
en At the post office   »   ko 우체국에서

59 [fifty-nine]

At the post office

At the post office

59 [쉰아홉]

59 [swin-ahob]



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Where is the nearest post office? 가-운-우--이 -디----? 가__ 우___ 어_ 있___ 가-운 우-국- 어- 있-요- ---------------- 가까운 우체국이 어디 있어요? 0
g-k---n u-hegu--i -o-i-iss-----? g______ u________ e___ i________ g-k-a-n u-h-g-g-i e-d- i-s-e-y-? -------------------------------- gakkaun uchegug-i eodi iss-eoyo?
Is the post office far from here? 우체국- 여-서-멀어-? 우___ 여__ 멀___ 우-국- 여-서 멀-요- ------------- 우체국이 여기서 멀어요? 0
u--eg---i--e-g-s-----ol---yo? u________ y_______ m_________ u-h-g-g-i y-o-i-e- m-o---o-o- ----------------------------- uchegug-i yeogiseo meol-eoyo?
Where is the nearest mail box? 가까- 우-통---- 있--? 가__ 우___ 어_ 있___ 가-운 우-통- 어- 있-요- ---------------- 가까운 우체통이 어디 있어요? 0
g--k--n--c-et-n-----o-- iss-e-yo? g______ u_________ e___ i________ g-k-a-n u-h-t-n--- e-d- i-s-e-y-? --------------------------------- gakkaun uchetong-i eodi iss-eoyo?
I need a couple of stamps. 저--------- -요해요. 저_ 우_ 두 장_ 필____ 저- 우- 두 장- 필-해-. ---------------- 저는 우표 두 장이 필요해요. 0
j--ne-- u--o-----a---i -il--o-aey-. j______ u___ d_ j_____ p___________ j-o-e-n u-y- d- j-n--- p-l-y-h-e-o- ----------------------------------- jeoneun upyo du jang-i pil-yohaeyo.
For a card and a letter. 엽서와--지 때-에-. 엽__ 편_ 때____ 엽-와 편- 때-에-. ------------ 엽서와 편지 때문에요. 0
y-o-se-wa p--on-- -t-e----e--. y________ p______ t___________ y-o-s-o-a p-e-n-i t-a-m-n-e-o- ------------------------------ yeobseowa pyeonji ttaemun-eyo.
How much is the postage to America? 미-까-- 우편---이 --예-? 미____ 우_ 요__ 얼____ 미-까-의 우- 요-이 얼-예-? ------------------ 미국까지의 우편 요금이 얼마예요? 0
m----kk-ji-i --y-on-yogeu--i-eolm-y-yo? m___________ u_____ y_______ e_________ m-g-g-k-j-u- u-y-o- y-g-u--- e-l-a-e-o- --------------------------------------- migugkkajiui upyeon yogeum-i eolmayeyo?
How heavy is the package? 소포- 얼마--무-워요? 소__ 얼__ 무____ 소-가 얼-나 무-워-? ------------- 소포가 얼마나 무거워요? 0
s-po-- e--m-na --ge-wo-o? s_____ e______ m_________ s-p-g- e-l-a-a m-g-o-o-o- ------------------------- sopoga eolmana mugeowoyo?
Can I send it by air mail? 항--편으--보낼---있-요? 항_____ 보_ 수 있___ 항-우-으- 보- 수 있-요- ---------------- 항공우편으로 보낼 수 있어요? 0
h-n-------up-----eul- bo---- -- --s-eo-o? h____________________ b_____ s_ i________ h-n---o-g-u-y-o---u-o b-n-e- s- i-s-e-y-? ----------------------------------------- hang-gong-upyeon-eulo bonael su iss-eoyo?
How long will it take to get there? 도착할-때---얼----려요? 도__ 때__ 얼__ 걸___ 도-할 때-지 얼-나 걸-요- ---------------- 도착할 때까지 얼마나 걸려요? 0
d-ch--h-l ttae----- ---m-na -eoll-eo--? d________ t________ e______ g__________ d-c-a-h-l t-a-k-a-i e-l-a-a g-o-l-e-y-? --------------------------------------- dochaghal ttaekkaji eolmana geollyeoyo?
Where can I make a call? 어디- 전---- 있어요? 어__ 전__ 수 있___ 어-서 전-할 수 있-요- -------------- 어디서 전화할 수 있어요? 0
e-dis-o -e---wahal s- -------o? e______ j_________ s_ i________ e-d-s-o j-o-h-a-a- s- i-s-e-y-? ------------------------------- eodiseo jeonhwahal su iss-eoyo?
Where is the nearest telephone booth? 가까운 공--화가 -- ---? 가__ 공____ 어_ 있___ 가-운 공-전-가 어- 있-요- ----------------- 가까운 공중전화가 어디 있어요? 0
gakk--- g---j-n-jeon---ga-e-d--i-s-eoyo? g______ g________________ e___ i________ g-k-a-n g-n-j-n-j-o-h-a-a e-d- i-s-e-y-? ---------------------------------------- gakkaun gongjungjeonhwaga eodi iss-eoyo?
