
en Negation 2   »   bg Отрицание 2

65 [sixty-five]

Negation 2

Negation 2

65 [шейсет и пет]

65 [sheyset i pet]

Отрицание 2

[Otritsanie 2]

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English (UK) Bulgarian Play More
Is the ring expensive? С-ъ- л--- --ъ-т----? С___ л_ е п_________ С-ъ- л- е п-ъ-т-н-т- -------------------- Скъп ли е пръстенът? 0
S-y--l---e---y--en-t? S___ l_ y_ p_________ S-y- l- y- p-y-t-n-t- --------------------- Skyp li ye prystenyt?
No, it costs only one hundred Euros. Не--то--с--у----амо------в--. Н__ т__ с_____ с___ с__ е____ Н-, т-й с-р-в- с-м- с-о е-р-. ----------------------------- Не, той струва само сто евро. 0
Ne,-t-y -tr-va--amo--to ye---. N__ t__ s_____ s___ s__ y_____ N-, t-y s-r-v- s-m- s-o y-v-o- ------------------------------ Ne, toy struva samo sto yevro.
But I have only fifty. Но аз-има--амо п------т. Н_ а_ и__ с___ п________ Н- а- и-а с-м- п-т-е-е-. ------------------------ Но аз има само петдесет. 0
No -z -ma sa-o pe-d--et. N_ a_ i__ s___ p________ N- a- i-a s-m- p-t-e-e-. ------------------------ No az ima samo petdeset.
Are you finished? Г-то- /-г-т--а-----и вече? Г____ / г_____ л_ с_ в____ Г-т-в / г-т-в- л- с- в-ч-? -------------------------- Готов / готова ли си вече? 0
Go-ov ---ot-v---- s- -e--e? G____ / g_____ l_ s_ v_____ G-t-v / g-t-v- l- s- v-c-e- --------------------------- Gotov / gotova li si veche?
No, not yet. Н-,-още-н-. Н__ о__ н__ Н-, о-е н-. ----------- Не, още не. 0
N-, --h-h- -e. N__ o_____ n__ N-, o-h-h- n-. -------------- Ne, oshche ne.
But I’ll be finished soon. Но ей---га --м---тов /-го-о--. Н_ е_ с___ с__ г____ / г______ Н- е- с-г- с-м г-т-в / г-т-в-. ------------------------------ Но ей сега съм готов / готова. 0
N--ye- -ega sym-g--ov-- -o-ova. N_ y__ s___ s__ g____ / g______ N- y-y s-g- s-m g-t-v / g-t-v-. ------------------------------- No yey sega sym gotov / gotova.
Do you want some more soup? Иска- -- -щ---уп-? И____ л_ о__ с____ И-к-ш л- о-е с-п-? ------------------ Искаш ли още супа? 0
Is-as- -- os-c-e-s-p-? I_____ l_ o_____ s____ I-k-s- l- o-h-h- s-p-? ---------------------- Iskash li oshche supa?
No, I don’t want anymore. Не- н--ис-ам-п-веч-. Н__ н_ и____ п______ Н-, н- и-к-м п-в-ч-. -------------------- Не, не искам повече. 0
N-- -e--sk-m -o-eche. N__ n_ i____ p_______ N-, n- i-k-m p-v-c-e- --------------------- Ne, ne iskam poveche.
But another ice cream. Но и-к-м-ощ------ с--д-л-д. Н_ и____ о__ е___ с________ Н- и-к-м о-е е-и- с-а-о-е-. --------------------------- Но искам още един сладолед. 0
N----kam o----- -e-in--lado--d. N_ i____ o_____ y____ s________ N- i-k-m o-h-h- y-d-n s-a-o-e-. ------------------------------- No iskam oshche yedin sladoled.
Have you lived here long? От----а--- ж-в-е-----? О______ л_ ж_____ т___ О-д-в-а л- ж-в-е- т-к- ---------------------- Отдавна ли живееш тук? 0
Ot--v-a-l- zh--e----t-k? O______ l_ z_______ t___ O-d-v-a l- z-i-e-s- t-k- ------------------------ Otdavna li zhiveesh tuk?
No, only for a month. Н-, -дв--о--ед-- ме-ец. Н__ е___ о_ е___ м_____ Н-, е-в- о- е-и- м-с-ц- ----------------------- Не, едва от един месец. 0
N----edv---t --di--me-ets. N__ y____ o_ y____ m______ N-, y-d-a o- y-d-n m-s-t-. -------------------------- Ne, yedva ot yedin mesets.
But I already know a lot of people. Но--е-е -озн-в-м ---г- хора. Н_ в___ п_______ м____ х____ Н- в-ч- п-з-а-а- м-о-о х-р-. ---------------------------- Но вече познавам много хора. 0
No ve----p-zna--m-mn--o kh--a. N_ v____ p_______ m____ k_____ N- v-c-e p-z-a-a- m-o-o k-o-a- ------------------------------ No veche poznavam mnogo khora.
