
en Questions – Past tense 2   »   ku Pirs -Dema borî 2

86 [eighty-six]

Questions – Past tense 2

Questions – Past tense 2

86 [heştê û şeş]

Pirs -Dema borî 2

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English (UK) Kurdish (Kurmanji) Play More
Which tie did you wear? K---- -t-be-d--i ----- -e-de---? K____ s______ d_ s____ t_ d_ b__ K-j-n s-u-e-d d- s-u-ê t- d- b-? -------------------------------- Kîjan stubend di stuyê te de bû? 0
Which car did you buy? Te kîjan tir--pêl-ki-î? T_ k____ t_______ k____ T- k-j-n t-r-m-ê- k-r-? ----------------------- Te kîjan tirimpêl kirî? 0
Which newspaper did you subscribe to? T- -û-î-abo-eyê-kîj-n-r--nam---? T_ b___ a______ k____ r_________ T- b-y- a-o-e-ê k-j-n r-j-a-e-ê- -------------------------------- Tu bûyî aboneyê kîjan rojnameyê? 0
Who did you see? We k--ê-d--? W_ k___ d___ W- k-/- d-t- ------------ We kî/ê dît? 0
Who did you meet? H-- -- r---î k-/ê-hatin? H__ l_ r____ k___ h_____ H-n l- r-s-î k-/- h-t-n- ------------------------ Hûn li rastî kî/ê hatin? 0
Who did you recognize? We k--- n-s--ir? W_ k___ n__ k___ W- k-/- n-s k-r- ---------------- We kî/ê nas kir? 0
When did you get up? H-n ---gî r---n? H__ k____ r_____ H-n k-n-î r-b-n- ---------------- Hûn kengî rabûn? 0
When did you start? W---eng- -e-t pê --r? W_ k____ d___ p_ k___ W- k-n-î d-s- p- k-r- --------------------- We kengî dest pê kir? 0
When did you finish? W--k---î---rd-? W_ k____ b_____ W- k-n-î b-r-a- --------------- We kengî berda? 0
Why did you wake up? Hûn-j- b- ç--h----- b--? H__ j_ b_ ç_ h_____ b___ H-n j- b- ç- h-ş-a- b-n- ------------------------ Hûn ji bo çi hişyar bûn? 0
Why did you become a teacher? Hû--j- -- -- -ûn--amo--e? H__ j_ b_ ç_ b__ m_______ H-n j- b- ç- b-n m-m-s-e- ------------------------- Hûn ji bo çi bûn mamoste? 0
Why did you take a taxi? Hû- j- bo--i--iw--------i--k-----? H__ j_ b_ ç_ s_____ t________ b___ H-n j- b- ç- s-w-r- t-x-i-e-ê b-n- ---------------------------------- Hûn ji bo çi siwarê texsiyekê bûn? 0
Where did you come from? Hû---i k- hati-? H__ j_ k_ h_____ H-n j- k- h-t-n- ---------------- Hûn ji kû hatin? 0
Where did you go? H-- çûn- k-? H__ ç___ k__ H-n ç-n- k-? ------------ Hûn çûne kû? 0
Where were you? H-n -------û-? H__ l_ k_ b___ H-n l- k- b-n- -------------- Hûn li kû bûn? 0
Who did you help? Hû- -l--a-- kî/ê -ûn? H__ a______ k___ b___ H-n a-î-a-ê k-/- b-n- --------------------- Hûn alîkarê kî/ê bûn? 0
Who did you write to? T-------/- -e-n----î? T_ j_ k___ r_ n______ T- j- k-/- r- n-v-s-? --------------------- Te ji kî/ê re nivîsî? 0
Who did you reply to? Te ----iv-da-kî--? T_ b_____ d_ k____ T- b-r-i- d- k-/-? ------------------ Te bersiv da kî/ê? 0

Bilingualism improves hearing

People who speak two languages hear better. They can distinguish between different sounds more accurately. An American study has come to this conclusion. Researchers tested several teenagers. Part of the test subjects grew up bilingual. These teenagers spoke English and Spanish. The other part of the subjects only spoke English. The young people had to listen to a particular syllable. It was the syllable ‘da’. It didn't belong to either of the languages. The syllable was played for the test subjects using headphones. At the same time, their brain activity was measured with electrodes. After this test the teenagers had to listen to the syllable again. This time, however, they could hear many disruptive sounds as well. There were various voices saying meaningless sentences. The bilingual individuals reacted very strongly to the syllable. Their brain showed a lot of activity. They could identify the syllable exactly, with and without the disruptive sounds. The monolingual individuals were not successful. Their hearing was not as good as the bilingual test subjects. The result of the experiment surprised researchers. Until then it was only known that musicians have an especially good ear. But it appears that bilingualism also trains the ear. People that are bilingual are constantly confronted with different sounds. Therefore, their brain must develop new abilities. It learns how to distinguish different linguistic stimuli. Researchers are now testing how language skills affect the brain. Maybe hearing can still benefit when a person learns languages later in life…