
en Asking for directions   »   be Пытацца пра дарогу

40 [forty]

Asking for directions

Asking for directions

40 [сорак]

40 [sorak]

Пытацца пра дарогу

[Pytatstsa pra darogu]

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English (UK) Belarusian Play More
Excuse me! Пр--а--е! П________ П-а-а-ц-! --------- Прабачце! 0
P---------! P__________ P-a-a-h-s-! ----------- Prabachtse!
Can you help me? Не-маг-і б----м-- -ам--ч-? Н_ м____ б В_ м__ п_______ Н- м-г-і б В- м-е п-м-г-ы- -------------------------- Не маглі б Вы мне памагчы? 0
Ne-m-----b-Vy -----a--gch-? N_ m____ b V_ m__ p________ N- m-g-і b V- m-e p-m-g-h-? --------------------------- Ne maglі b Vy mne pamagchy?
Is there a good restaurant around here? Д-е -у--ё----д--р- -эс-а-ан? Д__ т__ ё___ д____ р________ Д-е т-т ё-ц- д-б-ы р-с-а-а-? ---------------------------- Дзе тут ёсць добры рэстаран? 0
D---t-t---st-’-d---- ------a-? D__ t__ y_____ d____ r________ D-e t-t y-s-s- d-b-y r-s-a-a-? ------------------------------ Dze tut yosts’ dobry restaran?
Take a left at the corner. Пав-р--ц- ---рог н--е-а. П________ з_ р__ н______ П-в-р-і-е з- р-г н-л-в-. ------------------------ Павярніце за рог налева. 0
Pav--rnі-s- z-------ale-a. P__________ z_ r__ n______ P-v-a-n-t-e z- r-g n-l-v-. -------------------------- Pavyarnіtse za rog naleva.
Then go straight for a while. П---м----хі----йд-іц--п-а-а. П____ т____ п________ п_____ П-т-м т-о-і п-а-д-і-е п-а-а- ---------------------------- Потым трохі прайдзіце прама. 0
P-tym----k-і-praydzіt-- -r---. P____ t_____ p_________ p_____ P-t-m t-o-h- p-a-d-і-s- p-a-a- ------------------------------ Potym trokhі praydzіtse prama.
Then go right for a hundred metres / meters (am.). П-т-- звярн-ц- -ап--ва - пра-дз-це--то-ме--аў. П____ з_______ н______ і п________ с__ м______ П-т-м з-я-н-ц- н-п-а-а і п-а-д-і-е с-о м-т-а-. ---------------------------------------------- Потым звярніце направа і прайдзіце сто метраў. 0
P-ty--z-y-----s- -----v--і--ray-----e-----me-r--. P____ z_________ n______ і p_________ s__ m______ P-t-m z-y-r-і-s- n-p-a-a і p-a-d-і-s- s-o m-t-a-. ------------------------------------------------- Potym zvyarnіtse naprava і praydzіtse sto metrau.
You can also take the bus. Т-кса-а Вы -о-а----е-ці----а----ус. Т______ В_ м_____ с____ н_ а_______ Т-к-а-а В- м-ж-ц- с-с-і н- а-т-б-с- ----------------------------------- Таксама Вы можаце сесці на аўтобус. 0
Ta--a-- ---m---ats- ---t-- -a -u-obu-. T______ V_ m_______ s_____ n_ a_______ T-k-a-a V- m-z-a-s- s-s-s- n- a-t-b-s- -------------------------------------- Taksama Vy mozhatse sestsі na autobus.
You can also take the tram. Т--са-а--ы---жац- ---ц--н- т-а---й. Т______ В_ м_____ с____ н_ т_______ Т-к-а-а В- м-ж-ц- с-с-і н- т-а-в-й- ----------------------------------- Таксама Вы можаце сесці на трамвай. 0
T-ks-ma -y m--hats---es--і-n----a---y. T______ V_ m_______ s_____ n_ t_______ T-k-a-a V- m-z-a-s- s-s-s- n- t-a-v-y- -------------------------------------- Taksama Vy mozhatse sestsі na tramvay.
You can also follow me with your car. Такс-м- В- м-ж-це-прос-а-п--е---- за мно-. Т______ В_ м_____ п_____ п_______ з_ м____ Т-к-а-а В- м-ж-ц- п-о-т- п-а-х-ц- з- м-о-. ------------------------------------------ Таксама Вы можаце проста праехаць за мной. 0
Ta---ma -- -o--a-s-----st-----e----s’--a mno-. T______ V_ m_______ p_____ p_________ z_ m____ T-k-a-a V- m-z-a-s- p-o-t- p-a-k-a-s- z- m-o-. ---------------------------------------------- Taksama Vy mozhatse prosta praekhats’ za mnoy.
How do I get to the football / soccer (am.) stadium? Як---е-п--йсц- -а--у----------с-ады-н-? Я_ м__ п______ д_ ф__________ с________ Я- м-е п-а-с-і д- ф-т-о-ь-а-а с-а-ы-н-? --------------------------------------- Як мне прайсці да футбольнага стадыёна? 0
Y-- --- pra--t-і-d- --t-ol’na-- ---dyen-? Y__ m__ p_______ d_ f__________ s________ Y-k m-e p-a-s-s- d- f-t-o-’-a-a s-a-y-n-? ----------------------------------------- Yak mne praystsі da futbol’naga stadyena?
Cross the bridge! П----дз--- --аз--о--! П_________ п___ м____ П-р-й-з-ц- п-а- м-с-! --------------------- Перайдзіце праз мост! 0
P-r---zі-s---r-z ---t! P__________ p___ m____ P-r-y-z-t-e p-a- m-s-! ---------------------- Peraydzіtse praz most!
Go through the tunnel! П---д---е-пра--ту---ь! П________ п___ т______ П-а-д-ь-е п-а- т-н-л-! ---------------------- Праедзьце праз тунэль! 0
P-ae--’ts----az -u----! P_________ p___ t______ P-a-d-’-s- p-a- t-n-l-! ----------------------- Praedz’tse praz tunel’!
Drive until you reach the third traffic light. П--ед-ьц--да-т--ц--- с-ят-а--ра. П________ д_ т______ с__________ П-а-д-ь-е д- т-э-я-а с-я-л-ф-р-. -------------------------------- Праедзьце да трэцяга святлафора. 0
Pr----’-se--a -r-----ga -vy---af--a. P_________ d_ t________ s___________ P-a-d-’-s- d- t-e-s-a-a s-y-t-a-o-a- ------------------------------------ Praedz’tse da tretsyaga svyatlafora.
Then turn into the first street on your right. П--ым зв-р-іце--а ---шым--а-----е на-р-в-. П____ з_______ н_ п_____ п_______ н_______ П-т-м з-я-н-ц- н- п-р-ы- п-в-р-ц- н-п-а-а- ------------------------------------------ Потым звярніце на першым павароце направа. 0
P---- z-y-r-іt-- n--p--s-ym --v-----e-n-pr-va. P____ z_________ n_ p______ p________ n_______ P-t-m z-y-r-і-s- n- p-r-h-m p-v-r-t-e n-p-a-a- ---------------------------------------------- Potym zvyarnіtse na pershym pavarotse naprava.
Then drive straight through the next intersection. Пот-м-пр--дзьц---а-прост наст-п----с-ры-ав-нн-. П____ п________ н_______ н________ с___________ П-т-м п-а-д-ь-е н-ў-р-с- н-с-у-н-е с-р-ж-в-н-е- ----------------------------------------------- Потым праедзьце наўпрост наступнае скрыжаванне. 0
P--ym-p-ae-z-t-e -au-r-st-na-t-pna---k--z---a-ne. P____ p_________ n_______ n________ s____________ P-t-m p-a-d-’-s- n-u-r-s- n-s-u-n-e s-r-z-a-a-n-. ------------------------------------------------- Potym praedz’tse nauprost nastupnae skryzhavanne.
Excuse me, how do I get to the airport? Прашу -------нн----- -не тр---ц- у---р-п---? П____ п__________ я_ м__ т______ у а________ П-а-у п-а-а-э-н-, я- м-е т-а-і-ь у а-р-п-р-? -------------------------------------------- Прашу прабачэння, як мне трапіць у аэрапорт? 0
Pra-hu -r----h-nnya,---k---e---a----’-- ----por-? P_____ p____________ y__ m__ t_______ u a________ P-a-h- p-a-a-h-n-y-, y-k m-e t-a-і-s- u a-r-p-r-? ------------------------------------------------- Prashu prabachennya, yak mne trapіts’ u aeraport?
It is best if you take the underground / subway (am.). Н-й---ш-пра---ьц- на ме-р-. Н______ п________ н_ м_____ Н-й-е-ш п-а-д-ь-е н- м-т-о- --------------------------- Найлепш праедзьце на метро. 0
N-y--psh -raed-’t---na-m--r-. N_______ p_________ n_ m_____ N-y-e-s- p-a-d-’-s- n- m-t-o- ----------------------------- Naylepsh praedz’tse na metro.
Simply get out at the last stop. Прост- ---е-зьц- да --нцавой -танцы-. П_____ п________ д_ к_______ с_______ П-о-т- п-а-д-ь-е д- к-н-а-о- с-а-ц-і- ------------------------------------- Проста праедзьце да канцавой станцыі. 0
Pro-t---r---z-----da-k-nt-a-o- -----syі. P_____ p_________ d_ k________ s________ P-o-t- p-a-d-’-s- d- k-n-s-v-y s-a-t-y-. ---------------------------------------- Prosta praedz’tse da kantsavoy stantsyі.

