
en Parts of the body   »   ky Дене мүчөлөрү

58 [fifty-eight]

Parts of the body

Parts of the body

58 [элүү сегиз]

58 [elüü segiz]

Дене мүчөлөрү

[Dene müçölörü]

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I am drawing a man. М-н -иш--- ---т-п-ж-т-м--. М__ к_____ т_____ ж_______ М-н к-ш-н- т-р-ы- ж-т-м-н- -------------------------- Мен кишини тартып жатамын. 0
Me- -i--n----r-ı----tam-n. M__ k_____ t_____ j_______ M-n k-ş-n- t-r-ı- j-t-m-n- -------------------------- Men kişini tartıp jatamın.
First the head. Б-ри-ч- б-ш--. Б______ б_____ Б-р-н-и б-ш-н- -------------- Биринчи башын. 0
Biri-ç- --şın. B______ b_____ B-r-n-i b-ş-n- -------------- Birinçi başın.
The man is wearing a hat. Киш----лпа--к---- т-р-т. К___ к_____ к____ т_____ К-ш- к-л-а- к-й-п т-р-т- ------------------------ Киши калпак кийип турат. 0
Ki-- k--p---kiyip -u-at. K___ k_____ k____ t_____ K-ş- k-l-a- k-y-p t-r-t- ------------------------ Kişi kalpak kiyip turat.
One cannot see the hair. Ч-чы---рүнб-йт. Ч___ к_________ Ч-ч- к-р-н-ө-т- --------------- Чачы көрүнбөйт. 0
Ça---kör---ö-t. Ç___ k_________ Ç-ç- k-r-n-ö-t- --------------- Çaçı körünböyt.
One cannot see the ears either. К----тар--д------н-өй-. К________ д_ к_________ К-л-к-а-ы д- к-р-н-ө-т- ----------------------- Кулактары да көрүнбөйт. 0
Ku-a-ta-ı-da--ör-n-ö--. K________ d_ k_________ K-l-k-a-ı d- k-r-n-ö-t- ----------------------- Kulaktarı da körünböyt.
One cannot see his back either. Арты -а--ө-үн--й-. А___ д_ к_________ А-т- д- к-р-н-ө-т- ------------------ Арты да көрүнбөйт. 0
Ar-ı-da-k-r----y-. A___ d_ k_________ A-t- d- k-r-n-ö-t- ------------------ Artı da körünböyt.
I am drawing the eyes and the mouth. Ме- -ө--ө--- ж-н--о--ун-та-т-м. М__ к_______ ж___ о____ т______ М-н к-з-ө-ү- ж-н- о-з-н т-р-а-. ------------------------------- Мен көздөрүн жана оозун тартам. 0
M-n---z--rü--j----o-zu---a-t--. M__ k_______ j___ o____ t______ M-n k-z-ö-ü- j-n- o-z-n t-r-a-. ------------------------------- Men közdörün jana oozun tartam.
The man is dancing and laughing. К-----и--еп-жа-- к-----ж-та-. К___ б_____ ж___ к____ ж_____ К-ш- б-й-е- ж-н- к-л-п ж-т-т- ----------------------------- Киши бийлеп жана күлүп жатат. 0
K----bi--ep j-na--ü-----a-at. K___ b_____ j___ k____ j_____ K-ş- b-y-e- j-n- k-l-p j-t-t- ----------------------------- Kişi biylep jana külüp jatat.
The man has a long nose. К----ин --рд- -з-н. К______ м____ у____ К-ш-н-н м-р-у у-у-. ------------------- Кишинин мурду узун. 0
K-şi--n-mur-u--zun. K______ m____ u____ K-ş-n-n m-r-u u-u-. ------------------- Kişinin murdu uzun.
He is carrying a cane in his hands. Ал-колуна т-я----ып ж---т. А_ к_____ т___ а___ ж_____ А- к-л-н- т-я- а-ы- ж-р-т- -------------------------- Ал колуна таяк алып жүрөт. 0
A--kolu-- --ya- alı- j---t. A_ k_____ t____ a___ j_____ A- k-l-n- t-y-k a-ı- j-r-t- --------------------------- Al koluna tayak alıp jüröt.
He is also wearing a scarf around his neck. О--н-о- -ле м--н----мою-------ч--а---ы- -үр--. О______ э__ м______ м___ о_____ с______ ж_____ О-о-д-й э-е м-й-у-а м-ю- о-о-у- с-л-н-п ж-р-т- ---------------------------------------------- Ошондой эле мойнуна моюн орогуч салынып жүрөт. 0
