
en Shopping   »   ky Сатып алуу

54 [fifty-four]



54 [элүү төрт]

54 [elüü tört]

Сатып алуу

[Satıp aluu]

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English (UK) Kyrgyz Play More
I want to buy a present. Мен--е--- -а-ып-а---- к--е-. М__ б____ с____ а____ к_____ М-н б-л-к с-т-п а-г-м к-л-т- ---------------------------- Мен белек сатып алгым келет. 0
Me- belek -at-p alg-m--e--t. M__ b____ s____ a____ k_____ M-n b-l-k s-t-p a-g-m k-l-t- ---------------------------- Men belek satıp algım kelet.
But nothing too expensive. Биро- -тө-к-м--т--ч н---- ---. Б____ ө__ к_____ э_ н____ ж___ Б-р-к ө-ө к-м-а- э- н-р-е ж-к- ------------------------------ Бирок өтө кымбат эч нерсе жок. 0
Bi-ok ötö-----a------er-e-jok. B____ ö__ k_____ e_ n____ j___ B-r-k ö-ö k-m-a- e- n-r-e j-k- ------------------------------ Birok ötö kımbat eç nerse jok.
Maybe a handbag? Б-л-и-, баш---? Б______ б______ Б-л-и-, б-ш-ы-? --------------- Балким, баштык? 0
Ba-k-m--ba---k? B______ b______ B-l-i-, b-ş-ı-? --------------- Balkim, baştık?
Which color would you like? Сиз кай-ы-т---ү к-----с--? С__ к____ т____ к_________ С-з к-й-ы т-с-ү к-а-а-с-з- -------------------------- Сиз кайсы түстү каалайсыз? 0
S-z-k-ys- -üstü kaa-a----? S__ k____ t____ k_________ S-z k-y-ı t-s-ü k-a-a-s-z- -------------------------- Siz kaysı tüstü kaalaysız?
Black, brown or white? К-ра--к--ө--ж--ак? К____ к____ ж_ а__ К-р-, к-р-ң ж- а-? ------------------ Кара, күрөң же ак? 0
K-ra---ü-öŋ------? K____ k____ j_ a__ K-r-, k-r-ŋ j- a-? ------------------ Kara, küröŋ je ak?
A large one or a small one? Ч-ңб- ---к-ч--еб-? Ч____ ж_ к________ Ч-ң-у ж- к-ч-н-б-? ------------------ Чоңбу же кичинеби? 0
Ço-b--j- --çi--b-? Ç____ j_ k________ Ç-ŋ-u j- k-ç-n-b-? ------------------ Çoŋbu je kiçinebi?
May I see this one, please? Ме--м--у к--сө--боло-у? М__ м___ к_____ б______ М-н м-н- к-р-ө- б-л-б-? ----------------------- Мен муну көрсөм болобу? 0
Me- ---- --rs-m--olob-? M__ m___ k_____ b______ M-n m-n- k-r-ö- b-l-b-? ----------------------- Men munu körsöm bolobu?
Is it made of leather? Бу----риден-ж-салг--б-? Б__ т______ ж__________ Б-л т-р-д-н ж-с-л-а-б-? ----------------------- Бул териден жасалганбы? 0
Bu- -----e---a-alg--b-? B__ t______ j__________ B-l t-r-d-n j-s-l-a-b-? ----------------------- Bul teriden jasalganbı?
Or is it made of plastic? Же ---ж-са-м----т--иалда-да- жа-а--анбы? Ж_ а_ ж______ м_____________ ж__________ Ж- а- ж-с-л-а м-т-р-а-д-р-а- ж-с-л-а-б-? ---------------------------------------- Же ал жасалма материалдардан жасалганбы? 0
Je -l-j--al-- m-t--i-l-arda- j---lga-bı? J_ a_ j______ m_____________ j__________ J- a- j-s-l-a m-t-r-a-d-r-a- j-s-l-a-b-? ---------------------------------------- Je al jasalma materialdardan jasalganbı?
Of leather, of course. А-б-т--- булг--ры. А_______ б________ А-б-т-е- б-л-а-р-. ------------------ Албетте, булгаары. 0
A-b-tte- bu-g--rı. A_______ b________ A-b-t-e- b-l-a-r-. ------------------ Albette, bulgaarı.
This is very good quality. Б---өзгөч- -акшы-с---т. Б__ ө_____ ж____ с_____ Б-л ө-г-ч- ж-к-ы с-п-т- ----------------------- Бул өзгөчө жакшы сапат. 0
B-- --g-ç- -ak------at. B__ ö_____ j____ s_____ B-l ö-g-ç- j-k-ı s-p-t- ----------------------- Bul özgöçö jakşı sapat.
