
en At the bank   »   ur ‫بینک میں‬

60 [sixty]

At the bank

At the bank

‫60 [ساٹھ]‬


‫بینک میں‬

[bank mein]

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I would like to open an account. ‫-----یک----و-ٹ--ھول-- چ-ہ-- -و--‬ ‫___ ا__ ا_____ ک_____ چ____ ہ____ ‫-ی- ا-ک ا-ا-ن- ک-و-ن- چ-ہ-ا ہ-ں-‬ ---------------------------------- ‫میں ایک اکاونٹ کھولنا چاہتا ہوں-‬ 0
m-in-a-- aka--t --ol-a---a-ta----n m___ a__ a_____ k_____ c_____ h___ m-i- a-k a-a-n- k-o-n- c-a-t- h-o- ---------------------------------- mein aik akavnt kholna chahta hoon
Here is my passport. ‫-- -یرا-پ-س--ر---ے-‬ ‫__ م___ پ______ ہ___ ‫-ہ م-ر- پ-س-و-ٹ ہ--- --------------------- ‫یہ میرا پاسپورٹ ہے-‬ 0
ye--m-r--p---po-- h-i - y__ m___ p_______ h__ - y-h m-r- p-s-p-r- h-i - ----------------------- yeh mera passport hai -
And here is my address. ‫ا-- -- --را--ت--ہ--‬ ‫___ ی_ م___ پ__ ہ___ ‫-و- ی- م-ر- پ-ہ ہ--- --------------------- ‫اور یہ میرا پتہ ہے-‬ 0
aur--eh m--- -a---hai-- a__ y__ m___ p___ h__ - a-r y-h m-r- p-t- h-i - ----------------------- aur yeh mera pata hai -
I want to deposit money in my account. ‫م-ں اپنے-ا--و-- --ں-پ--ے-----ک---نا-چ-ہتا ہوں-‬ ‫___ ا___ ا_____ م__ پ___ ج__ ک_____ چ____ ہ____ ‫-ی- ا-ن- ا-ا-ن- م-ں پ-س- ج-ع ک-و-ن- چ-ہ-ا ہ-ں-‬ ------------------------------------------------ ‫میں اپنے اکاونٹ میں پیسے جمع کروانا چاہتا ہوں-‬ 0
me-n---n--aka-nt -ei- pai--y daaln- --a--a--oon m___ a___ a_____ m___ p_____ d_____ c_____ h___ m-i- a-n- a-a-n- m-i- p-i-a- d-a-n- c-a-t- h-o- ----------------------------------------------- mein apne akavnt mein paisay daalna chahta hoon
I want to withdraw money from my account. ‫----اپ-ے-اکاون- -- پ----ن-ل---ا چاہتا --ں-‬ ‫___ ا___ ا_____ س_ پ___ ن______ چ____ ہ____ ‫-ی- ا-ن- ا-ا-ن- س- پ-س- ن-ل-ا-ا چ-ہ-ا ہ-ں-‬ -------------------------------------------- ‫میں اپنے اکاونٹ سے پیسے نکلوانا چاہتا ہوں-‬ 0
m-in-a-n--ak-v-- se-pai--- --k-lna-c-ah-a h-on m___ a___ a_____ s_ p_____ n______ c_____ h___ m-i- a-n- a-a-n- s- p-i-a- n-k-l-a c-a-t- h-o- ---------------------------------------------- mein apne akavnt se paisay nikalna chahta hoon
I want to pick up the bank statements. ‫میں -کا-نٹ -ا--وشوارہ لی-ا چ---- ----‬ ‫___ ا_____ ک_ گ______ ل___ چ____ ہ____ ‫-ی- ا-ا-ن- ک- گ-ش-ا-ہ ل-ن- چ-ہ-ا ہ-ں-‬ --------------------------------------- ‫میں اکاونٹ کا گوشوارہ لینا چاہتا ہوں-‬ 0
me-- -ka--t-----o-hw-r- c-a-t-----n m___ a_____ k_ g_______ c_____ h___ m-i- a-a-n- k- g-s-w-r- c-a-t- h-o- ----------------------------------- mein akavnt ka goshwara chahta hoon
I want to cash a traveller’s cheque / traveler’s check (am.). ‫-یں ٹریول-ز---ک کیش-ک-و--ا-چا----ہو--‬ ‫___ ٹ______ چ__ ک__ ک_____ چ____ ہ____ ‫-ی- ٹ-ی-ل-ز چ-ک ک-ش ک-و-ن- چ-ہ-ا ہ-ں-‬ --------------------------------------- ‫میں ٹریولرز چیک کیش کروانا چاہتا ہوں-‬ 0
m--n-t--ve-ers ch-c--ca-h--ara-a -h--t--ho-n m___ t________ c____ c___ k_____ c_____ h___ m-i- t-a-e-e-s c-e-k c-s- k-r-n- c-a-t- h-o- -------------------------------------------- mein travelers check cash karana chahta hoon
