
en Asking for directions   »   fa ‫سؤال پرسی در مورد مسیر حرکت‬

40 [forty]

Asking for directions

Asking for directions

‫40 [چهل]‬

40 [che-hel]

‫سؤال پرسی در مورد مسیر حرکت‬

[soâl dar morede masire harekat]

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Excuse me! ‫-عذرت -ی‌-واهم!‬ ‫_____ م________ ‫-ع-ر- م-‌-و-ه-!- ----------------- ‫معذرت می‌خواهم!‬ 0
ma-a-er-t-mi-h--ham! m________ m_________ m---z-r-t m-k-â-h-m- -------------------- ma-azerat mikhâ-ham!
Can you help me? ‫می----ن-- -ه من -مک -ن-د-‬ ‫________ ب_ م_ ک__ ک_____ ‫-ی-ت-ا-ی- ب- م- ک-ک ک-ی-؟- --------------------------- ‫می‌توانید به من کمک کنید؟‬ 0
m----â-id be --n----ak---nid? m________ b_ m__ k____ k_____ m-t-v-n-d b- m-n k-m-k k-n-d- ----------------------------- mitavânid be man komak konid?
Is there a good restaurant around here? ‫د-‫ --- -ط--ف ---ور-- خ-بی-هس-؟‬ ‫___ ا__ ا____ ر______ خ___ ه____ ‫-ر- ا-ن ا-ر-ف ر-ت-ر-ن خ-ب- ه-ت-‬ --------------------------------- ‫در‫ این اطراف رستوران خوبی هست؟‬ 0
d-r -- -traf re-t--âne-khu-i--oju- d-r--? d__ i_ â____ r________ k____ v____ d_____ d-r i- â-r-f r-s-u-â-e k-u-i v-j-d d-r-d- ----------------------------------------- dar in âtraf resturâne khubi vojud dârad?
Take a left at the corner. ‫س--ن------ت--- --وید.‬ ‫__ ن___ س__ چ_ ب______ ‫-ر ن-ش- س-ت چ- ب-و-د-‬ ----------------------- ‫سر نبش، سمت چپ بروید.‬ 0
s-re n-bs-, --mte--hap ----v--. s___ n_____ s____ c___ b_______ s-r- n-b-h- s-m-e c-a- b-r-v-d- ------------------------------- sare nabsh, samte chap beravid.
Then go straight for a while. ‫ب-د-ی- م--ار --ت-یم-ب--ی-.‬ ‫___ ی_ م____ م_____ ب______ ‫-ع- ی- م-د-ر م-ت-ی- ب-و-د-‬ ---------------------------- ‫بعد یک مقدار مستقیم بروید.‬ 0
se-a--megh-âr--m-sta-h-m-----vi-. s____ m_______ m________ b_______ s-p-s m-g-d-r- m-s-a-h-m b-r-v-d- --------------------------------- sepas meghdâri mostaghim beravid.
Then go right for a hundred metres / meters (am.). ‫ب-د صد مت---ه---ف-ر--- --و-د.‬ ‫___ ص_ م__ ب_ ط__ ر___ ب______ ‫-ع- ص- م-ر ب- ط-ف ر-س- ب-و-د-‬ ------------------------------- ‫بعد صد متر به طرف راست بروید.‬ 0
ba--d---d -e-- be ta-a---r--t-----v-d. b____ s__ m___ b_ t_____ r___ b_______ b---d s-d m-t- b- t-r-f- r-s- b-r-v-d- -------------------------------------- ba-ad sad metr be tarafe râst beravid.
You can also take the bus. ‫با -ت---س------‌تو-ن-- بر--د.‬ ‫__ ا_____ ه_ م_______ ب______ ‫-ا ا-و-و- ه- م-‌-و-ن-د ب-و-د-‬ ------------------------------- ‫با اتوبوس هم می‌توانید بروید.‬ 0
b--o-ob-s-h---mi--v--i- b--avid. b_ o_____ h__ m________ b_______ b- o-o-u- h-m m-t-v-n-d b-r-v-d- -------------------------------- bâ otobus ham mitavânid beravid.
You can also take the tram. ‫ب---ت-و -م --‌ت-ا-ی- -رو---‬ ‫__ م___ ه_ م_______ ب______ ‫-ا م-ر- ه- م-‌-و-ن-د ب-و-د-‬ ----------------------------- ‫با مترو هم می‌توانید بروید.‬ 0
bâ----ro-ham m-tav--id -er-v--. b_ m____ h__ m________ b_______ b- m-t-o h-m m-t-v-n-d b-r-v-d- ------------------------------- bâ metro ham mitavânid beravid.
You can also follow me with your car. ‫ا-ل- م---وا-ید--ش- -- ---حرک- ---د.‬ ‫____ م_______ پ__ س_ م_ ح___ ک_____ ‫-ص-آ م-‌-و-ن-د پ-ت س- م- ح-ک- ک-ی-.- ------------------------------------- ‫اصلآ می‌توانید پشت سر من حرکت کنید.‬ 0
a-lan-mi-avânid--o--te s-r----n-h-rekat--onid. a____ m________ p_____ s___ m__ h______ k_____ a-l-n m-t-v-n-d p-s-t- s-r- m-n h-r-k-t k-n-d- ---------------------------------------------- aslan mitavânid poshte sare man harekat konid.