O--nd-y-e---m-ynun----y-- ------ -alınıp --röt. O______ e__ m______ m____ o_____ s______ j_____ O-o-d-y e-e m-y-u-a m-y-n o-o-u- s-l-n-p j-r-t- ----------------------------------------------- Oşondoy ele moynuna moyun oroguç salınıp jüröt.
It is winter and it is cold. А----к--, -уук. А___ к___ с____ А-ы- к-ш- с-у-. --------------- Азыр кыш, суук. 0
A--r -ış---uuk. A___ k___ s____ A-ı- k-ş- s-u-. --------------- Azır kış, suuk.
The arms are athletic. Ко-дору-------. К______ к______ К-л-о-у к-ч-ү-. --------------- Колдору күчтүү. 0
K-ldor- k---ü-. K______ k______ K-l-o-u k-ç-ü-. --------------- Koldoru küçtüü.
The legs are also athletic. Бут--р--да к-ч--ү. Б______ д_ к______ Б-т-а-ы д- к-ч-ү-. ------------------ Буттары да күчтүү. 0
B-tt-rı-d- k-ç-üü. B______ d_ k______ B-t-a-ı d- k-ç-ü-. ------------------ Buttarı da küçtüü.
The man is made of snow. К--и к-р--- -а----а-. К___ к_____ ж________ К-ш- к-р-а- ж-c-л-а-. --------------------- Киши кардан жаcалган. 0
Ki---kard-n-j--al---. K___ k_____ j________ K-ş- k-r-a- j-c-l-a-. --------------------- Kişi kardan jacalgan.
He is neither wearing pants nor a coat. А- --м -а-а п---т- -ийбе--. А_ ш__ ж___ п_____ к_______ А- ш-м ж-н- п-л-т- к-й-е-т- --------------------------- Ал шым жана пальто кийбейт. 0
A- -ım -a-- p--to-kiy-eyt. A_ ş__ j___ p____ k_______ A- ş-m j-n- p-l-o k-y-e-t- -------------------------- Al şım jana palto kiybeyt.
But the man is not freezing. Би--- -иш- үшүг-- -о-. Б____ к___ ү_____ ж___ Б-р-к к-ш- ү-ү-ө- ж-к- ---------------------- Бирок киши үшүгөн жок. 0
Bi--k kişi -şügö- --k. B____ k___ ü_____ j___ B-r-k k-ş- ü-ü-ö- j-k- ---------------------- Birok kişi üşügön jok.
He is a snowman. А- -ар -иш-. А_ к__ к____ А- к-р к-ш-. ------------ Ал кар киши. 0
A------kiş-. A_ k__ k____ A- k-r k-ş-. ------------ Al kar kişi.

The language of our ancestors

Modern languages can be analyzed by linguists. Various methods are used to do so. But how did people speak thousands of years ago? It is much more difficult to answer this question. Despite this, scientists have been busy researching for years. They would like to explore how people spoke earlier. In order to do this, they attempt to reconstruct ancient speech forms. American scientists have now made an exciting discovery. They analyzed more than 2,000 languages. In particular they analyzed the sentence structure of the languages. The results of their study were very interesting. About half of the languages had the S-O-V sentence structure. That is to say, the sentences are ordered by subject, object and verb. More than 700 languages follow the pattern S-V-O. And about 160 languages operate according to the V-S-O system. Only about 40 languages use the V-O-S pattern. 120 languages display a hybrid. On the other hand, O-V-S and O-S-V are distinctly rarer systems. The majority of the analyzed languages use the S-O-V principle. Persian, Japanese and Turkish are some examples. Most living languages follow the S-V-O pattern, however. This sentence structure dominates the Indo-European language family today. Researchers believe that the S-O-V model was used earlier. All languages are based on this system. But then the languages diverged. We don't yet know how that happened. However, the variation of sentence structures must have had a reason. Because in evolution, only that which has an advantage prevails…