
en Giving reasons   »   be штосьці абгрунтоўваць 1

75 [seventy-five]

Giving reasons

Giving reasons

75 [семдзесят пяць]

75 [semdzesyat pyats’]

штосьці абгрунтоўваць 1

[shtos’tsі abgruntouvats’ 1]

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English (UK) Belarusian Play More
Why aren’t you coming? Ча-у -ы-н-----й---це? Ч___ В_ н_ п_________ Ч-м- В- н- п-ы-д-е-е- --------------------- Чаму Вы не прыйдзеце? 0
C---u Vy ne-p-yy---tse? C____ V_ n_ p__________ C-a-u V- n- p-y-d-e-s-? ----------------------- Chamu Vy ne pryydzetse?
The weather is so bad. Н-д-о--е ---ое -рэ--ае. Н_______ т____ д_______ Н-д-о-’- т-к-е д-э-н-е- ----------------------- Надвор’е такое дрэннае. 0
Nad-or-e ta-oe -r--nae. N_______ t____ d_______ N-d-o-’- t-k-e d-e-n-e- ----------------------- Nadvor’e takoe drennae.
I am not coming because the weather is so bad. Я--- -р--ду---о на--ор-е ---ьм---р-нн-е. Я н_ п______ б_ н_______ в_____ д_______ Я н- п-ы-д-, б- н-д-о-’- в-л-м- д-э-н-е- ---------------------------------------- Я не прыйду, бо надвор’е вельмі дрэннае. 0
Ya--e-p---du, bo --dvor’e v-l--і-dr-n-a-. Y_ n_ p______ b_ n_______ v_____ d_______ Y- n- p-y-d-, b- n-d-o-’- v-l-m- d-e-n-e- ----------------------------------------- Ya ne pryydu, bo nadvor’e vel’mі drennae.
Why isn’t he coming? Чам- -- н----ы-д-е? Ч___ ё_ н_ п_______ Ч-м- ё- н- п-ы-д-е- ------------------- Чаму ён не прыйдзе? 0
Ch-m- ------ p--yd-e? C____ y__ n_ p_______ C-a-u y-n n- p-y-d-e- --------------------- Chamu yon ne pryydze?
He isn’t invited. Ё- -е за-рошаны. Ё_ н_ з_________ Ё- н- з-п-о-а-ы- ---------------- Ён не запрошаны. 0
En----z-pros-a-y. E_ n_ z__________ E- n- z-p-o-h-n-. ----------------- En ne zaproshany.
He isn’t coming because he isn’t invited. Ё---е--р--дз-,-бо-ён--е -----ш---. Ё_ н_ п_______ б_ ё_ н_ з_________ Ё- н- п-ы-д-е- б- ё- н- з-п-о-а-ы- ---------------------------------- Ён не прыйдзе, бо ён не запрошаны. 0
En-n- -r----e-----yon n- z-pro-han-. E_ n_ p_______ b_ y__ n_ z__________ E- n- p-y-d-e- b- y-n n- z-p-o-h-n-. ------------------------------------ En ne pryydze, bo yon ne zaproshany.
Why aren’t you coming? Ч-му--- -- -ры-дзеш? Ч___ т_ н_ п________ Ч-м- т- н- п-ы-д-е-? -------------------- Чаму ты не прыйдзеш? 0
C--mu-t- n---r---z--h? C____ t_ n_ p_________ C-a-u t- n- p-y-d-e-h- ---------------------- Chamu ty ne pryydzesh?
I have no time. Я--е---ю --су. Я н_ м__ ч____ Я н- м-ю ч-с-. -------------- Я не маю часу. 0
Y- ne m--- c--s-. Y_ n_ m___ c_____ Y- n- m-y- c-a-u- ----------------- Ya ne mayu chasu.
I am not coming because I have no time. Я не п--й-у,--о -- --ю ча-у. Я н_ п______ б_ н_ м__ ч____ Я н- п-ы-д-, б- н- м-ю ч-с-. ---------------------------- Я не прыйду, бо не маю часу. 0
Y---e--ry---, ---ne-may---hasu. Y_ n_ p______ b_ n_ m___ c_____ Y- n- p-y-d-, b- n- m-y- c-a-u- ------------------------------- Ya ne pryydu, bo ne mayu chasu.
Why don’t you stay? Ч-м---- -- заст--е-ся? Ч___ т_ н_ з__________ Ч-м- т- н- з-с-а-е-с-? ---------------------- Чаму ты не застанешся? 0
Ch--u t---e--------s-sy-? C____ t_ n_ z____________ C-a-u t- n- z-s-a-e-h-y-? ------------------------- Chamu ty ne zastaneshsya?
I still have to work. Мне -р--а--шч- пр--ава--. М__ т____ я___ п_________ М-е т-э-а я-ч- п-а-а-а-ь- ------------------------- Мне трэба яшчэ працаваць. 0
M-e-treb- yashch- -r-t-a---s’. M__ t____ y______ p___________ M-e t-e-a y-s-c-e p-a-s-v-t-’- ------------------------------ Mne treba yashche pratsavats’.
I am not staying because I still have to work. Я -е--ас-ан-ся- б---не т--б- я-чэ п-ац----ь. Я н_ з_________ б_ м__ т____ я___ п_________ Я н- з-с-а-у-я- б- м-е т-э-а я-ч- п-а-а-а-ь- -------------------------------------------- Я не застануся, бо мне трэба яшчэ працаваць. 0