Are you driving home tomorrow? Щ- път---ш -- ут-е-за в-ъ-и? Щ_ п______ л_ у___ з_ в_____ Щ- п-т-в-ш л- у-р- з- в-ъ-и- ---------------------------- Ще пътуваш ли утре за вкъщи? 0
S-che--yt-vash l- u-re-za ----h---? S____ p_______ l_ u___ z_ v________ S-c-e p-t-v-s- l- u-r- z- v-y-h-h-? ----------------------------------- Shche pytuvash li utre za vkyshchi?
No, only on the weekend. Н-,--а--- к-ая -а -е-----та. Н__ ч__ в к___ н_ с_________ Н-, ч-к в к-а- н- с-д-и-а-а- ---------------------------- Не, чак в края на седмицата. 0
N-- --ak---kr-ya n- s-dm-t-at-. N__ c___ v k____ n_ s__________ N-, c-a- v k-a-a n- s-d-i-s-t-. ------------------------------- Ne, chak v kraya na sedmitsata.
But I will be back on Sunday. Н---ще-в-н----- ще--е -ъ-на. Н_ о__ в н_____ щ_ с_ в_____ Н- о-е в н-д-л- щ- с- в-р-а- ---------------------------- Но още в неделя ще се върна. 0
No --h----- n--ely- -hch--s- --r--. N_ o_____ v n______ s____ s_ v_____ N- o-h-h- v n-d-l-a s-c-e s- v-r-a- ----------------------------------- No oshche v nedelya shche se vyrna.
Is your daughter an adult? Д--е-я -и го-яма ли ----ч-? Д_____ т_ г_____ л_ е в____ Д-щ-р- т- г-л-м- л- е в-ч-? --------------------------- Дъщеря ти голяма ли е вече? 0
Dys-chery- ---g-l--ma l--y--v-c--? D_________ t_ g______ l_ y_ v_____ D-s-c-e-y- t- g-l-a-a l- y- v-c-e- ---------------------------------- Dyshcherya ti golyama li ye veche?
No, she is only seventeen. Не--т--- --ва -- с----н-й-ет. Н__ т_ е е___ н_ с___________ Н-, т- е е-в- н- с-д-м-а-с-т- ----------------------------- Не, тя е едва на седемнайсет. 0
N-, --a y---ed-- n- -ed--nay-et. N__ t__ y_ y____ n_ s___________ N-, t-a y- y-d-a n- s-d-m-a-s-t- -------------------------------- Ne, tya ye yedva na sedemnayset.
But she already has a boyfriend. Но вече--м- пр-я---. Н_ в___ и__ п_______ Н- в-ч- и-а п-и-т-л- -------------------- Но вече има приятел. 0
No--eche---a-pri-at-l. N_ v____ i__ p________ N- v-c-e i-a p-i-a-e-. ---------------------- No veche ima priyatel.

What words tell us

Worldwide there are many millions of books. How many have been written up to now is unknown. A great deal of knowledge is stored in these books. If one were to read all of them, he would know a lot about life. Because books show us how our world changes. Each era has its own books. By reading them one can identify what is important to people. Unfortunately, no one can read every book. But modern technology can help analyze books. Using digitalization, books can be stored like data. After that, the contents can be analyzed. In this way, linguists see how our language has changed. It is even more interesting, however, to count the frequency of words. By doing so, the significance of certain things can be identified. Scientists studied more than 5 million books. These were books from the last five centuries. A total of 500 billion words were analyzed. The frequency of the words shows how people lived then and now. Ideas and trends are reflected in the language. The word men has lost some meaning, for example. It is used less frequently today than it was earlier. The frequency of the word women , on the other hand, has increased significantly. One can also see what we like to eat by looking at words. The word ice cream was very important in the fifties. After that, the words pizza and pasta became popular. The term sushi has been dominant for a few years now. There is good news for all language lovers… Our language gains more words every year!