
en To need – to want to   »   am ፍላጎት - መፈለግ

69 [sixty-nine]

To need – to want to

To need – to want to

69 [ስልሳ ዘጠኝ]

69 [silisa zet’enyi]

ፍላጎት - መፈለግ

[āsifelagī (yegidi)– mefelegi]

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English (UK) Amharic Play More
I need a bed. አ-ጋ --ፈ---ል አ__ ያ______ አ-ጋ ያ-ፈ-ገ-ል ----------- አልጋ ያስፈልገኛል 0
āl--a--as---li-e-ya-i ā____ y______________ ā-i-a y-s-f-l-g-n-a-i --------------------- āliga yasifeligenyali
I want to sleep. መ----እፈ---ው መ___ እ_____ መ-ኛ- እ-ል-ለ- ----------- መተኛት እፈልጋለው 0
m-t-nyati--f-----l--i m________ i__________ m-t-n-a-i i-e-i-a-e-i --------------------- metenyati ifeligalewi
Is there a bed here? እ-- --ጋ---? እ__ አ__ አ__ እ-ህ አ-ጋ አ-? ----------- እዚህ አልጋ አለ? 0
i--h--ā-ig---l-? i____ ā____ ā___ i-ī-i ā-i-a ā-e- ---------------- izīhi āliga āle?
I need a lamp. መብ-ት--ስፈልገ-ል መ___ ያ______ መ-ራ- ያ-ፈ-ገ-ል ------------ መብራት ያስፈልገኛል 0
m-b-r-ti------e--geny-li m_______ y______________ m-b-r-t- y-s-f-l-g-n-a-i ------------------------ mebirati yasifeligenyali
I want to read. ማ-በ- -ፈልጋ-ው ማ___ እ_____ ማ-በ- እ-ል-ለ- ----------- ማንበብ እፈልጋለው 0
ma-i-ebi ---li-al-wi m_______ i__________ m-n-b-b- i-e-i-a-e-i -------------------- manibebi ifeligalewi
Is there a lamp here? እ---መብ-ት -ለ? እ__ መ___ አ__ እ-ህ መ-ራ- አ-? ------------ እዚህ መብራት አለ? 0
izīh- -eb--at--āl-? i____ m_______ ā___ i-ī-i m-b-r-t- ā-e- ------------------- izīhi mebirati āle?
I need a telephone. ስ-ክ--ስ----ል ስ__ ያ______ ስ-ክ ያ-ፈ-ገ-ል ----------- ስልክ ያስፈልገኛል 0
s----- y-sife--g-n-a-i s_____ y______________ s-l-k- y-s-f-l-g-n-a-i ---------------------- siliki yasifeligenyali
I want to make a call. ስ---መ--ል -ፈልጋ-ው ስ__ መ___ እ_____ ስ-ክ መ-ወ- እ-ል-ለ- --------------- ስልክ መደወል እፈልጋለው 0
s--iki-me-eweli--feligal--i s_____ m_______ i__________ s-l-k- m-d-w-l- i-e-i-a-e-i --------------------------- siliki medeweli ifeligalewi
Is there a telephone here? እዚ---ል--አ-? እ__ ስ__ አ__ እ-ህ ስ-ክ አ-? ----------- እዚህ ስልክ አለ? 0
iz-hi -i-iki---e? i____ s_____ ā___ i-ī-i s-l-k- ā-e- ----------------- izīhi siliki āle?
I need a camera. ካሜራ ያ----ኛል ካ__ ያ______ ካ-ራ ያ-ፈ-ገ-ል ----------- ካሜራ ያስፈልገኛል 0
kam-r---a-i--l-ge-ya-i k_____ y______________ k-m-r- y-s-f-l-g-n-a-i ---------------------- kamēra yasifeligenyali
I want to take photographs. ፎቶማ--- እፈልጋ-ው ፎ_____ እ_____ ፎ-ማ-ሳ- እ-ል-ለ- ------------- ፎቶማንሳት እፈልጋለው 0
f---ma-i--t--if--------i f___________ i__________ f-t-m-n-s-t- i-e-i-a-e-i ------------------------ fotomanisati ifeligalewi
Is there a camera here? እ-ህ-ካሜራ-አለ? እ__ ካ__ አ__ እ-ህ ካ-ራ አ-? ----------- እዚህ ካሜራ አለ? 0
i---i --m--a --e? i____ k_____ ā___ i-ī-i k-m-r- ā-e- ----------------- izīhi kamēra āle?
I need a computer. ኮምፒተ--ያስፈ-ገ-ል ኮ____ ያ______ ኮ-ፒ-ር ያ-ፈ-ገ-ል ------------- ኮምፒተር ያስፈልገኛል 0
k-----t--i ------l---ny-li k_________ y______________ k-m-p-t-r- y-s-f-l-g-n-a-i -------------------------- komipīteri yasifeligenyali
I want to send an email. ኢ--ይል መ-- ----ለው ኢ____ መ__ እ_____ ኢ-ሜ-ል መ-ክ እ-ል-ለ- ---------------- ኢ-ሜይል መላክ እፈልጋለው 0