The language of animals

When we want to express ourselves, we use our speech. Animals have their own language as well. And they use it exactly like us humans. That is to say, they talk to each other in order to exchange information. Basically each animal species has a particular language. Even termites communicate with each other. When in danger, they slap their bodies on the ground. This is their way of warning each other. Other animal species whistle when they approach enemies. Bees speak with each other through dancing. Through this, they show other bees where there is something to eat. Whales make sounds that can be heard from 5,000 kilometers away. They communicate with each other through special songs. Elephants also give each other various acoustic signals. But humans cannot hear them. Most animal languages are very complicated. They consist of a combination of different signs. Acoustic, chemical and optical signals are used. Aside from that, animals use various gestures. By now, humans have learned the language of pets. They know when dogs are happy. And they can recognize when cats want to be left alone. However, dogs and cats speak very different languages. Many signals are even exact opposites. It was long believed that these two animals simply didn't like each other. But they just misunderstand each other. That leads to problems between dogs and cats. So even animals fight because of misunderstandings…
Did you know?
Serbian is the native language of about 12 million people. The majority of those people live in Serbia and other countries in southeastern Europe. Serbian is counted among the South Slavic languages. It is closely related to Croatian and Bosnian. The grammar and vocabulary are very similar. Such being the case, it is easy for Serbians, Croatians, and Bosnians to understand each other. The Serbian alphabet contains 30 letters. Each one has a distinct pronunciation. Parallels to ancient tonal languages can be found in the intonation. In Chinese, for example, the pitch of the syllables changes with the meaning. That is similar to Serbian. However, in this case only the pitch of the accented syllable plays a role. The strongly inflectional language structure is another hallmark of Serbian. That means that nouns, verbs, adjectives and pronouns are always inflected. If you are interested in grammatical structures, you should definitely learn Serbian!