Do you have calling cards? 전--드 ---요? 전___ 있____ 전-카- 있-세-? ---------- 전화카드 있으세요? 0
j-o-hwakad-----s----e--? j___________ i__________ j-o-h-a-a-e- i-s-e-s-y-? ------------------------ jeonhwakadeu iss-euseyo?
Do you have a telephone directory? 전-번호부 있으세요? 전____ 있____ 전-번-부 있-세-? ----------- 전화번호부 있으세요? 0
j-o-hw----nhob- -s--e-se-o? j______________ i__________ j-o-h-a-e-n-o-u i-s-e-s-y-? --------------------------- jeonhwabeonhobu iss-euseyo?
Do you know the area code for Austria? 오-트리아 국------세-? 오____ 국____ 아___ 오-트-아 국-번-를 아-요- ---------------- 오스트리아 국가번호를 아세요? 0
o--u-eu-i--g--gab-on-----l-as---? o_________ g______________ a_____ o-e-t-u-i- g-g-a-e-n-o-e-l a-e-o- --------------------------------- oseuteulia guggabeonholeul aseyo?
One moment, I’ll look it up. 잠깐-요- 찾--게요. 잠____ 찾_____ 잠-만-, 찾-볼-요- ------------ 잠깐만요, 찾아볼게요. 0
j-mk---ma--y-- c-aj-ab-l---o. j_____________ c_____________ j-m-k-n-a---o- c-a---b-l-e-o- ----------------------------- jamkkanman-yo, chaj-abolgeyo.
The line is always busy. 늘--화---에-. 늘 통_ 중____ 늘 통- 중-에-. ---------- 늘 통화 중이에요. 0
ne----ongh-a-jung-ie--. n___ t______ j_________ n-u- t-n-h-a j-n---e-o- ----------------------- neul tonghwa jung-ieyo.
Which number did you dial? 몇 -- -렀어-? 몇 번_ 눌____ 몇 번- 눌-어-? ---------- 몇 번을 눌렀어요? 0
my-och b-o--e-l---l-eoss---y-? m_____ b_______ n_____________ m-e-c- b-o---u- n-l-e-s---o-o- ------------------------------ myeoch beon-eul nulleoss-eoyo?
You have to dial a zero first! 먼--영--- 눌러--해요! 먼_ 영 번_ 눌__ 해__ 먼- 영 번- 눌-야 해-! --------------- 먼저 영 번을 눌러야 해요! 0
m-o-j-o----ng beon---l --ll-o-- hae-o! m______ y____ b_______ n_______ h_____ m-o-j-o y-o-g b-o---u- n-l-e-y- h-e-o- -------------------------------------- meonjeo yeong beon-eul nulleoya haeyo!

Feelings speak different languages too!

Many different languages are spoken around the world. There is no universal human language. But how is it for our facial expressions? Is the language of emotions universal? No, there are also differences here! It was long believed that all people expressed feelings the same way. The language of facial expressions was considered universally understood. Charles Darwin believed that feelings were of vital importance for humans. Therefore, they had to be understood equally in all cultures. But new studies are coming to a different result. They show that there are differences in the language of feelings too. That is, our facial expressions are influenced by our culture. Therefore, people around the world show and interpret feelings differently. Scientists distinguish six primary emotions. They are happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear and surprise. But Europeans have different facial expressions to Asians. And they read different things from the same expressions. Various experiments have confirmed this. In them, test subjects were shown faces on a computer. The subjects were supposed to describe what they read in the faces. There are many reasons why the results differed. Feelings are shown more in some cultures than in others. The intensity of facial expressions is therefore not understood the same everywhere. Also, people from different cultures pay attention to different things. Asians concentrate on the eyes when reading facial expressions. Europeans and Americans, on the other hand, look at the mouth. One facial expression is understood in all cultures, however… That is a nice smile!