How do I get to the football / soccer (am.) stadium? ‫چطور -- --ت-د-وم-فوت-ال بر-م-‬ ‫____ ب_ ا_______ ف_____ ب_____ ‫-ط-ر ب- ا-ت-د-و- ف-ت-ا- ب-و-؟- ------------------------------- ‫چطور به استادیوم فوتبال بروم؟‬ 0
cheg-n- -e----âdi-m- ---tbâl-b-r--a-? c______ b_ e________ f______ b_______ c-e-u-e b- e-t-d-u-e f-o-b-l b-r-v-m- ------------------------------------- chegune be estâdiume footbâl beravam?
Cross the bridge! ‫-ز--ل--بور--ن-د-/-پ- ر- -- ک-ید.‬ ‫__ پ_ ع___ ک___ / پ_ ر_ ر_ ک_____ ‫-ز پ- ع-و- ک-ی- / پ- ر- ر- ک-ی-.- ---------------------------------- ‫از پل عبور کنید / پل را رد کنید.‬ 0
az p-l obu----nid. a_ p__ o___ k_____ a- p-l o-u- k-n-d- ------------------ az pol obur konid.
Go through the tunnel! ‫-- --ن---بو- ک-ی- /--ون---ا -د-ک----‬ ‫__ ت___ ع___ ک___ / ت___ ر_ ر_ ک_____ ‫-ز ت-ن- ع-و- ک-ی- / ت-ن- ر- ر- ک-ی-.- -------------------------------------- ‫از تونل عبور کنید / تونل را رد کنید.‬ 0
a- t-n-l o----k--i-. a_ t____ o___ k_____ a- t-n-l o-u- k-n-d- -------------------- az tunel obur konid.
Drive until you reach the third traffic light. ‫----وم-ن چرا---ا-----بر---.‬ ‫__ س____ چ___ ر_____ ب______ ‫-ا س-م-ن چ-ا- ر-ه-م- ب-و-د-‬ ----------------------------- ‫تا سومین چراغ راهنما بروید.‬ 0
t- -e--v-min ch-râgh-----hna-â-be-----. t_ s________ c________ r______ b_______ t- s-v-v-m-n c-e-â-h-e r-h-a-â b-r-v-d- --------------------------------------- tâ sev-vomin cherâgh-e râhnamâ beravid.
Then turn into the first street on your right. ‫س-- --لین-خی---- ---سم------ بپ-چ---‬ ‫___ ا____ خ_____ ب_ س__ ر___ ب_______ ‫-پ- ا-ل-ن خ-ا-ا- ب- س-ت ر-س- ب-ی-ی-.- -------------------------------------- ‫سپس اولین خیابان به سمت راست بپیچید.‬ 0
s-pas -------k-iâb-n-be-tar--e-r-st-b-pi-hid. s____ a_____ k______ b_ t_____ r___ b________ s-p-s a-a-i- k-i-b-n b- t-r-f- r-s- b-p-c-i-. --------------------------------------------- sepas avalin khiâbân be tarafe râst bepichid.
Then drive straight through the next intersection. ‫و-ا- -ها---ه-ب-دی -----کن-د-‬ ‫_ ا_ چ______ ب___ ع___ ک_____ ‫- ا- چ-ا-ر-ه ب-د- ع-و- ک-ی-.- ------------------------------ ‫و از چهارراه بعدی عبور کنید.‬ 0
v--b--ad a- ch--h-r-r-- ------o-i-. v_ b____ a_ c______ r__ o___ k_____ v- b---d a- c-a-h-r r-h o-u- k-n-d- ----------------------------------- va ba-ad az cha-hâr râh obur konid.
Excuse me, how do I get to the airport? ‫ببخ-ی-، --ور--- -ر-د-اه-برو--‬ ‫_______ چ___ ب_ ف______ ب_____ ‫-ب-ش-د- چ-و- ب- ف-و-گ-ه ب-و-؟- ------------------------------- ‫ببخشید، چطور به فرودگاه بروم؟‬ 0
be-akhsh--- -hegu-e -e f-----â-----a--m? b__________ c______ b_ f_______ b_______ b-b-k-s-i-, c-e-u-e b- f-r-d-â- b-r-v-m- ---------------------------------------- bebakhshid, chegune be forudgâh beravam?
It is best if you take the underground / subway (am.). ‫به-----ر-- -ی--اس--ک- با-متر- -رو-د-‬ ‫______ ر__ ا__ ا__ ک_ ب_ م___ ب______ ‫-ه-ر-ن ر-ه ا-ن ا-ت ک- ب- م-ر- ب-و-د-‬ -------------------------------------- ‫بهترین راه این است که با مترو بروید.‬ 0
b--ta-i--râh -n-----ke--â--e--o be--v--. b_______ r__ i_ a__ k_ b_ m____ b_______ b-h-a-i- r-h i- a-t k- b- m-t-o b-r-v-d- ---------------------------------------- behtarin râh in ast ke bâ metro beravid.
Simply get out at the last stop. ‫ت---خ-ین-ا--تگاه بر--د-‬ ‫__ آ____ ا______ ب______ ‫-ا آ-ر-ن ا-س-گ-ه ب-و-د-‬ ------------------------- ‫تا آخرین ایستگاه بروید.‬ 0
t--âkh---n --tg-- beravid. t_ â______ i_____ b_______ t- â-h-r-n i-t-â- b-r-v-d- -------------------------- ta âkharin istgâh beravid.

