people typically have a lot of time. They can practice often. That is especially important with languages. Older people learn foreign writing especially well, for example. One can learn successfully at every age. The brain can still build new nerve cells after puberty. And it enjoys doing so…