What are the fees? ‫-س--ی -یس کت-ی--ے-‬ ‫__ ک_ ف__ ک___ ہ___ ‫-س ک- ف-س ک-ن- ہ-؟- -------------------- ‫اس کی فیس کتنی ہے؟‬ 0
i- ---fe-s--itn- h--? i_ k_ f___ k____ h___ i- k- f-e- k-t-i h-i- --------------------- is ki fees kitni hai?
Where should I sign? ‫مج-ے---ا- د--خط -ر---چاہ-ے؟‬ ‫____ ک___ د____ ک___ چ______ ‫-ج-ے ک-ا- د-ت-ط ک-ن- چ-ہ-ے-‬ ----------------------------- ‫مجھے کہاں دستخط کرنا چاہیے؟‬ 0
m-jh--k-h-n da-t---at k-r----ai? m____ k____ d________ k____ h___ m-j-e k-h-n d-s-a-h-t k-r-a h-i- -------------------------------- mujhe kahan dastakhat karna hai?
I’m expecting a transfer from Germany. ‫م-ں --م-ی-----ن--آرڈر-کا--نتظ-ر -ر-ر-- ہو--‬ ‫___ ج____ س_ م__ آ___ ک_ ا_____ ک_ ر__ ہ____ ‫-ی- ج-م-ی س- م-ی آ-ڈ- ک- ا-ت-ا- ک- ر-ا ہ-ں-‬ --------------------------------------------- ‫میں جرمنی سے منی آرڈر کا انتظار کر رہا ہوں-‬ 0
m-i---erm--- s--money--rder-ka-----aar-ka--r-h---oon m___ G______ s_ m____ o____ k_ i______ k__ r___ h___ m-i- G-r-a-y s- m-n-y o-d-r k- i-t-a-r k-r r-h- h-o- ---------------------------------------------------- mein Germany se money order ka intzaar kar raha hoon
Here is my account number. ‫---م-را --ا-ن- نم-ر-ہے-‬ ‫__ م___ ا_____ ن___ ہ___ ‫-ہ م-ر- ا-ا-ن- ن-ب- ہ--- ------------------------- ‫یہ میرا اکاونٹ نمبر ہے-‬ 0
ye- m--a akav-t-n--b-r--ai-- y__ m___ a_____ n_____ h__ - y-h m-r- a-a-n- n-m-e- h-i - ---------------------------- yeh mera akavnt number hai -
Has the money arrived? ‫--ا پی-ے - چک- --ں؟‬ ‫___ پ___ آ چ__ ہ____ ‫-ی- پ-س- آ چ-ے ہ-ں-‬ --------------------- ‫کیا پیسے آ چکے ہیں؟‬ 0
k-a pai-ay--- -huke ----? k__ p_____ a_ c____ h____ k-a p-i-a- a- c-u-e h-i-? ------------------------- kya paisay aa chuke hain?
I want to change money. ‫-ی- -ہ پ----ت---ل کر-ا-چا----ہ---‬ ‫___ ی_ پ___ ت____ ک___ چ____ ہ____ ‫-ی- ی- پ-س- ت-د-ل ک-ن- چ-ہ-ا ہ-ں-‬ ----------------------------------- ‫میں یہ پیسے تبدیل کرنا چاہتا ہوں-‬ 0
m-in yeh--aisay-t-bdeel k--na ch---- -o-n m___ y__ p_____ t______ k____ c_____ h___ m-i- y-h p-i-a- t-b-e-l k-r-a c-a-t- h-o- ----------------------------------------- mein yeh paisay tabdeel karna chahta hoon
I need US-Dollars. ‫--ھ- ---ی-ن-ڈ--ر -- ض--رت----‬ ‫____ ا_____ ڈ___ ک_ ض____ ہ___ ‫-ج-ے ا-ر-ک- ڈ-ل- ک- ض-و-ت ہ--- ------------------------------- ‫مجھے امریکن ڈالر کی ضرورت ہے-‬ 0
m--he dol-ar-k---aroor---h---- m____ d_____ k_ z_______ h__ - m-j-e d-l-a- k- z-r-o-a- h-i - ------------------------------ mujhe dollar ki zaroorat hai -
Could you please give me small notes / bills (am.)? ‫---بان- -ر کے-مجھ- چھ--ے نوٹ--ے د---‬ ‫_______ ک_ ک_ م___ چ____ ن__ د_ د____ ‫-ہ-ب-ن- ک- ک- م-ھ- چ-و-ے ن-ٹ د- د-ں-‬ -------------------------------------- ‫مہربانی کر کے مجھے چھوٹے نوٹ دے دیں-‬ 0
m--arb------- ke ----e ch-o-te- ---e-de---ye m________ k__ k_ m____ c_______ n___ d______ m-h-r-a-i k-r k- m-j-e c-h-o-e- n-t- d-e-i-e -------------------------------------------- meharbani kar ke mujhe chhootey note deejiye
