
en Past tense 1   »   be Прошлы час 1

81 [eighty-one]

Past tense 1

Past tense 1

81 [восемдзесят адзін]

81 [vosemdzesyat adzіn]

Прошлы час 1

[Proshly chas 1]

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English (UK) Belarusian Play More
to write п-саць п_____ п-с-ц- ------ пісаць 0
pі-at-’ p______ p-s-t-’ ------- pіsats’
He wrote a letter. Ё- -ісаў-л-с-. Ё_ п____ л____ Ё- п-с-ў л-с-. -------------- Ён пісаў ліст. 0
En ---a--l--t. E_ p____ l____ E- p-s-u l-s-. -------------- En pіsau lіst.
And she wrote a card. А-я---пі--л- --ш--ў-у. А я__ п_____ п________ А я-а п-с-л- п-ш-о-к-. ---------------------- А яна пісала паштоўку. 0
A-ya-a---sala-pashto-k-. A y___ p_____ p_________ A y-n- p-s-l- p-s-t-u-u- ------------------------ A yana pіsala pashtouku.
to read чыт--ь ч_____ ч-т-ц- ------ чытаць 0
ch--at-’ c_______ c-y-a-s- -------- chytats’
He read a magazine. Ён-ч---- ч-----с. Ё_ ч____ ч_______ Ё- ч-т-ў ч-с-п-с- ----------------- Ён чытаў часопіс. 0
E--ch-tau-ch-s-pі-. E_ c_____ c________ E- c-y-a- c-a-o-і-. ------------------- En chytau chasopіs.
And she read a book. А ян--ч--а-а----гу. А я__ ч_____ к_____ А я-а ч-т-л- к-і-у- ------------------- А яна чытала кнігу. 0
A y-n- c--tal- -nі--. A y___ c______ k_____ A y-n- c-y-a-a k-і-u- --------------------- A yana chytala knіgu.
to take у-яць у____ у-я-ь ----- узяць 0
uzy---’ u______ u-y-t-’ ------- uzyats’
He took a cigarette. Ё--у-----ыгарэ-у. Ё_ у___ ц________ Ё- у-я- ц-г-р-т-. ----------------- Ён узяў цыгарэту. 0
E--uz--u-t-----e-u. E_ u____ t_________ E- u-y-u t-y-a-e-u- ------------------- En uzyau tsygaretu.
She took a piece of chocolate. Я---ўз-ла ---а-а--шак-л--у. Я__ ў____ к______ ш________ Я-а ў-я-а к-в-л-к ш-к-л-д-. --------------------------- Яна ўзяла кавалак шакаладу. 0
Y-na uz-al- -a-a--k sha----d-. Y___ u_____ k______ s_________ Y-n- u-y-l- k-v-l-k s-a-a-a-u- ------------------------------ Yana uzyala kavalak shakaladu.
He was disloyal, but she was loyal. Ён---ў-нявер-ы- а-- -на -ыла--ерная. Ё_ б__ н_______ а__ я__ б___ в______ Ё- б-ў н-в-р-ы- а-е я-а б-л- в-р-а-. ------------------------------------ Ён быў няверны, але яна была верная. 0
E----u-nya----y,-a-e --na byl- -e----a. E_ b__ n________ a__ y___ b___ v_______ E- b-u n-a-e-n-, a-e y-n- b-l- v-r-a-a- --------------------------------------- En byu nyaverny, ale yana byla vernaya.
He was lazy, but she was hard-working. Ён б-ў лянівы,---е-я-- -ыла ста-а--а-. Ё_ б__ л______ а__ я__ б___ с_________ Ё- б-ў л-н-в-, а-е я-а б-л- с-а-а-н-я- -------------------------------------- Ён быў лянівы, але яна была старанная. 0
En--y- -yan-vy- ale-y-na-byl- -------a-a. E_ b__ l_______ a__ y___ b___ s__________ E- b-u l-a-і-y- a-e y-n- b-l- s-a-a-n-y-. ----------------------------------------- En byu lyanіvy, ale yana byla starannaya.
He was poor, but she was rich. Ё---ыў-бе---- ал--я-а б-ла багата-. Ё_ б__ б_____ а__ я__ б___ б_______ Ё- б-ў б-д-ы- а-е я-а б-л- б-г-т-я- ----------------------------------- Ён быў бедны, але яна была багатая. 0
E--by---e-ny--ale -an- --la-baga-aya. E_ b__ b_____ a__ y___ b___ b________ E- b-u b-d-y- a-e y-n- b-l- b-g-t-y-. ------------------------------------- En byu bedny, ale yana byla bagataya.
He had no money, only debts. У я-о не-б-л---рош-й, ---ыл- п--ы-і. У я__ н_ б___ г______ а б___ п______ У я-о н- б-л- г-о-а-, а б-л- п-з-к-. ------------------------------------ У яго не было грошай, а былі пазыкі. 0
U-yag- n- b-lo--r-s-a-,-a by-і---zykі. U y___ n_ b___ g_______ a b___ p______ U y-g- n- b-l- g-o-h-y- a b-l- p-z-k-. -------------------------------------- U yago ne bylo groshay, a bylі pazykі.
He had no luck, only bad luck. У я-- н---ы-о --нц--а-ня, а -----н--д--ы. У я__ н_ б___ ш__________ а б___ н_______ У я-о н- б-л- ш-н-а-а-н-, а б-л- н-ў-а-ы- ----------------------------------------- У яго не было шанцавання, а былі няўдачы. 0
