
en Conjunctions 3   »   bg Съюзи 3

96 [ninety-six]

Conjunctions 3

Conjunctions 3

96 [деветдесет и шест]

96 [devetdeset i shest]

Съюзи 3

[Syyuzi 3]

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English (UK) Bulgarian Play More
I get up as soon as the alarm rings. Аз с-авам--щом---дилн---т--въ-н-. А_ с______ щ__ б_________ з______ А- с-а-а-, щ-м б-д-л-и-ъ- з-ъ-н-. --------------------------------- Аз ставам, щом будилникът звънне. 0
A- st---m,-s-c-om-b-di---kyt zv-nn-. A_ s______ s_____ b_________ z______ A- s-a-a-, s-c-o- b-d-l-i-y- z-y-n-. ------------------------------------ Az stavam, shchom budilnikyt zvynne.
I become tired as soon as I have to study. А---е умор-в-м, що--тря-ва--а--ч-. А_ с_ у________ щ__ т_____ д_ у___ А- с- у-о-я-а-, щ-м т-я-в- д- у-а- ---------------------------------- Аз се уморявам, щом трябва да уча. 0
A- -- u----ava-, s--h-- -ry-----d--uc--. A_ s_ u_________ s_____ t______ d_ u____ A- s- u-o-y-v-m- s-c-o- t-y-b-a d- u-h-. ---------------------------------------- Az se umoryavam, shchom tryabva da ucha.
I will stop working as soon as I am 60. А---е----а д--ра--т-, що--ст--- на --. А_ щ_ с___ д_ р______ щ__ с____ н_ 6__ А- щ- с-р- д- р-б-т-, щ-м с-а-а н- 6-. -------------------------------------- Аз ще спра да работя, щом стана на 60. 0
A- -h--e --r------ab-tya, shc-om stan--na--0. A_ s____ s___ d_ r_______ s_____ s____ n_ 6__ A- s-c-e s-r- d- r-b-t-a- s-c-o- s-a-a n- 6-. --------------------------------------------- Az shche spra da rabotya, shchom stana na 60.
When will you call? Ко-а ще-с- -ба---е -- --ле---а? К___ щ_ с_ о______ п_ т________ К-г- щ- с- о-а-и-е п- т-л-ф-н-? ------------------------------- Кога ще се обадите по телефона? 0
Ko-a---c-- ------di-- po -e--f--a? K___ s____ s_ o______ p_ t________ K-g- s-c-e s- o-a-i-e p- t-l-f-n-? ---------------------------------- Koga shche se obadite po telefona?
As soon as I have a moment. Щом--мам ---у-да----ме. Щ__ и___ с______ в_____ Щ-м и-а- с-к-н-а в-е-е- ----------------------- Щом имам секунда време. 0
Shch-- -m-m s--u--a-v--me. S_____ i___ s______ v_____ S-c-o- i-a- s-k-n-a v-e-e- -------------------------- Shchom imam sekunda vreme.
He’ll call, as soon as he has a little time. Т---ще -е о---- -о-тел-фо----щом-и-а--ал-о ----е. Т__ щ_ с_ о____ п_ т________ щ__ и__ м____ в_____ Т-й щ- с- о-а-и п- т-л-ф-н-, щ-м и-а м-л-о в-е-е- ------------------------------------------------- Той ще се обади по телефона, щом има малко време. 0
To----c-e-s- --a---p- t-lefon-------o--ima-m-lk--v-e-e. T__ s____ s_ o____ p_ t________ s_____ i__ m____ v_____ T-y s-c-e s- o-a-i p- t-l-f-n-, s-c-o- i-a m-l-o v-e-e- ------------------------------------------------------- Toy shche se obadi po telefona, shchom ima malko vreme.
How long will you work? К---- ---ме щ- ра-о---е? К____ в____ щ_ р________ К-л-о в-е-е щ- р-б-т-т-? ------------------------ Колко време ще работите? 0
Kol-o -r----shc-- --b--i--? K____ v____ s____ r________ K-l-o v-e-e s-c-e r-b-t-t-? --------------------------- Kolko vreme shche rabotite?
I’ll work as long as I can. А- -----бот-- д-к-т--мог-. А_ щ_ р______ д_____ м____ А- щ- р-б-т-, д-к-т- м-г-. -------------------------- Аз ще работя, докато мога. 0
Az--h--e --bot--- do-a-o m-ga. A_ s____ r_______ d_____ m____ A- s-c-e r-b-t-a- d-k-t- m-g-. ------------------------------ Az shche rabotya, dokato moga.
I’ll work as long as I am healthy. А- -е ра-о----до-а----ъм-з----. А_ щ_ р______ д_____ с__ з_____ А- щ- р-б-т-, д-к-т- с-м з-р-в- ------------------------------- Аз ще работя, докато съм здрав. 0
Az -h-h- ra--t-a, ----to sym--dr-v. A_ s____ r_______ d_____ s__ z_____ A- s-c-e r-b-t-a- d-k-t- s-m z-r-v- ----------------------------------- Az shche rabotya, dokato sym zdrav.
He lies in bed instead of working. Т----е---- ле-л-т----ме-то-да-работ-. Т__ л___ в л_______ в_____ д_ р______ Т-й л-ж- в л-г-о-о- в-е-т- д- р-б-т-. ------------------------------------- Той лежи в леглото, вместо да работи. 0
To---ezh--v-l-g-o----v-e-to -a----ot-. T__ l____ v l_______ v_____ d_ r______ T-y l-z-i v l-g-o-o- v-e-t- d- r-b-t-. -------------------------------------- Toy lezhi v legloto, vmesto da raboti.
She reads the newspaper instead of cooking. Т- ---е ве-тн-к,--м---- да-сг-т-и. Т_ ч___ в_______ в_____ д_ с______ Т- ч-т- в-с-н-к- в-е-т- д- с-о-в-. ---------------------------------- Тя чете вестник, вместо да сготви. 0
T-a--h-------t-i-, -m-sto da-s--tvi. T__ c____ v_______ v_____ d_ s______ T-a c-e-e v-s-n-k- v-e-t- d- s-o-v-. ------------------------------------ Tya chete vestnik, vmesto da sgotvi.