Is there a cashpoint / an ATM (am.)? ‫-یا--ہاں پ- پیس- نکال-ے-کی مشی--ہے؟‬ ‫___ ی___ پ_ پ___ ن_____ ک_ م___ ہ___ ‫-ی- ی-ا- پ- پ-س- ن-ا-ن- ک- م-ی- ہ-؟- ------------------------------------- ‫کیا یہاں پر پیسے نکالنے کی مشین ہے؟‬ 0
k-------n -a- --i-ay nik---t-----ma--ine hai? k__ y____ p__ p_____ n_______ k_ m______ h___ k-a y-h-n p-r p-i-a- n-k-a-t- k- m-c-i-e h-i- --------------------------------------------- kya yahan par paisay nikaalte ki machine hai?
How much money can one withdraw? ‫---- پ-سے-نک--- -- --ت- -یں-‬ ‫____ پ___ ن____ ج_ س___ ہ____ ‫-ت-ے پ-س- ن-ا-ے ج- س-ت- ہ-ں-‬ ------------------------------ ‫کتنے پیسے نکالے جا سکتے ہیں؟‬ 0
ki--ey p--sa--n-----y--a----ke --i-? k_____ p_____ n______ j_ s____ h____ k-t-e- p-i-a- n-k-l-y j- s-t-e h-i-? ------------------------------------ kitney paisay nikalay ja satke hain?
Which credit cards can one use? ‫---سا--ری-- ک--ڈ اس----- --- جا----- -ے-‬ ‫_____ ک____ ک___ ا______ ک__ ج_ س___ ہ___ ‫-و-س- ک-ی-ٹ ک-ر- ا-ت-م-ل ک-ا ج- س-ت- ہ-؟- ------------------------------------------ ‫کونسا کریڈٹ کارڈ استعمال کیا جا سکتا ہے؟‬ 0
ko-s- c-d- c-rd -st-m--- kya--- --kta -a-? k____ c___ c___ i_______ k__ j_ s____ h___ k-n-a c-d- c-r- i-t-m-a- k-a j- s-k-a h-i- ------------------------------------------ konsa crdt card istemaal kya ja sakta hai?

Does a universal grammar exist?

When we learn a language, we also learn its grammar. When children learn their native language, this happens automatically. They don't notice that their brain is learning various rules. Despite this, they learn their native language correctly from the beginning. Given that many languages exist, many grammar systems exist too. But is there also a universal grammar? Scientists have been studying this for a long time. New studies could provide an answer. Because brain researchers have made an interesting discovery. They had test subjects study grammar rules. These subjects were language school students. They studied Japanese or Italian. Half of the grammar rules were totally fabricated. However, the test subjects didn't know that. The students were presented with sentences after studying. They had to assess whether or not the sentences were correct. While they were working through the sentences, their brains were analyzed. That is to say, the researchers measured the activity of the brain. This way they could examine how the brain reacted to the sentences. And it appears that our brain recognizes grammar! When processing speech, certain brain areas are active. The Broca Center is one of them. It is located in the left cerebrum. When the students were faced with real grammar rules, it was very active. With the fabricated rules on the other hand, the activity decreased considerably. So it could be that all grammar systems have the same basis. Then they would all follow the same principles. And these principles would be inherent in us…