
en Shopping   »   ko 쇼핑하기

54 [fifty-four]



54 [쉰넷]

54 [swinnes]



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I want to buy a present. 저---물--사--싶--. 저_ 선__ 사_ 싶___ 저- 선-을 사- 싶-요- -------------- 저는 선물을 사고 싶어요. 0
jeo---n---onm---eul-s--o --p--o-o. j______ s__________ s___ s________ j-o-e-n s-o-m-l-e-l s-g- s-p-e-y-. ---------------------------------- jeoneun seonmul-eul sago sip-eoyo.
But nothing too expensive. 하지만 너무 -- 건 --고-. 하__ 너_ 비_ 건 아____ 하-만 너- 비- 건 아-고-. ----------------- 하지만 너무 비싼 건 아니고요. 0
h--im-- -eo-- --ss-n-ge-n an-g--o. h______ n____ b_____ g___ a_______ h-j-m-n n-o-u b-s-a- g-o- a-i-o-o- ---------------------------------- hajiman neomu bissan geon anigoyo.
Maybe a handbag? 핸-- 같- --? 핸__ 같_ 거__ 핸-백 같- 거-? ---------- 핸드백 같은 거요? 0
h----e-ba-g -a--eu--g-o-o? h__________ g______ g_____ h-e-d-u-a-g g-t-e-n g-o-o- -------------------------- haendeubaeg gat-eun geoyo?
Which color would you like? 어떤---- -하--? 어_ 색__ 원____ 어- 색-을 원-세-? ------------ 어떤 색깔을 원하세요? 0
eott--n sae-kk-l-eu--wo-has-y-? e______ s___________ w_________ e-t-e-n s-e-k-a---u- w-n-a-e-o- ------------------------------- eotteon saegkkal-eul wonhaseyo?
Black, brown or white? 검은-- 갈-- -니--하--? 검___ 갈__ 아__ 하___ 검-색- 갈-, 아-면 하-색- ----------------- 검은색, 갈색, 아니면 하얀색? 0
g-om--unsae-- -al-ae-- --i-yeo--ha-ansae-? g____________ g_______ a_______ h_________ g-o---u-s-e-, g-l-a-g- a-i-y-o- h-y-n-a-g- ------------------------------------------ geom-eunsaeg, galsaeg, animyeon hayansaeg?
A large one or a small one? 큰---아니면 -은-거-? 큰 거 아__ 작_ 거__ 큰 거 아-면 작- 거-? -------------- 큰 거 아니면 작은 거요? 0
keu- -----n---e-----g-e----e-y-? k___ g__ a_______ j______ g_____ k-u- g-o a-i-y-o- j-g-e-n g-o-o- -------------------------------- keun geo animyeon jag-eun geoyo?
May I see this one, please? 이--한 번 -- --? 이_ 한 번 봐_ 되__ 이- 한 번 봐- 되-? ------------- 이거 한 번 봐도 되요? 0
ige----- -eon ----o do---? i___ h__ b___ b____ d_____ i-e- h-n b-o- b-a-o d-e-o- -------------------------- igeo han beon bwado doeyo?
Is it made of leather? 이- 가-----들었-요? 이_ 가___ 만_____ 이- 가-으- 만-었-요- -------------- 이거 가죽으로 만들었어요? 0
i--o ------e--- mande---e--s----o? i___ g_________ m_________________ i-e- g-j-g-e-l- m-n-e-l-e-s---o-o- ---------------------------------- igeo gajug-eulo mandeul-eoss-eoyo?
Or is it made of plastic? 아-면 플----로--들었-요? 아__ 플_____ 만_____ 아-면 플-스-으- 만-었-요- ----------------- 아니면 플라스틱으로 만들었어요? 0
an--ye-- p--ll--eu------l- mandeu-----s---yo? a_______ p________________ m_________________ a-i-y-o- p-u-l-s-u-i---u-o m-n-e-l-e-s---o-o- --------------------------------------------- animyeon peullaseutig-eulo mandeul-eoss-eoyo?
Of leather, of course. 당연히--죽-죠. 당__ 가____ 당-히 가-이-. --------- 당연히 가죽이죠. 0
d-----e--hi-g------j--. d__________ g__________ d-n---e-n-i g-j-g-i-y-. ----------------------- dang-yeonhi gajug-ijyo.
This is very good quality. 이---질- -주---요. 이_ 품__ 아_ 좋___ 이- 품-이 아- 좋-요- -------------- 이건 품질이 아주 좋아요. 0
i-e----umj---- a-u--o---y-. i____ p_______ a__ j_______ i-e-n p-m-i--- a-u j-h-a-o- --------------------------- igeon pumjil-i aju joh-ayo.
And the bag is really very reasonable. 그리- ------아- -렴--. 그__ 이 가__ 아_ 저____ 그-고 이 가-은 아- 저-해-. ------------------ 그리고 이 가방은 아주 저렴해요. 0