ī-m-y-l- m-laki ----ig---wi ī_______ m_____ i__________ ī-m-y-l- m-l-k- i-e-i-a-e-i --------------------------- ī-mēyili melaki ifeligalewi
Is there a computer here? እ-ህ ኮም--ር-አ-? እ__ ኮ____ አ__ እ-ህ ኮ-ፒ-ር አ-? ------------- እዚህ ኮምፒተር አለ? 0
i--h- --mi-ī-e-i--le? i____ k_________ ā___ i-ī-i k-m-p-t-r- ā-e- --------------------- izīhi komipīteri āle?
I need a pen. እስ-ሪቢቶ-ያ--ልገኛል እ_____ ያ______ እ-ክ-ቢ- ያ-ፈ-ገ-ል -------------- እስክሪቢቶ ያስፈልገኛል 0
isi-i-īb----yasif-l-------i i__________ y______________ i-i-i-ī-ī-o y-s-f-l-g-n-a-i --------------------------- isikirībīto yasifeligenyali
I want to write something. ጥ-ት ----መ---እፈልጋ-ው ጥ__ ነ__ መ__ እ_____ ጥ-ት ነ-ር መ-ፍ እ-ል-ለ- ------------------ ጥቂት ነገር መፃፍ እፈልጋለው 0
t---’-t--n-ger- -e---’a-i-i--l-galewi t_______ n_____ m_______ i__________ t-i-’-t- n-g-r- m-t-s-a-i i-e-i-a-e-i ------------------------------------- t’ik’īti negeri met͟s’afi ifeligalewi
Is there a sheet of paper and a pen here? እዚህ ወ-ቀ- -ና እ----- --? እ__ ወ___ እ_ እ_____ አ__ እ-ህ ወ-ቀ- እ- እ-ክ-ቢ- አ-? ---------------------- እዚህ ወረቀት እና እስክሪቢቶ አለ? 0
izīh--w-r-k’-ti -n- isi---ībīt- ā--? i____ w________ i__ i__________ ā___ i-ī-i w-r-k-e-i i-a i-i-i-ī-ī-o ā-e- ------------------------------------ izīhi werek’eti ina isikirībīto āle?

Machine Translations

A person who wants to have texts translated has to pay a lot of money. Professional interpreters or translators are expensive. Despite this, it is becoming increasingly important to understand other languages. Computer scientists and computer linguists want to solve this problem. They have been working for some time now on the development of translation tools. Today, there are many different programs. But the quality of machine translations is typically not good. However, the programmers aren't at fault for that! Languages are very complex structures. Computers, on the other hand, are based on simple mathematical principles. Therefore, they can't always process languages correctly. A translation program must learn a language completely. In order for that to happen, experts have to teach it thousands of words and rules. That is practically impossible. It's easier to have a computer crunch numbers. It's good at that! A computer can calculate which combinations are common. It recognizes, for example, which words are often next to each other. For that, it has to be given texts in various languages. This way it learns what is typical for certain languages. This statistical method will improve automatic translations. However, computers cannot replace humans. No machine can imitate a human brain when it comes to language. So translators and interpreters will have work for a long time to come! In the future, simple texts could certainly be translated by computers. Songs, poetry and literature, on the other hand, need a living element. They thrive on the human feeling for language. And it's good that way…