Jezikovni vodič

sl Oblike modalnih glagolov za preteklost 1   »   em Past tense of modal verbs 1

87 [sedeminosemdeset]

Oblike modalnih glagolov za preteklost 1

Oblike modalnih glagolov za preteklost 1

87 [eighty-seven]

Past tense of modal verbs 1

Izberite, kako želite videti prevod:   
slovenščina angleščina (US) Igraj Več
Morali smo zaliti rože. We --- t------r-th----o---s. W_ h__ t_ w____ t__ f_______ W- h-d t- w-t-r t-e f-o-e-s- ---------------------------- We had to water the flowers. 0
Morali smo pospraviti (pospravljati) stanovanje. W---a- to c-e-- ----apar-m-n-. W_ h__ t_ c____ t__ a_________ W- h-d t- c-e-n t-e a-a-t-e-t- ------------------------------ We had to clean the apartment. 0
Morali smo pomivati posodo. We -a--t--wa-h--he---sh--. W_ h__ t_ w___ t__ d______ W- h-d t- w-s- t-e d-s-e-. -------------------------- We had to wash the dishes. 0
Ste morali (morale) plačati račun? Di- y-u -a-e-t- p---th- bi-l? D__ y__ h___ t_ p__ t__ b____ D-d y-u h-v- t- p-y t-e b-l-? ----------------------------- Did you have to pay the bill? 0
Ste morali (morale) plačati vstopnino? D-- -o---ave to--a- -n en-r--ce -ee? D__ y__ h___ t_ p__ a_ e_______ f___ D-d y-u h-v- t- p-y a- e-t-a-c- f-e- ------------------------------------ Did you have to pay an entrance fee? 0
Ste morali (morale) plačati kazen? Di---ou ha-- -o p-y --f---? D__ y__ h___ t_ p__ a f____ D-d y-u h-v- t- p-y a f-n-? --------------------------- Did you have to pay a fine? 0
Kdo se je moral posloviti? W-- had--- --- -o----e? W__ h__ t_ s__ g_______ W-o h-d t- s-y g-o-b-e- ----------------------- Who had to say goodbye? 0
Kdo je moral zgodaj oditi domov? W-- h-d-to-g---ome--a--y? W__ h__ t_ g_ h___ e_____ W-o h-d t- g- h-m- e-r-y- ------------------------- Who had to go home early? 0
Kdo je moral iti z vlakom? W------ to --ke--he-trai-? W__ h__ t_ t___ t__ t_____ W-o h-d t- t-k- t-e t-a-n- -------------------------- Who had to take the train? 0
Nismo hoteli dolgo ostati. W- -i----t -an---- -t-- -on-. W_ d__ n__ w___ t_ s___ l____ W- d-d n-t w-n- t- s-a- l-n-. ----------------------------- We did not want to stay long. 0
Nismo hoteli nič piti. We-d-d---- want t----i-- ---th---. W_ d__ n__ w___ t_ d____ a________ W- d-d n-t w-n- t- d-i-k a-y-h-n-. ---------------------------------- We did not want to drink anything. 0
Nismo hoteli motiti. We ----not wa-- to----turb y--. W_ d__ n__ w___ t_ d______ y___ W- d-d n-t w-n- t- d-s-u-b y-u- ------------------------------- We did not want to disturb you. 0
Ravno sem hotel telefonirati. I -----w-nte- -o-m----- --ll. I j___ w_____ t_ m___ a c____ I j-s- w-n-e- t- m-k- a c-l-. ----------------------------- I just wanted to make a call. 0
Hotel sem naročiti taksi. I -ust-wa-ted -o c--- a ta--. I j___ w_____ t_ c___ a t____ I j-s- w-n-e- t- c-l- a t-x-. ----------------------------- I just wanted to call a taxi. 0
Hotel sem namreč iti domov. A--u---y-I ---ted -- dri-e-h-me. A_______ I w_____ t_ d____ h____ A-t-a-l- I w-n-e- t- d-i-e h-m-. -------------------------------- Actually I wanted to drive home. 0
Mislil(a) sem, da si hotel poklicati svojo ženo. I t--ug-t y-u want-d ----a-- -o---wi-e. I t______ y__ w_____ t_ c___ y___ w____ I t-o-g-t y-u w-n-e- t- c-l- y-u- w-f-. --------------------------------------- I thought you wanted to call your wife. 0
Mislil(a) sem, da si hotel poklicati na informacijo. I-t-----t -o--w-n--d-t--ca-- --fo-ma--on. I t______ y__ w_____ t_ c___ i___________ I t-o-g-t y-u w-n-e- t- c-l- i-f-r-a-i-n- ----------------------------------------- I thought you wanted to call information. 0
Mislil(a) sem, da si hotel naročiti pico. I-t------ --u--an-e---o------ ---i---. I t______ y__ w_____ t_ o____ a p_____ I t-o-g-t y-u w-n-e- t- o-d-r a p-z-a- -------------------------------------- I thought you wanted to order a pizza. 0


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