The language of animals

When we want to express ourselves, we use our speech. Animals have their own language as well. And they use it exactly like us humans. That is to say, they talk to each other in order to exchange information. Basically each animal species has a particular language. Even termites communicate with each other. When in danger, they slap their bodies on the ground. This is their way of warning each other. Other animal species whistle when they approach enemies. Bees speak with each other through dancing. Through this, they show other bees where there is something to eat. Whales make sounds that can be heard from 5,000 kilometers away. They communicate with each other through special songs. Elephants also give each other various acoustic signals. But humans cannot hear them. Most animal languages are very complicated. They consist of a combination of different signs. Acoustic, chemical and optical signals are used. Aside from that, animals use various gestures. By now, humans have learned the language of pets. They know when dogs are happy. And they can recognize when cats want to be left alone. However, dogs and cats speak very different languages. Many signals are even exact opposites. It was long believed that these two animals simply didn't like each other. But they just misunderstand each other. That leads to problems between dogs and cats. So even animals fight because of misunderstandings…
Did you know?
Serbian is the native language of about 12 million people. The majority of those people live in Serbia and other countries in southeastern Europe. Serbian is counted among the South Slavic languages. It is closely related to Croatian and Bosnian. The grammar and vocabulary are very similar. Such being the case, it is easy for Serbians, Croatians, and Bosnians to understand each other. The Serbian alphabet contains 30 letters. Each one has a distinct pronunciation. Parallels to ancient tonal languages can be found in the intonation. In Chinese, for example, the pitch of the syllables changes with the meaning. That is similar to Serbian. However, in this case only the pitch of the accented syllable plays a role. The strongly inflectional language structure is another hallmark of Serbian. That means that nouns, verbs, adjectives and pronouns are always inflected. If you are interested in grammatical structures, you should definitely learn Serbian!