Ya--e-za--anu---,-bo-mne -r----ya-hche --atsav----. Y_ n_ z__________ b_ m__ t____ y______ p___________ Y- n- z-s-a-u-y-, b- m-e t-e-a y-s-c-e p-a-s-v-t-’- --------------------------------------------------- Ya ne zastanusya, bo mne treba yashche pratsavats’.
Why are you going already? Ча---В- ўж- с---дз---? Ч___ В_ ў__ с_________ Ч-м- В- ў-о с-х-д-і-е- ---------------------- Чаму Вы ўжо сыходзіце? 0
C-amu--y----o-syk----іt--? C____ V_ u___ s___________ C-a-u V- u-h- s-k-o-z-t-e- -------------------------- Chamu Vy uzho sykhodzіtse?
I am tired. Я--таміў-я-/ с-ам-лас-. Я с_______ / с_________ Я с-а-і-с- / с-а-і-а-я- ----------------------- Я стаміўся / стамілася. 0
Ya--t-mі--ya-- -t-m-las--. Y_ s________ / s__________ Y- s-a-і-s-a / s-a-і-a-y-. -------------------------- Ya stamіusya / stamіlasya.
I’m going because I’m tired. Я с--оджу- бо-ста----я - ст--ілася. Я с_______ б_ с_______ / с_________ Я с-х-д-у- б- с-а-і-с- / с-а-і-а-я- ----------------------------------- Я сыходжу, бо стаміўся / стамілася. 0
Y--s-kh-dzh-, -o--t--іusya / sta--las-a. Y_ s_________ b_ s________ / s__________ Y- s-k-o-z-u- b- s-a-і-s-a / s-a-і-a-y-. ---------------------------------------- Ya sykhodzhu, bo stamіusya / stamіlasya.
Why are you going already? Чам- В- --о з----ж----? Ч___ В_ ў__ з__________ Ч-м- В- ў-о з-я-д-а-ц-? ----------------------- Чаму Вы ўжо з’язджаеце? 0
C--m- Vy u--o------dz-ae-s-? C____ V_ u___ z_____________ C-a-u V- u-h- z-y-z-z-a-t-e- ---------------------------- Chamu Vy uzho z’yazdzhaetse?
It is already late. У-о--о--а. У__ п_____ У-о п-з-а- ---------- Ужо позна. 0
U--o poz--. U___ p_____ U-h- p-z-a- ----------- Uzho pozna.
I’m going because it is already late. Я з’--джаю, б- ўж--позн-. Я з________ б_ ў__ п_____ Я з-я-д-а-, б- ў-о п-з-а- ------------------------- Я з’язджаю, бо ўжо позна. 0
Y- --ya---hayu--b- uz-o--o---. Y_ z___________ b_ u___ p_____ Y- z-y-z-z-a-u- b- u-h- p-z-a- ------------------------------ Ya z’yazdzhayu, bo uzho pozna.

Native language = emotional, foreign language = rational?

When we learn foreign languages, we are stimulating our brain. Our thinking changes through learning. We become more creative and flexible. Complex thinking comes easier to people who are multilingual as well. The memory is exercised by learning. The more we learn, the better it functions. He who has learned many languages also learns other things faster. He can think more intently about a subject for a longer time. As a result, he solves problems faster. Multilingual individuals are also more decisive. But how they make decisions is dependent on languages too. The language in which we think influences our decisions. Psychologists examined multiple test subjects for a study. All test subjects were bilingual. They spoke another language in addition to their native language. The test subjects had to answer a question. The question had to do with the solution to a problem. In the process, the test subjects had to choose between two options. One option was considerably more risky than the other. The test subjects had to answer the question in both languages. And the answers changed when the language changed! When they were speaking their native language, the test subjects chose the risk. But in the foreign language they decided on the safer option. After this experiment, the test subjects had to place bets. Here too there was a clear difference. When they used a foreign language, they were more sensible. The researchers presume that we are more focused in foreign languages. Therefore, we make decisions not emotionally, but rationally…