U --g---- -ylo-s--ntsa-a-n-a- a-bylі-n-au-a-h-. U y___ n_ b___ s_____________ a b___ n_________ U y-g- n- b-l- s-a-t-a-a-n-a- a b-l- n-a-d-c-y- ----------------------------------------------- U yago ne bylo shantsavannya, a bylі nyaudachy.
He had no success, only failure. У -го не б-ло--ос-е-а-,---б----правалы. У я__ н_ б___ п________ а б___ п_______ У я-о н- б-л- п-с-е-а-, а б-л- п-а-а-ы- --------------------------------------- У яго не было поспехаў, а былі правалы. 0
U -a-o ------o----pek--u- - b--- -ra--l-. U y___ n_ b___ p_________ a b___ p_______ U y-g- n- b-l- p-s-e-h-u- a b-l- p-a-a-y- ----------------------------------------- U yago ne bylo pospekhau, a bylі pravaly.
He was not satisfied, but dissatisfied. Ё- не -ы--з--авол-------быў незадаволе--. Ё_ н_ б__ з__________ а б__ н____________ Ё- н- б-ў з-д-в-л-н-, а б-ў н-з-д-в-л-н-. ----------------------------------------- Ён не быў задаволены, а быў незадаволены. 0
En--e b-- -a--v---n---a-b-- --z----ole-y. E_ n_ b__ z__________ a b__ n____________ E- n- b-u z-d-v-l-n-, a b-u n-z-d-v-l-n-. ----------------------------------------- En ne byu zadavoleny, a byu nezadavoleny.
He was not happy, but sad. Ён ---б-ў-----л-вы, ----- -яшча--ы. Ё_ н_ б__ ш________ а б__ н________ Ё- н- б-ў ш-а-л-в-, а б-ў н-ш-а-н-. ----------------------------------- Ён не быў шчаслівы, а быў няшчасны. 0
E- n--by--s-chasl-v-- --byu n-----ha-ny. E_ n_ b__ s__________ a b__ n___________ E- n- b-u s-c-a-l-v-, a b-u n-a-h-h-s-y- ---------------------------------------- En ne byu shchaslіvy, a byu nyashchasny.
He was not friendly, but unfriendly. Ён -- -ыў-сім-а-ыч-ы--- -ыў ---і--атычны. Ё_ н_ б__ с__________ а б__ н____________ Ё- н- б-ў с-м-а-ы-н-, а б-ў н-с-м-а-ы-н-. ----------------------------------------- Ён не быў сімпатычны, а быў несімпатычны. 0
En ne --- -іm--t-c-n-- - b-- -es-m-aty-hny. E_ n_ b__ s___________ a b__ n_____________ E- n- b-u s-m-a-y-h-y- a b-u n-s-m-a-y-h-y- ------------------------------------------- En ne byu sіmpatychny, a byu nesіmpatychny.

How children learn to speak properly

As soon as a person is born, he communicates with others. Babies cry when they want something. They can already say a few simple words at a few months of age. With two years, they can say sentences of about three words. You can't influence when children begin to speak. But you can influence how well children learn their native language! For that, however, you have to consider a few things. Above all, it's important that the child is always motivated when learning. He must recognize that he's succeeding in something when he speaks. Babies like a smile as positive feedback. Older children look for dialogue with their environment. They orient themselves towards the language of the people around them. Therefore the language skills of their parents and educators are important. Children must also learn that language is valuable! However, they should always have fun in the process. Reading aloud to them shows children how exciting language can be. Parents should also do as much as possible with their child. When a child experiences many things, he wants to talk about them. Children growing up bilingual need firm rules. They have to know which language should be spoken with whom. This way their brain can learn to differentiate between the two languages. When children start going to school, their language changes. They learn a new colloquial language. Then it's important that the parents pay attention to how their child speaks. Studies show that the first language is stamped on the brain forever. What we learn as children accompanies us for the rest of our lives. He who learns his native language properly as a child will profit from it later. He learns new things faster and better – not only foreign languages…