ge-l-g--i ga-a-g-eu- aju-j-oly----ae--. g______ i g_________ a__ j_____________ g-u-i-o i g-b-n---u- a-u j-o-y-o-h-e-o- --------------------------------------- geuligo i gabang-eun aju jeolyeomhaeyo.
I like it. 이- -에---요. 이_ 맘_ 들___ 이- 맘- 들-요- ---------- 이거 맘에 들어요. 0
i-e------e-d-ul--oy-. i___ m____ d_________ i-e- m-m-e d-u---o-o- --------------------- igeo mam-e deul-eoyo.
I’ll take it. 이걸로 할게-. 이__ 할___ 이-로 할-요- -------- 이걸로 할게요. 0
i-----o-h--g-y-. i______ h_______ i-e-l-o h-l-e-o- ---------------- igeollo halgeyo.
Can I exchange it if needed? 필-하- --- - ---? 필___ 교__ 수 있___ 필-하- 교-할 수 있-요- --------------- 필요하면 교환할 수 있어요? 0
pil-y----ye-n -yo--anh----- -s--eoyo? p____________ g_________ s_ i________ p-l-y-h-m-e-n g-o-w-n-a- s- i-s-e-y-? ------------------------------------- pil-yohamyeon gyohwanhal su iss-eoyo?
Of course. 물론이죠. 물____ 물-이-. ----- 물론이죠. 0
m----n-----. m___________ m-l-o---j-o- ------------ mullon-ijyo.
We’ll gift wrap it. 포장을-해-릴-요. 포__ 해_____ 포-을 해-릴-요- ---------- 포장을 해드릴께요. 0
po-an-------aed--li---eyo. p_________ h______________ p-j-n---u- h-e-e-l-l-k-y-. -------------------------- pojang-eul haedeulilkkeyo.
The cashier is over there. 계--가 저쪽--있--. 계___ 저__ 있___ 계-대- 저-에 있-요- ------------- 계산대가 저쪽에 있어요. 0
g-es-ndaega-je-jj-g----ss--o--. g__________ j________ i________ g-e-a-d-e-a j-o-j-g-e i-s-e-y-. ------------------------------- gyesandaega jeojjog-e iss-eoyo.

Who understands whom?

There are about 7 billion people in the world. They all have a language. Unfortunately, it's not always the same. So in order to speak with other nations, we must learn languages. That is often very arduous. But there are languages that are very similar. Their speakers understand one another, without mastering the other language. This phenomenon is called mutual intelligibility . Whereby two variants are distinguished. The first variant is oral mutual intelligibility . Here, the speakers understand each other when they talk. They do not understand the written form of the other language, however. This is because the languages have different written forms. Examples of this are the languages Hindi and Urdu. Written mutual intelligibility is the second variant. In this case, the other language is understood in its written form. But the speakers do not understand each other when they speak to each other. The reason for this is that they have very different pronunciation. German and Dutch are examples of this. The most closely related languages contain both variants. Meaning they are mutually intelligible both orally and in written form. Russian and Ukrainian or Thai and Laotian are examples. But there is also an asymmetrical form of mutual intelligibility. That is the case when speakers have different levels of understanding each other. Portuguese understand Spanish better than the Spanish understand Portuguese. Austrians also understand Germans better than the other way around. In these examples, pronunciation or dialect is a hindrance. He who really wants to have good conversations must learn something new…