And the bag is really very reasonable. Ал э-и --ш-ы- -ын--- эле а-зан. А_ э__ б_____ ч_____ э__ а_____ А- э-и б-ш-ы- ч-н-а- э-е а-з-н- ------------------------------- Ал эми баштык чындап эле арзан. 0
Al e-i-b-ş-ık -----p--l- ar-a-. A_ e__ b_____ ç_____ e__ a_____ A- e-i b-ş-ı- ç-n-a- e-e a-z-n- ------------------------------- Al emi baştık çındap ele arzan.
I like it. Бу----г- жа---. Б__ м___ ж_____ Б-л м-г- ж-к-ы- --------------- Бул мага жакты. 0
Bu- -a-a------. B__ m___ j_____ B-l m-g- j-k-ı- --------------- Bul maga jaktı.
I’ll take it. Мен муну--л-м. М__ м___ а____ М-н м-н- а-а-. -------------- Мен муну алам. 0
Men-m-n--al--. M__ m___ a____ M-n m-n- a-a-. -------------- Men munu alam.
Can I exchange it if needed? Ке-ек б-л-о,-ме----- а-ма-ты-- а-амб-? К____ б_____ м__ а__ а________ а______ К-р-к б-л-о- м-н а-ы а-м-ш-ы-а а-а-б-? -------------------------------------- Керек болсо, мен аны алмаштыра аламбы? 0
K---- --l--,---n a-- --m-ş-ıra a--m--? K____ b_____ m__ a__ a________ a______ K-r-k b-l-o- m-n a-ı a-m-ş-ı-a a-a-b-? -------------------------------------- Kerek bolso, men anı almaştıra alambı?
Of course. Ал-----. А_______ А-б-т-е- -------- Албетте. 0
A-bette. A_______ A-b-t-e- -------- Albette.
We’ll gift wrap it. А---б-лек--а-а-ы -р-п -----з. А__ б____ к_____ о___ к______ А-ы б-л-к к-т-р- о-о- к-ё-у-. ----------------------------- Аны белек катары ороп коёбуз. 0
Anı be--k ---a----r-p-ko-ob-z. A__ b____ k_____ o___ k_______ A-ı b-l-k k-t-r- o-o- k-y-b-z- ------------------------------ Anı belek katarı orop koyobuz.
The cashier is over there. Кас-- о--л---кта. К____ о___ ж_____ К-с-а о-о- ж-к-а- ----------------- Касса ошол жакта. 0
K---a-oş-l j-kta. K____ o___ j_____ K-s-a o-o- j-k-a- ----------------- Kassa oşol jakta.

Who understands whom?

There are about 7 billion people in the world. They all have a language. Unfortunately, it's not always the same. So in order to speak with other nations, we must learn languages. That is often very arduous. But there are languages that are very similar. Their speakers understand one another, without mastering the other language. This phenomenon is called mutual intelligibility . Whereby two variants are distinguished. The first variant is oral mutual intelligibility . Here, the speakers understand each other when they talk. They do not understand the written form of the other language, however. This is because the languages have different written forms. Examples of this are the languages Hindi and Urdu. Written mutual intelligibility is the second variant. In this case, the other language is understood in its written form. But the speakers do not understand each other when they speak to each other. The reason for this is that they have very different pronunciation. German and Dutch are examples of this. The most closely related languages contain both variants. Meaning they are mutually intelligible both orally and in written form. Russian and Ukrainian or Thai and Laotian are examples. But there is also an asymmetrical form of mutual intelligibility. That is the case when speakers have different levels of understanding each other. Portuguese understand Spanish better than the Spanish understand Portuguese. Austrians also understand Germans better than the other way around. In these examples, pronunciation or dialect is a hindrance. He who really wants to have good conversations must learn something new…