He is at the bar instead of going home. Т---се-и---к-ъ--а--- вмес-о -а ---отиде ---щи. Т__ с___ в к________ в_____ д_ с_ о____ в_____ Т-й с-д- в к-ъ-м-т-, в-е-т- д- с- о-и-е в-ъ-и- ---------------------------------------------- Той седи в кръчмата, вместо да си отиде вкъщи. 0
T-- -e-i-v-k----mata,-v-e-t- d-----oti-e--k-shc--. T__ s___ v k_________ v_____ d_ s_ o____ v________ T-y s-d- v k-y-h-a-a- v-e-t- d- s- o-i-e v-y-h-h-. -------------------------------------------------- Toy sedi v krychmata, vmesto da si otide vkyshchi.
As far as I know, he lives here. Д----ко-о -на---т-й-жи--- т-к. Д________ з____ т__ ж____ т___ Д-к-л-о-о з-а-, т-й ж-в-е т-к- ------------------------------ Доколкото зная, той живее тук. 0
D---l---- ---y-,-------iv-e-tu-. D________ z_____ t__ z_____ t___ D-k-l-o-o z-a-a- t-y z-i-e- t-k- -------------------------------- Dokolkoto znaya, toy zhivee tuk.
As far as I know, his wife is ill. Д-колк-т--зна----ена-му е -олна. Д________ з____ ж___ м_ е б_____ Д-к-л-о-о з-а-, ж-н- м- е б-л-а- -------------------------------- Доколкото зная, жена му е болна. 0
Dokolk-to znaya- z------- -e-b-l--. D________ z_____ z____ m_ y_ b_____ D-k-l-o-o z-a-a- z-e-a m- y- b-l-a- ----------------------------------- Dokolkoto znaya, zhena mu ye bolna.
As far as I know, he is unemployed. Д-кол-от---н-я, т-- е----ра-отен. Д________ з____ т__ е б__________ Д-к-л-о-о з-а-, т-й е б-з-а-о-е-. --------------------------------- Доколкото зная, той е безработен. 0
Do-o-k--- z-ay---t-y --------b-te-. D________ z_____ t__ y_ b__________ D-k-l-o-o z-a-a- t-y y- b-z-a-o-e-. ----------------------------------- Dokolkoto znaya, toy ye bezraboten.
I overslept; otherwise I’d have been on time. У-пах---, -н--- -ях -- --й---на--еме. У____ с__ и____ щ__ д_ д____ н_______ У-п-х с-, и-а-е щ-х д- д-й-а н-в-е-е- ------------------------------------- Успах се, иначе щях да дойда навреме. 0
Usp-k--s-, ina-he -----ak--d- --y-a --v--m-. U_____ s__ i_____ s_______ d_ d____ n_______ U-p-k- s-, i-a-h- s-c-y-k- d- d-y-a n-v-e-e- -------------------------------------------- Uspakh se, inache shchyakh da doyda navreme.
I missed the bus; otherwise I’d have been on time. И---с--------бус---и-а---щях-д- д-----н-вр-ме. И_______ а________ и____ щ__ д_ д____ н_______ И-п-с-а- а-т-б-с-, и-а-е щ-х д- д-й-а н-в-е-е- ---------------------------------------------- Изпуснах автобуса, иначе щях да дойда навреме. 0
I--us-----a-t----a, i--ch- sh-h-a---da-d---a ---r--e. I________ a________ i_____ s_______ d_ d____ n_______ I-p-s-a-h a-t-b-s-, i-a-h- s-c-y-k- d- d-y-a n-v-e-e- ----------------------------------------------------- Izpusnakh avtobusa, inache shchyakh da doyda navreme.
I didn’t find the way / I got lost; otherwise I’d have been on time. Не-на---и--път---иначе --- да ----а -а-р---. Н_ н______ п____ и____ щ__ д_ д____ н_______ Н- н-м-р-х п-т-, и-а-е щ-х д- д-й-а н-в-е-е- -------------------------------------------- Не намерих пътя, иначе щях да дойда навреме. 0
N- namerikh p-t-a------he -----ak- da ---d---a-----. N_ n_______ p_____ i_____ s_______ d_ d____ n_______ N- n-m-r-k- p-t-a- i-a-h- s-c-y-k- d- d-y-a n-v-e-e- ---------------------------------------------------- Ne namerikh pytya, inache shchyakh da doyda navreme.

Language and math

Thinking and speech go together. They influence one another. Linguistic structures influence the structures of our thinking. In some languages, for example, there are no words for numbers. The speakers do not understand the concept of numbers. So math and language also go together in some way. Grammatical and mathematical structures are often similar. Some researchers believe that they are also processed similarly. They believe that the speech center is also responsible for math. It can help the brain to perform calculations. Recent studies are coming to another conclusion, however. They show that our brain processes math without speech. Researchers studied three men. The brains of these test subjects were injured. As a result, the speech center was also damaged. The men had big problems with speaking. They could no longer formulate simple sentences. They couldn't understand words either. After the speech test the men had to solve math problems. A few of these mathematical puzzles were very complex. Even so, the test subjects could solve them! The results of this study are very interesting. They show that math is not encoded with words. It's possible that language and math have the same basis. Both are processed from the same center. But math doesn't have to be translated into speech first. Perhaps language and math develop together too... Then when the brain has finished developing, they exist separately!